Today marks the launch of our latest enhancement to the WorkAwesome site: the WorkAwesome podcast.
This weekly podcast will feature tips and tricks, motivation and inspiration, reviews and interviews – and much more. Hosted by yours truly, WorkAwesome editor Mike Vardy, the aim of the podcast is to bring you some of the things we’re doing at WorkAwesome in a different context – and with additional content to boot.
Our inaugural podcast features an interview with Jonathan Mead, best known for his website Illuminated Mind. Not only was he kind enough to share his take on doing awesome work, but he offered our WorkAwesome faithful a chance to win a free enrollment to his Paid to Exist program. To win, you need to leave a comment answering the following:
“What you would create or do if you had the ultimate freedom to do so?”
We’ll compile all the comments and draw one lucky winner to be announced here at WorkAwesome on Monday November 22.
As always, we want to know what you’d like to see in the WorkAwesome podcast – share your thoughts with us below as well. We’ll be sure to announce when the podcast shows up in iTunes — we’re still waiting on that. Follow us on Twitter and our Facebook page and you’ll be brought up to speed when we go live.
Enjoy the podcast!
[powerpress url=”http://workawesome.podbean.com/mf/web/qnm5q/Episode1_JonathanMead.mp3″]
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UPDATE: You can now subscribe to the podcast in iTunes here.
I am happy to see a new podcast on this topic so congrats and good luck! I haven’t listened to the entire podcast yet due to my schedule but I would like to make a suggestion. One thing that I, and others, miss about the Freelance Switch podcast was the small time they took to suggest useful tools and websites they liked to use to help make the listeners more productive. I hope this will be something that you will consider if not already have done. Can’t wait to listen to the rest of the show!
Thanks for the comment!
While the first podcast is more of an introduction – as well as the interview – there will be recommendations offered. Sites and tools are just the beginning. The goal is to make the WorkAwesome podcast as useful to our listeners as the site is to our readers. I hope you’ll stick around for the ride!
Very cool news. Can’t wait to see…er…hear the podcasts you develop.
If I had the ultimate freedom to create what I wanted to, I’d launch my own website/podcast/magazine focused on spirituality with an everyperson focus and humorous take.
This looks like another great way for me to get my inspiration. I love how social media keeps me in touch with people who are living the dream.
Lets see: First I would take a bike tour around the united states with my cousin and brother- it’s a trip we’ve been dreaming about for a long time. Then I would return home (to Burlington, VT) and spend most of my waking hours writing, recording and performing music in a recording studio with a view of Lake Champlain (that has yet to be created).
What I would create or do if I had the ultimate freedom to do so: I would create a website designed to help unemployed people find the training they need to find the jobs that best match their interests and qualifications.
If I had the freedom to create anything, it would be a collaborative non-profit organization to coordinate the dog rescue efforts for the Central Texas Area. There is an abundance of rescues in the CenTex area, but they don’t work together. I would love to establish an organization to increase communication, and assistance between the organizations throughout the community.
Congrats on the Podcast!
This sounds great.
Now if you release the Podcast in iTunes I think this would be the best news today.
And not the Beatles *haz an angry face*
I was hoping for the same thing (…iTunes)
Here’s your “ticket to subscribe”…we’re up in the iTunes Store as of today!
Very excited for the new podcast. Given the freedom to do so I would help people who wrote original stage plays and musicals promote their shows and find a way to generate income from their creative efforts.
Hey! Thanks very much! Really looking forward to this whole concept.
Great podcast, thank you so much! I would appreciate the iTunes channel as well.
As soon as we get the approval link from the iTunes store, we’ll be sure to let everyone know. Thanks for listening – and reading!
As promised, here’s the link…we’re up in the iTunes Store as of today!
The podcast was useful and short! Thank you about that. Got some useful ideas to apply to my freelance design work 🙂
What I would create or do if I had the ultimate freedom to do so?
If I had the ultimate freedom to do so I would try and talk every person that I see on the street or everywhere else. But why talk? I would like to get to know more about that person and see how can I help him in his work/life. Either through providing advice as a sideviewer, motivating them or just to demonstrate how through application methodical thinking(after all I am a industrial designer) you can achieve anything!
If I had total freedom to do what I want I would work to help indigenous people in the Americas keep their land and culture.
“What you would create or do if you had the ultimate freedom to do so?”
Well, I guess I´ll made a sort of teaching or guidance to other people to pursuit their dreams and not to be afraid of stability or money income while your at the right path, anyway doing what you want means that you´re happy. That´s the way life should be, travel to get to know other cultures and approaching to freelancers