Being a manager in any industry can be a fulfilling job, but it can also be a difficult one. You will need to find the right balance of friendliness and authority. You will need to create a good team atmosphere whilst achieving the bigger goals. So how do you strike that balance?
1. Do Your Job
First and foremost do your own job. Managing people isn’t an excuse to let them do the work whilst you look on. Of course, sometimes your job may involve being more strategic but your staff will respect you for doing what needs to be done and being willing to pitch in like everyone else at times. Many of us have had managers who use their role as an excuse to do less or attend more meetings. Get the balance right and earn respect from your staff.
2. Acknowledge The Positive
See the positives in your staff and their work. Don’t be one of those bosses who only sees what’s missing rather than what’s been achieved. It is demoralizing for staff to have someone only see what they have done ‘wrong’. Positivity breeds positivity. Genuine and meaningful praise goes a long way. If this is difficult for you, get in the habit of noting down positive things you notice about how your staff work. Give feedback regularly and let them know that you see the good work they do.
Things don’t always go smoothly in any workplace. You are a manager, so you must be willing to manage. Some people find it hard to set boundaries or give feedback but it is important to get over that hurdle. If you need some help with this don’t be afraid to ask your own boss for help or request training. It doesn’t come naturally to everyone. You can make a work situation worse by not being clear with staff if you are hesitant about managing. People appreciate genuine leadership. Practice managing and making the tough decisions. These things get easier with practice but people will appreciate knowing where you stand and any changes they need to make.
3. Be Vulnerable
If you make a mistake, be big about it and apologize. It can be scary and seem like you are making yourself vulnerable, but your staff will appreciate your honesty. No one expects a manager to be super human. Everyone likes someone who takes responsibility for your actions. Being honest will help you create a culture of honesty.
4. Be Real With People
The way we work is changing. You don’t have to be superhuman or untouchable. Be the real human being that you are. Let people at work know about your life and find out about others. If you let people know the “real you” it is much easier than having different personalities for your work and home life.
Let your staff know what’s going on behind the scenes, as appropriate. If something will affect a member of staff, make sure they are included in the communication. This doesn’t mean you have to let your staff know everything. Sometimes keeping communications back until the correct time can save panic and needless worrying. Communicate appropriately and consistently but be aware of how communication (or lack of it) can affect your staff.
5. Lead By Example
If you want your staff to behave in a certain way (professional, good team players), then lead by example. It is not fair to expect your staff to do something if you are not doing it yourself.
6. Be Self Aware
Be aware of your moods and how you communicate. You may not realise how much of an impact you have on your team as a manager. You may know you are in a bad mood about the dog chewing your shoes this morning but staff may feel that they have done something wrong if they don’t know this! Be aware of how and what you communicate. Your team will pick up on it.
7. Have Fun
Having fun at work can help make the work easier for everyone, forge positive relationships and strengthen your team. There is usually room for more fun in any work environment, but if the nature of your work makes that difficult, be sure to schedule fun activities when you can. Meeting for lunch or drinks after work can help build relationships and help your team to see you and each other in a new light. If you create a positive work atmosphere it also becomes easier to deal with challenges as they arise.
8. Trust Yourself
At the end of the day, there is no one right way to be a manager. Trust yourself and learn through your mistakes. Managing others is a great way to develop and enhance your leadership skills and create a positive work experience for yourself and others.
Are you or have you been a manager? What advice would you add to this list?
how to be a good manager, how to be a manager, good manager, how to become a good manager, how to be a great manager, how to be a good boss, what makes a good manager, how to be a successful manager, how to become a manager, new manager tips
I would also like to add be a team player, as part of being a good manager if you can have good relation ship with your team and employees, they will want to work for you, if you go that extra mile for them, they will appreciate it and you will get the best out of them.
Great point… “Team player” is one of my favorites words as a manager.
Great point Wasim – a good relationship with your team pays dividends. As you say, people want to go the extra mile for people they respect and feel appreciated by.
i think every one is a leader who believe on his own self and who can control his nerves in difficulties.
#5 is my favorite. It is really easy for me to recognize a manager I’ll like and this is typically one of the top determining factors.
Yes, me too Bryce! Walking the talk is so important. Without the action to back up the words, you will lose the respect of your employees. Thanks for joining in the conversation. 🙂
Hope that you don’t mind that I translated the article to Spanish with the appropriate attribution: http://www.enespanol.com.ar/2011/02/10/8-consejos-rapidos-para-ser-mejor-jefe/
Thanks for spreading the word Toote. It may just be worth dropping the editor a message to let them know.
