Displaying All Posts by Kayla Albert

How to Avoid Office Conflict


Have you ever had to manage conflict at a job? When I was eighteen and fresh out of high school, I was offered my first job in which interacting with coworkers was a requirement.

I didn’t have much of anything to compare the experience to, but I sensed early on that there was some serious conflict brewing between the ladies I worked with. There was constant talking behind each other’s backs and harsh criticism was commonplace. Those who weren’t passive aggressive were just downright nasty.

But being the youngest in the bunch, I didn’t think it was my place to speak up and I feared that certain individuals would turn on me if I simply excused myself from the conflict. Click Here to Read Article …

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4 Secrets to Success when Starting a New Job

After graduating from college with a fairly broad degree, I quickly realized that my skill set for starting a new job wasn’t as specialized as I had hoped it would be. I knew that I was more than capable of learning new tasks, I just needed someone to take a chance and give me the kind of on-the-job training that would get me to the next level.

Unfortunately, the majority of companies I applied to just weren’t interested in hiring someone that wasn’t already proficient at using various computer programs or completing certain tasks, so I became accustomed to rejection.

Then, by luck or some other miracle, I received the job offer I had been waiting for. I spent the next few days celebrating the accomplishment and then, as I sat through orientation after orientation, I realized that I would need to soak up a significant amount of technical knowledge to be successful at this new job. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Make a Decision

Make a decision

Last summer, I found myself in a dilemma to make a decision. Amidst my struggle to find fulfillment from the various jobs, I was offered a regular salary and benefits kind of job. Being offered any type of employment after a particularly long dry spell was fantastic, but I was hung up on the fact that it wasn’t how I pictured it — the pay wasn’t great and the industry was one I never thought I’d be in.

I was faced with an important decision: Do I accept the new position and a chance at a little security, or continue searching for something different, something that fit the long laundry list of must-haves I had concocted for my professional life? Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Start Your Workday On the Right Foot

How to Start Your Workday On the Right Foot

Our mornings tend to set the tone for the rest of the day. If we’re frazzled and running behind, that can start a domino effect that continues to throw us off until we hit the pillow at night. On the other hand, starting off with an intention and a plan can lead to smooth sailing and an improved mood the rest of the day.

Here are a few ways you can start your workday on the right foot. Click Here to Read Article …

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5 Ways to Stay Productive When Working from Home

Stay Productive When Working from Home

As a freelance writer turned community manager, I’ve spent entire weeks working from my couch in my pajamas.

For many it sounds appealing — no commute time to wrestle with, no wardrobe requirements and no one standing over your shoulder requesting updates on your progress.

But I’ve also found that these are the same reasons why staying productive when working from home, sans a designated office, can be such a challenge. There’s not a pressing reason to leave the house or get dressed, and there is no one there keeping you from spending the afternoon eating junk food and watching trashy TV. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Get More Freelance Writing Work

Get more freelance writing work

When I jumped headfirst into the world of freelance writing, learning how to get more freelance work was the most daunting task I had. I compiled a list of job boards I would check on a daily basis, but what I quickly learned was that my search couldn’t start and end there.

After several hits and misses, I began realizing that landing gigs in the freelance world relied on my ability to be unconventional, and my willingness to do a few things for free before pulling in a paycheck. Click Here to Read Article …

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How Failure Can Help You Succeed

How Failure Can Help You Succeed

“The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.” ~ Elbert Hubbard

Most of us tend to avoid failure. We’d rather see ourselves victorious at the finish line then tending to a damaged ego and attempting to determine where things went wrong.

Clear-cut success and triumph offer a cleaner path, while failure is simply a breeding ground for lessons – lessons that can sometimes be tough or even painful to learn.

But the truth is, the most successful people in the world endured mountains of failure before reaching the peak of success; and it was those failures that actually prepared them for what came next. Could it be then that failure can help you succeed? Click Here to Read Article …

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5 Tips for Successful Salary Negotiations

Salary Negotiations

A few years ago, a friend was asked by a potential employer, “What would you need to get paid in order to not resent the fact that you have to do the work?”

Talk about being straightforward.

For me, salary negotiations have always been a bit of a stumbling block, an awkward dance between speaking my mind while also appeasing an employer or potential employer. There seems to always be a magic number, but neither party is anxious to disclose what their magic number is right off the bat. Click Here to Read Article …