It isn’t easy to be a terrific writer. It can be particularly hard to be able to write strong speeches. If you’re an aspiring speechwriter, you may feel as though you have your work cut out for you. Thankfully, mastering the art of speechwriting may be a lot less elusive than you imagine.
Be like Roger Wolfson. This acclaimed television writer gets to the point. He’s like so many of the greats in that he doesn’t overwhelm audience members with information overload ever. If you want people to be able to easily follow your speech, it can help you to break it up into a handful of basic ideas. Refrain from cramming your speech with fluff. Prioritize the topics that matter the most. Visit Wolfson on LinkedIn for additional inspiration.
Emulate your natural talking style. Some of the most capable speechwriters are the ones who take the natural and fluid approach. That means that they pen speeches in line with their natural talking styles. If you want listeners to be able to relate to the concepts you’re trying to get across, then you have to communicate like a living and breathing human being. Resist the urge to use overly complicated words. Make sure your enunciation is natural, too. If you portray yourself in a stiff and robotic manner, then you may risk seriously alienating the people you’re attempting to reach.
Be vivid. People appreciate things that are tangible. Some of the most compelling speeches in the world are the ones that are brimming with things that listeners can easily and swiftly grasp. Don’t confuse people with overly flowery and poetic sentences that may leave them scratching their heads in pure bewilderment. Talk to them using clear facts and logic. Provide people with vivid concepts that they can relate to fully.
Keep your sentences on the brief side. The reality is that many people these days have attention spans that are decidedly brief. That’s the reason it can be a huge mistake to saddle speech listeners with sentences that are overly lengthy. Conciseness is a rare and beautiful thing in the writing sector. If you want to give your audience a speech that conveys your message in a straightforward and thorough manner, then you have to resist the urge to bore listeners with sentences that seem to go on for ages.
Just say no to vagueness. Vagueness is a common issue in the speech realm. It’s also one that can bring on lasting harm. If you want to hook people in using your speech, you have to see to it first that they genuinely comprehend every single word that comes out of your mouth. That means that you have to leave vagueness at the front door. Entice people with words that make them think and picture things. If your speech is all about vague and faraway concepts that people cannot easily or realistically picture, it may put everyone to sleep instantly.
Identify your aim before doing anything else. It can a huge mistake to try to pen any kind of speech without identifying your primary aim in advance. If you’re not aware of what you want your speech to do for you, then you cannot be too surprised when it ends up not achieving much for you at all. If you want your speech to shine, then you have to be able to define what you want from it beforehand.
Get fully acquainted with all of your audience members. It isn’t uncommon at all for speechwriters who lack much experience to make the mistake of failing to research them at length. If you want to be able to strike a chord, then you have to know exactly who you’re communicating with, plain and simple. Study up on your audience members’ daily lifestyles, overall goals, pastimes, wishes—the whole nine yards. If you know your audience like the back of your hand, then you’ll be able to anticipate all of the topics that are most relevant to them. You will be able to cross off all of the topics that make them want to yawn as well.
Rehearsals can be priceless. Practice reciting your speech aloud. If you hear yourself saying things, then you may be able to decide whether they sound “correct” to you.