Thanks, Jen 🙂
Thanks for letting us know…and spreading the WorkAwesome word! Even better, thanks for properly attributing the author. Jen deserves the credit!
Excellent points. It’s so important to earn the respect of your employees. I’ve never understood managers who expect their employees to work late and leave early. I would also add that managers, as difficult as this might be, should try to avoid succumbing to the urge to gossip with their employees.
I totally agree Ronika! I think some managers think because they are in that position, they are entitled to do things like that, but I really think leading by examples pays dividends. As a good manager I had once said, “don’t expect your staff to do anything you wouldn’t do yourself”.
Your point about not gossiping with employees is a great one. I have had managers that have done things like that (including whispering with another member of staff about other employees whilst in the office!). It erodes trust and respect and creates bad feelings ultimately. Definitely one to be avoided!
I totally agree with your point of managers gossiping with and about staff members! For as long as I can remember I worked under a manager and there was always one that felt the need to gossip! Today I was offered a branch Manager position after being an external sales executive for over 15 years. I have been treated like dirt and been back stabbed so many times, I lost count years ago! Today I stand up to say, I will do my utmost best to treat all my staff with equal respect and work just as hard as they do. I know what it feels like being yelled at and even at time sworn at! Thanks for the tips! xxx
Congratulations Michelle! And sooo good to hear that.
Holy crap! This entire thing explains why my last job was a failure… my previous manager would do well to put this article to practice, lol.
Great article Jen! I would like to add one point:
Eliminate ‘blame culture’ by making it ok to make genuine mistakes. Indemnify people who are honest about their errors & work proactively to solve the problem rather than pointing fingers.
Unfortunately, too many work environments are ‘blame focused’ which not only makes people fearful & dishonest but lowers morale & kills team spirit!
Great call Gina, I call it “accountability”
Indeed, be real with people. Being real is showing honesty, openness and also humility to your subordinates. It can also mean that you truly is sincere to them. By doing, understanding exists between managers and subordinates. Great article, thanks for sharing Jen. Surely managers will learn from this post.
Jen great article, now everything is making sense!
Hello everyone! its fun reading all of these tips and conversation in this site ive learned a lot as a manager its helps me doing my job much better! thanks Guys!! God Bless you all!
Hi, I would like to thank the write for this awesome article also I want to take his opinion about being a new to management…What is the best way to make the relation between me and the employees stronger and let them to feel comfortable working with me…I can feel that they don’t even take it from me any serious! I was at the same position but later I got a raise and I become the manager! so what is the best way to set the limits and make things to be so real? …
I also was promoted from the team to become a manager. The first thing you need to do is to stop every urge to show off or enforce the newly acquired “power”. Give them respect and they will respect you back. “Ask” for favors rather than “order” them to do things. Never ever use any personal information you might know about your employee against them or gossip about them. Involve them as “part of the solution” rather than giving out their share of work. That will cause them to be disconnected from the solution. Turn your project/work around as their project/work by “empowering” them to making decisions along with you. Ask for opinions and when you find good suggestions give them credit for it. We all know how good we feel when we work on a project/work we own, or we thought of, even if it is a small part of it.
Actually i have learn lots of useful informaton from these 8 tips there for i think it is really useful for a manager, even it is so simple but i was not aware of that gains thanks for that kind of great information.
All the 8 tips are of good help to me because i am new in this field of management and i am always afraid to point out thing but this page have really helped me learn a lot.
Put yourself in the place of your employee and give them the priveliges you gave yourself , if only for a short time . Then you wil know how they feel . Also get to know your basic conditions of employment act , labour Relations act and basic human rights acts. If all else fails consult your Union Chairpersons with the help of your Labour relations Officer.
From a Chairperson.
Hospersa ( left )
P.S.A. ( Newly )
This is a great perspective for the “good vs. bad” manager. Take it a step further and this is an excellent observation of what the requirement is for a leader in all facets of our lives. We need “bottom-up” leadership in business and society alike. I challenge myself as a leader to truly observe, listen, encourage, and lead by doing when required. I recognize that I am only as good as my team which is why I am passionate about empowering my team to become better problem solvers and I don’t disguise my belief that they are the experts and I can learn from them. We need more Leaders in this world, we have enough Managers!
good ideass !!
thank you for the tips will teach them to my staff members so that we become an effective team & produce the results our organisation wants to see.
first of all i will say thanks for this eight points .
really this is an very important points which i must appreciate the work done by you is nice .
but if you have some other data or you know some good online books plz. tell me thanks ……….
