Displaying All Posts tagged with dream job

How to Define Your Dream Job

How to Define Your Dream Job

In January 2010, Lane Kiffin sent shockwaves through college football by announcing he was leaving the University of Tennessee after only one season. Just 14 months earlier, Kiffin had accepted the head-coaching job at Tennessee, one of the most well-respected college football programs in the country.

I am not a fan of Kiffin’s, and as an outsider looking in, I took his willingness to initiate fights with other programs as a sign that he was more interested in his quest for personal fame than in his role as a coach and mentor to his student athletes. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Pick a Career That’s the Right Fit

How much do you like your current job? Is it stimulating and satisfying career or is it just a. . .  job?

During this economic climate the last thing you want to do is waste time in a position that isn’t right for you when you can be developing skills for a better one. If you’re having a hard time figuring out what to do, you may be stuck in the wrong place. Let’s explore how to pick a career that’s your true match.

When trying to determine your career path, consider your strengths. You are likely to excel in areas that you have a natural talent for. At this time you may not be too familiar with your strengths, as far as work is concerned. Click Here to Read Article …

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Stuck With a Steady Job

It sounds backwards, doesn’t it? How could you be “stuck” with a fairly decent job? In today’s economy, millions of unemployed workers would be delighted to be “stuck” with a steady stream of tolerable work.

But does that mean that we should be satisfied with “steady”?

The difference between a “steady” job and a great job involves the ability to personally invest yourself in your work: If you draw enthusiasm from what you’re doing, and you feel a personal stake in the success of your efforts, then you have a great job.  Keep this in mind:

Great jobs are part of your identity; steady jobs are just part of your resume.

Steady jobs are dangerous; they might be just barely good enough to keep you in a permanent holding pattern and stop you from pursuing that dream job. Your boss and your customers are never happy with the bare minimum, so why should you be happy with a job that is just good enough?

Ask yourself this: Is your job great, or just “steady”? Click Here to Read Article …

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Burn Your Resume: Alternative Strategies to Get Your Dream Job

A dream job usually isn’t something conventional. Nor should your approach to getting hired. Have you ever thought of the whole resume process?  You spend many hours, and in some cases many dollars, creating – fabricating – a document for that your potential employer is going to probably dedicate less than 30 seconds to reading it.  Sure, there are going to be some occasions where they will read the whole resume because they are hoping to find that you have listed your hobbies, and you share a love of butterfly collecting.  But a happy coincident like that is a tad rare. Click Here to Read Article …

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