The human brain is said to be the most advanced and capable machine. After all, it’s humans who created super computers, isn’t it? That said, your brain needs a bit of oiling if you want to keep it healthy and deliver a better performance. Here are five tips to increase brain power:
1. Solve Puzzles, Play Games
Playing a game of Sudoku or attempting to solve a difficult crossword sets your brain cells in action. Doctors often advise people who report focus problems to play a video game for few minutes everyday to boost brain’s ability to focus on one thing at a time.
2. Consume Almonds and Other Brain Food
Some food items help in improving brain power. Almonds do it, I know. Many other do as well. Research and find them out. Then? Eat them, obviously.
3. Meditate
Meditation is easier said than done. But if you could include it in your daily routine and practice it diligently, it would go a long way in giving you a better memory and – overall – a better brain.
4. Imagine…
…positive situations and outcomes. That’s what Napolean Hill said in Think and Grow Rich isn’t it. Imagining good things and filling your brain with positive thoughts has to have a good effect on the brain itself.
5. Follow a Sleep and Wake up Routine
One day you are night owl and other day, you wake up at 5. This randomness of your sleep pattern is neither good for your body nor for your brain. Sleep sound, wake up fresh and try to stick to a routine (at least on weekdays ).
What else do you recommend to boost brain power?
how to increase brain power, yhsm-inucbr_001, how to increase mind power, increase mind power, how to improve brain power, increase brain power, HOW TO IMPROVE MIND POWER, mind power tips, improve brain power, increasing brain power
Great article and some very good pieces of information that I never knew about before — like almonds. I love ’em, and now I’ll eat them more often
However, I disagree with #1 and think you’re missing the most important factor of all – exercise. Here’s an article I read on BNET that explains where I’m coming from…
“When the cognitive scientist Dan Simons… was inevitably asked whether there were anything we could do to enlarge the capacity of our minds. The answer was an emphatic “no.” There are hard limits to what our brains will do, and no amount of Baby Mozarts or Brain Trainers will alter that. Practice, Simons says, will improve specific skills but not general abilities. Doing Sudoko will make you better at Sudoko; it won’t raise your GMAT scores.
Is there anything that truly enhances cognition? Yes, says Simons: exercise. Experiments by his colleague Arthur Kramer showed that walking for a few hours a week led to large improvements on cognitive tasks. Stretching and toning exercises had no cognitive benefits, but aerobic exercise, which increases blood flow to the brain, did. Seniors who walked for just 45 minutes a day for three days a week showed better preservation of their brains in MRI scans. Exercise, Simons concludes, improves cognition broadly by increasing the fitness of your brain.”
Chad, while I would whole heartedly agree that exercise is good for brain and I’d have included it in a longer post on the same topic, solving puzzles and playing games is known to enhance brain power too.
I am not in a position to contradict what the cognitive scientist mentioned but I have read numerous articles on prestigious journals which support the point #1. I am not saying that it will help you tremendously but in the long run it does help your brain.
And to be honest, I don’t need a study to validate it. I have seen real life examples on that. I have friends who are extremely good at solving puzzles and I have found that on a number of occasions that they are able to solve problems and take decisions faster than me. All that cannot be a coincidence.
Interesting. Out of curiosity (and not to suggest you’re wrong), could you provide a few of the articles on the forementioned prestigious journals?
I can understand how solving puzzles could make you better at solving puzzles – and perhaps have some minor practical application. But I can’t see how playing video games could make your brain more capable of performing high-functional activity in the real world.
Here’s one you can check out –
Brain training games fail to improve IQ says study
Very interesting article, I particularly like the part about playing video games! I would also recommend having oily fish such as mackerel, as this is brilliant for increasing your brain power.
Shaking up your routine and doing something new can’t be understated either!
Thanks for the post! I agree with Chad about exercise being crucial. I would also add reading, reading and more reading. Thanks and have a great weekend!
Thanks For Great Object I Behavior The Solve Puzzles, Play Games Is Best a way to Increase Brain Power …
Studies indicate that training your brain doesn’t result in more brain power.
Hello everyone!
I usually get up every day at 7.00 am, I run and I make yogilates to alternate days, I feel very well and with a fresh mind to work the rest of the day.
Balanced eating and sleeping 7-8 hours, make feel good.
It seems a cliche, but the fact is that des after almost four months doing, my work and family life has improved greatly.
Great post, thank you for sharing.
Talking about food that can make your brain healthier, I found this post on the web, very interesting as well.
“10 Foods Proven to Boost Brain Power” (
Great post, thank you for sharing.
Talking about food that can make your brain healthier, I found this post on the web, very interesting as well.
“10 Foods Proven to Boost Brain Power” (
It really good trick to improve the IQ. i am fully agree with these tips.
Here’s a list of a brain games on Facebook that can help increase your brain power –
I think ,its difficult to say but most important thing is to think positive, this nature can help to other’s to increase power of confidence,and also Brain power;
When I was young, I believed that eating peanuts really help boost the brain, especially the memory. When I was growing up, this belief changed as others claim it’s just a myth. But I am glad I was right all along. Eating peanuts (almonds) can really help.
Healthy foods are without a doubt the fastest way to a helathier brain. I also believe that rewiring your thought process with techniques like mind mapping can also help improve brain power. I’ve also used subliminal affirmations in the past & I’ve noticed some good results in my ability to understand things.
Scientific studies done by UCLA seggests that meditation helps to develop the brain creating stronger connections between brain cells and increase the amount of folds in the cerebral cortex.
really it so so good . following this i got improvement in our self . i did never knew about almond for boost
I think those are all great points but there is nothing more powerful than reading technical or new material 1-3 hours per day. That increase brain power all day everyday and you can use meditation to do a sort of disk defragment on your brain.
Nice piece of content. Human brain is a woderful thing and interestingly most of the brain powers remain untapped! It should be our top priority to utilise the infinite brain powers as much as possible to shine in our chosen fields of activity. Anyway thanks a ton for sharing your knowledge with us.
GooD Article.. IT helped
thanks for it… 
Switch the side of your mouse-pad
By switching the side of your mouse-pad you will force yourself to use your non-dominant hand. This, in turn, will stimulate the neural connections between the right and left hemispheres on your brain. Scientific research confirmed that people that use both hands equally have 10% more nerve fibers joining the two sides of the brain.
Ideally you want to perform as many activities as possible with your non-dominant hand, but some of them might become cumbersome. I tried to brush my teeth using my left hand for one week or so, only to find out that the tartar was building up.
Using the mouse with the opposite hand is something that you can easily integrate into your life. During the first couple of days it will feel weird, and you might need to switch back when using programs that require intense “clicking” sessions. After this adaptation phase however, you’ll be navigating the computer just as efficiently with both hands.
I like your the post so much.
I have read and write a lot of about the topic, but it’s the first time I learned about eating almonds to improve mind power.
I wanna focus on meditation to improve mind power, There is a type of meditation used for so, it’s called alpha meditation. Any details about it?
Thanks again
Great tips! From my personal experience, the most powerful tool that I have ever come across has been meditation and visualization (imagining positive things as you wrote in the post). These two tools have served me to be much more focused in my life.
“Almonds does it, I know.”
Almonds may not necessarily improve brain power. If they did, the almond consumer who penned this piece would have written “Almonds do it, and I know they do.”
Just saying.
HA! Touche … I have edited the post to reflect that