Thank you so much for these 8 tips! I am returning to management for a 2nd time and I really want to be an effective manager this time around. The problems I have are much like the “new manager”, I was promoted to manage the employees that I worked beside and they are my friends. So, I guess my question is how to be an effective manager to employees that are my friends and we were equals?? Any advice is welcome!
I am having the same problem as a newly appointed shift manager! I am actually having issues with certain employees who have decided to break some rules and when I nicely confront them about it, stressing I do not want them to be fired and they need to stop, both have taken an attitude that all the other managers allow them to do this and so I need to let it go.
Sadly, there is truth in this; so, do I turn a blind eye and not create a storm or do I bring this to the general manager’s attention and hope things do not get ugly (“she’s letting power go to her head” or the dreaded “wow, she turned into a bitch!”)?
#2,#4 and #…. I like these points.
Being in the post of Manager and to understand the atmosphere around you in the company and also to understand the mind setup of your team members (Individually) is really a tough job.
Be precise and always true and straight from your heart….
is the best mantra for being good.
They are real good points and clear all an anticipated mistates that woud otherwise cost a manager. But please, can you take into consideration of staffs with unpredicted behaviour who wouldn’t pay dividends to all almost eigth criteria above explaned, and still bring trouble to a manager. I stand ready to be corrected
Yes, all these tips are a must in being a great manager. Also, you must not forget being consistent, fair and organized. I have been in positions where employees were on vacation and here I was thinking they did not show up. Being organized will prevent such things. Being consistent to the point where you ALWAYS handle a situation in the same manner or fashion. You may find it that you may take it easier sometimes on an employee that you favor. Things like that should not exist in your position. Be consistent all around.
All the 8 tips are of good help to me because i am new in this field of management and i am always afraid to point out thing but this page have really helped me learn a lot.
I like this article a lot. I am adding below tips in this.
(1) Communication
(2) Patience
Wort reading…
Its hard for me to work with co workers that expect you to do all the work. my boss said i could get my 2nd raise. how do i go about ask about gettin that. ive always heard u do the work before u get the pay.i also have a manager who wont say anything the whole shift. weird,
I am a new manager. I manage two workers in the ag. business. We are all the same age and I am left in charge to keeping things running. I care about my job and seem to worry to much. Which stresses me out. I feel that my workers may not take me seriously. I enjoyed the 8 tips. They will be helpful!
I have being a manager, for the past 1 year. My staff do not respect me as a manager. What will i do to make my staff repect me and do a good job to the tast of a customer.
My advice would be that you need to first understand why they don’t respect you. Sometimes we feel that we are not respected when it is only that we are feeling insecure. You need to be able to make a choices and not doubt yourself. Try asking others for their opinion on the subject before making your decision. That way you make them part of the choice and they feel that they are contributing and makes them feel part of the company.
pull out the rule book, challenge the most problematic employee and dicipline them. That should do it. Nobody likes a soft arse.
You need to have a 1-on-1 with each of them to find out exactly what they want in general. It could be more money, more/less responsibilities or even a change in business processes. When you find out what they want make promises to them on what you can deliver. For example, if you are in sales you can tell them I will give you a raise if you can hit and sustain $X. The key here is to deliver on your promise consistently and timely.
After you discuss what they want, you need to tell them what you expect as a minimum. For example you can say I expect you to show up on time everyday. Failure will result in a write-up. Make promises on corrective actions if the minimum is not met. Like above, the key here is to deliver on your promise consistently and timely.
Very nice and practical ideas..i am a new manager and till now what i have experienced from my few days job is that, patience is the key to all success in life…So, my advice to all my mates participating in this conversation is be patient with your workers.
Dear friends, you are right.
but there are some problems in some communities to manage them.
for example, in Afghanistan the best manager is a manager who has the right to terminate an employ, other ways he can not be an excellent manager however he has all managing points. could you please tel me know what king of management is good for them.
I have had my share of employees who seem to be trouble makers. What I do is hold a clear talk with them and let them know which behaviours are unacceptable.
I have also had to fire a few employees (those positions which could be replaced easily) which I have done and also keep the trouble makers (people who could not be replaced easily at that time). It takes a lot of patience (to not say things that you may have going), determination (I have had a person shout at me because I did not approve of his request), and a lot of support from your superiors.
