Displaying All Posts tagged with stress reduction

How to Overcome the Stress of Being an Overachiever

How to Overcome the Stress of Being an Overachiever

According to Dr. Phil, “we can’t change what we don’t acknowledge first.” With this being the case, I have finally come to terms with a plaguing issue that I’ve denied for many years: My name is Jennifer, and I am an overachiever.

There. I’ve said it. The proof is in the pudding.

Adorning my bedroom walls are dozens of plaques, commendations, and kudos from just about every avenue of my life: from grade school awards, to college scholarships, to writing competitions, to community service.

I say this not to brag, but to make a point. In 2005, in the hit movie “Hustle and Flow,” one of the main characters of the movie laments over how hard it is to be a successful hustler. This “baller” should try being an overachiever! Overachievers may not get the same street cred, or cool theme music, but they work just as hard and live in constant angst in their daily efforts to be the best at what they do.

Achievement becomes an addiction in which the “high” of success is often chased by additional acts of excellence and emotional and physical over investment. And to be quite honest, it can be rather exhausting.

Sure, for those of us who suffer this malady, we can say that it makes our moms proud, earns us a few bragging rights, and reasons to reward ourselves with chocolate and periodic shopping sprees, but somehow, somewhere, we have to draw the line.

For example, I was competing with a little girl at a close friend’s daughter’s birthday party, in a jump rope competition, and let’s just say that this kid proved to be a poor loser. But I was determined to outdo her.

Could you be an overachiever just like me?
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Anyone for a Pomegranate Cosmopolitan?

In a previous article, I supplied you with a recipe for the world’s best frozen margarita. Along this same spirituous vein, I am here to unveil another killer recipe – but this time for a cosmopolitan. Cosmos are extremely popular these days, and if you follow the cooking and drinking scene you’ll note that a very popular fruit which has been gaining more and more notoriety is the pomegranate. Pomegranate juice is readily available in stores and is one of the ingredients for this drink. So, without further adieu, I present an awesome Pomegranate Cosmopolitan recipe.

Add the following ingredients to a cocktail shaker:

  • Add plenty of shaved or cubed ice (3/4 full)
  • 3 oz of your favorite vodka
  • ½ oz of Grand Marnier
  • ½ oz of triple sec
  • the juice of one fresh lime
  • 100% pomegranate juice (add as much as you like, or just fill the shaker)

Shake thoroughly and strain into a glass of your choice. This recipe should make at least two decent size cosmos. I like to use the stemmed triangular glasses for this drink. I also like to serve it with ice in the glass, but that is your choice. You could just use the leftover ice that is in the shaker.

No matter which way you choose to serve it, relax and enjoy…and let me know how you like it! Click Here to Read Article …

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The World’s Best Frozen Margarita Recipe

It’s the weekend!

Put those quick recipes aside for a moment and relax with an ice cold beverage.  Take the time…you’ve earned it.

My drink of choice is the frozen margarita.  I’ve been drinking them for years and I’ve put that experience to good use; I have come up with the perfect recipe.  This is an awesome drink to have at the end of a hard week at the office.  Here, ladies and gentlemen, is my frozen margarita recipe:

Pour the following ingredients into a blender.

  • 3 ounces of your favorite tequila. I swear by Jose Cuervo Gold.
  • 1 ounce of your favorite triple sec.
  • 1 ounce of Grand Marnier.
  • 1 ounce of Rose’s Lime Juice.
  • The juice of one fresh lime.
  • Load up with ice.

Run your blender until the liquid is a frothy mixture.  Make sure you add enough ice so that there is a decent thickness to the liquid.  Slice a small wedge of lime and coat the rim of your margarita glass with the juice.  Pour some sea salt onto a dish and place the glass upside down so that the salt adheres to the glass rim.  When your drink is through blending, pour into the glass and enjoy!

I believe that this will be the best margarita you have ever tasted.  Take it from what my friends call me: Margarita Man. Click Here to Read Article …

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