Being a software professional for the past 20 years or so, I have found that I cannot leave my work at the office. I am constantly trying to figure out answers to problems that I may have at work.
In fact, more often than not, on the drive home, I tend to solve a problem that I may have been having all day long. Even though I do bring my PC home with me, I may not even turn it on while I am at home. Simply the process of leaving the office, and getting away from the workplace environment, stirs something within my mind that allows me to figure things out.
Where do you find is the best place for solving work problems?
Sometimes I want to go where everybody knows my name, and they’re always glad I came. I wanna be where I can see, my troubles are all the same.
I wanna be where everybody knows my name.
Hi Brandon,
I don’t blame you and somehow I think work problems are far from your mind at the time.
Bob Bessette
I’m sorry, but this is a pretty weak article; this is more akin to a twitter post than being valid enough for taking space here.
I’m not sure why some of the articles here are so dang small; it seems not worth the writer’s time, not the readers’ time.
Brandon’s reply was funny and made me laugh, but the article didn’t really do anything for me.
If you’re looking for some of my reasoning:
Your article consisted of 629 characters…
Your Bio (including your name) has 619…
Doesn’t that seem a little off-balance to you?
I have to agree. I am sorry but this article was a waste of a page. You could answer it in 140 characters.
Where do you find is the best place for solving work problems? “Out of the office.” (83 characters)
Thanks for the feedback. As mentioned to our previous commenter, these shorter articles are meant to create a discussion. I’d say they are not a “waste of a page” – but if they aren’t your cup of tea, then leaving a constructive comment is the best way to say so.
Perhaps using Twitter as means to draw out these discussions is worth experimenting with, though.
These short pieces are meant to elicit conversation, make people think and respond with not only a short answer – but perhaps an explanation as to why they gave such an answer.
Thanks for the feedback, though. We’re still fleshing out how long and what to discuss with these shorter pieces…any suggestions you may have are appreciated.
I didn’t want to come across as rude, just not “inspired” by this article.
If I had good suggestions I’d have a successful blog myself (which I don’t).
I’m really just looking for more “meat” in an article; I love most of the content I’ve read on Work Awesome so far though.
You didn’t come across that way; just wanted to let you know what the intent of the shorter pieces are. Ultimately, we’re here to serve the readers…such as yourself.
Not every article is going to speak to everyone but, rest assured, we’re taking into account every bit of feedback from our readers as we tinker with the site’s newer direction.
Thanks for reading – and for the comments! It’s only going to make us more, er, awesome!
I guess the best place to solve my work related work problems is at work. I pretty much can solve them at work. I like to keep my mind in ‘out of work mode’ when I am not working.
It is typical for me to solve the work problem on the ride home from work. There is something about getting away from it all and just vegging out driving home. I’m really not sure why the solution comes to me at that time but oftentimes it does.
I can certainly understand why you try to keep your mind in “out of work” mode while out of work. To be honest, it is easier for me if I solve the problem on the ride home rather than it bothering me for the rest of the night.
Bob Bessette
As people who design or write software, solving problems is a constant part of the business. I like the article just fine.
Like when I’m in college in a math class, I can’t finish the problem to save my life. When I get home I solve it in a few minutes, I believe relaxing and letting things “flow” gets another part of your brain going. I believe that part shuts off during high periods of concentration. Because I can tell you concentration alone all the time does not solve problems for me.
Thanks for the “vote of confidence”. The short article is meant to elicit conversation as you have certainly added here. It sounds like you are just like me. There is something about relaxation that puts me in a problem-solving mode. It sounds like great minds think alike.
Bob Bessette
Have you ever wondered why you lose weight, only to sabotage yourself
and put the weight right back on. Then they’ll be able to provide you with an easy to follow plan, and help to embed the appropriate information into your subconscious mind. That is misrepresenting whatever they specified for regarding.