To be a manager, only can handle the relationship with employee is not enough…… well, how about the management team members, how about our boss…… We, the manager, just like a bridge link between the upper and the lower layer. This job is really really not easy because the skill is different as when we face to our boss, our staffs and our team members!!
I think I need a senior to be my teacher ….. all these can not be learnt from any one of the management course!!
Great 8 tips indeed.If you’re a manager you have to talk the talk,walk the walk ,be visible and lead by example.If you can do just this, I promise you’ll never go wrong.
All of this is very true, I would also like to add that as a manager it is very important to
try and respect your employees culture (where they come from). You should be
able to be flexable enough to say…”I understand”.
Being able to know when to give a little and where to apply the brakes.
Thanks to all of you. Management is really a big part of our life. It makes our life perfect.
I like all that i have read above and i have just got a job of being an overall company manager and am wondering how to go about it, am just new in the field ( just graduated).
Any suggestions and advices are very welcome,
Doreen Anyijukire
good web
great points there and agree with them all.
Great article.
I would add though that you shouldnt be afraid of been brutaly honest with employees that are under performing. stern, straight, honest sort it out or as lord sugar would say “your fired”. (obviously following your companies D&G guidelines before doing so) Some people cant be saved
a nice and appreciable thing to enhance the ability of any person
I belive to be a good manager needs experince and it depends strongly on your personality and the way you are grown up . The tips might help to some extent.
i am going for an interview for a position in Manger Investigation, i have not been in a managerial position before, what should i expect?
i’m just looking for a little guidance here – i was appointed to manage a team of 8 medical typists middle of june this year:
their personalities, of course, are varied and i’ve got a martyr (top performer), two sulkers, a drama queen, a warm self-confident woman who works well but chats quite a lot, and a quiet mouse with sharp teeth!
on a recent team building day we worked on resolving longstanding interpersonal stresses within the team. the resolution we all made to become a stronger happier and more efficient team, has floated out of reach.
i’m so tightly wrapped up in trying to keep everyone happy and still keep them working within parameters that i seem to have become too controlling and it’s lowering morale markedly. help!
I have an issue with Point 1.
A good manager acts as a catalyst in the reaction of work. This means they don’t need to do anything other then be present for work to be done. This isn’t as easy as it sounds; it takes a lot of coaching and development to get your team to this stage.
As a manager I am not at this stage yet. I am constantly striving to develop my team and many of them have been promoted out of my team. I tell my team everyday, it’s my goal to do nothing all day and I’m not there yet.
These 8 tips which given here, are really helpfull to me for the team handling
My Manager appreciates employees who never say “No”.
My Group Leader appreciates and praises those employees who play table tennis in working hours and then work late in evenings.
Great Tips.
Managing people is an art as many say.
A manager should have good emotional stability. He/she can’t be at different moods always regardless of the situations at home or at work.
A manager should know when he/she shouldn’t criticize a subordinate even if they are wrong. Always ensure that a manager values human rights with utmost priority.
Even if a manager is a subject matter expert, his/her people management skill is the determining factor as to whether he/she is a right choice of leading a team that not necessarily a big team but a team consists of single member. This explains on how important a manager’s role is. If any manager reading this and thinks that he/she fits into this category, please speak to your boss and do the job independently as you are the subject matter expert and not a people manager.
A manager’s people management skill must be audited by a confidential survey (by their direct reports) regularly and that will give a picture of the managers’ performance. A company might lose good talents if they have bad managers.
Please conduct Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ) Test for all the mangers/teams to understand each other better.
Couldn’t agree more! A great reminders to all leaders out there. An effective manager plus a good business management ~ this would help in achieving goals and building a strong relationship with our colleagues.
Management is the of Responsibility & Manager is a Good Leader , Equality is his team , Don not Personalized with employees in Pvt Company some time want to surgery butt be don’t do this Treat it is motivate then u will be a good manager
Just want to add that a good Manager ALWAYS follow through on tasks, staff concerns, day to day issues, etc. in a timely manner.
Ive read all your comments and starting a new job in a management capacity,this will really help alot.Now all i have to do is put into practice all the experience i have and everything i just read here.
Thanx guys
I am starting at a new golf course this year as a banquet manager, there is some staff there that are new, some from the year or years before and also some comig with me from my previous job; however, i was not a manager at my previous job and am kind of being thrown into this position. I dont know most of the staff and am their same age and feel they dont take me seriously( ie new girls ask other girls that have worked there for previous years ) questions instead of me also my boss has not been clear with me on my responsibilities and expectations they have for me , so i just worked a huge sunday buffet- and it blew up in my face( girls werent listening to me i didnt know how it was supposed to be setup or where anything was etc) now ive sat down with my boss and have a clearer idea of what my role is however i have shown to be a poor manager to my staff now so how do i reconnect and show myself to be worthy of their respect and hard work?
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
your 8 points are very good I just want to add some,
1. create clarity around direction and priorities
2. Aligns the entire team around common objectives
3. Develops an ability and a willingness to learn from mistakes
4. Keeps moving forward and changes direction when necessary
As a manager, rebuilding trust cost you 7.2 time’s, so one must follow your 8 tips and try to do it ride.
Just want to add that a good Manager empower employees by:commiting for the long haul,reward and recognize positive result of empowerment,paint a picture of what they want to acomplish,they have fun with staff.
Avoid disprate attemps to comfuse to the facts of the solutions that could be cherist in work place .
Being a manager, time fly’s and there is nothing worst when you run out of time.
Then you glimpse at your desk and there’s a list of notes all over your desk of things you should of done.
Well I have the solution to that. Instead of leaving notes to remind you, just do it straight away instead of leaving it for the end of the day. Not only will you have extra time up your sleeve, you will build a reputation amongst your peers and employee’s as the person who gets things done.
Remember leadership is a mind set. Once you set your mind the impossible becomes possible. Seventy five percent of people who leave there job hate there bosses. So always lead by example. I am considered as a mentor to my peers and employee’s. In order to develope role models within the work place you must be one yourself.
I have plenty advise to give out but for now I think the seed I have left in your head will be enough for know. Don’t want to over load you so fell free to send me a reply if you would like any advise from me.
Thank you all for your time.
Mr Paul H Wright.
The most important thing I have learned about my role as a manager is networking.
You are only as strong as your network. You never know when you need advise or help from a work colleague so don’t burn bridges. The person you have upset could be your boss one day and in big Industries such as mine it happens all the time.
I asked my boss once, what makes everyone want to work for you? Why are you such a popular manager, with everyone liking you, working very hard for you? His answer was quite simple. Give and Take….He said. Give away all the praise, and Take all the blame. This creates very loyal workers who will go the extra mile for you. They come to know you will praise them for the good, and protect them from the bad.
I just received a promotion at work that will probably upset a few people I work with directly. They don’t know about it yet but I want to be able to gain their respect. I know currently they don’t have much respect for me but I think it’s because they see me as a “push over”. I am wondering that when my title change comes into play what should I do with these 5 people that will be under me? Any suggestions will be a huge help:)
Hello friends. .am also a manager ..bt problem is this nobody follows me
To be a good MANAGER , very much need it to take some contribution in their team work because that can be more helpful for build a good relationship between team and manager .
very useful tips and suggestions !!
as i’m ”newly manager” 🙂
will try to follow all these advices and yes i’will try not to be a pain for my any staff person.
thanks to the auther.
Hey sarah my problem is same as yours..give me any tips if u have found a way out..
Any tips from anyone on a newly promoted supervisor goes into a new building with a new staff. Do you stay quiet for a while and learn the system or do you come out and make a stand so they know where you stand right away.
Experience makes a great manager, knowing your position and your staff is paramount. This post has all the attributes of being a great manager. Managing people is an art, I have been a manager for many years and in many blue chip companies (just under Director level) Your staff are the face of the company and if you do not show your soft skills then your staff will not respect you and resent your presents. Its very hard moving through the ranks and gaining the respect. However I have come through the ranks (a long journey) and have respecting my piers in the way they have led, some I have not, however I have still supported. Many have thought the mangers above them have an easy life, but as a manager you have the focus of the staff as well as the managers above them, additionally the job in hand . The biggest problem is when your so good at your job, why should the manager above you promote you? My ethos is support your manager, sell the company (not in monetary terms) and look after your staff, don’t dismiss them when they ask for help, train them, help them and understand that like everyone all anyone wants to be told is well done, especially when a hard days work has been accomplished. Great Management is human nature, understanding the needs of those above and those that will be future managers. I Hope this helps…
Agree 100% with the POSITIVITY tip. We list 3 core characteristics of great managers, and being positive is one of them: http://blog.lalocalseo.com/post-11-How-to-be-a-Great-Manager-%7C-Lessons-from-an-Experienced-SEO