Displaying All Posts tagged with fear

How to Become a Leader

How to Become a Leader

Leaders are usually admired and envied by everyone around.

However, there are some people who find it relieving that they don’t have to take on big responsibilities.

But this attitude is not really getting them far — only those who take chances are likely to succeed.

What holds individuals back from speaking their mind?

All sorts of fears hold them back, most of them unconscious. Here are some helpful solutions and guidelines for overcoming these obstacles. Click Here to Read Article …

Uncertainty: An Interview with Jonathan Fields

Uncertainty: An Interview with Jonathan Fields

On this special episode of the Work Awesome podcast, Mike Vardy chats with the Career Renegade himself, Jonathan Fields.

Jonathan is a highly-demanded speaker and accomplished author, whose latest book, Uncertainty: Turning Fear and Doubt into Fuel for Brilliance, drops this week. This new work discusses the aspects of uncertainty that hinder people, as well as how to overcome uncertainty when it is holding you back. And that just scratches the surface of this incredibly motivating and inspiring book.

During this interview, the topics of uncertainty is explored — a great primer for a book that is sure to awaken many people who aren’t living to their fullest because of being afraid of what lies beyond…and propelling them forward to face uncertainty head-on.
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How to Work Like a Dog

Whether you’re the “alpha dog” in your office or a lone wolf slaving away at your terminal, there are a few lessons that you can learn from your dog that might help you get through the day without running away with your tail between your legs.  No animals were hurt in the making of this post, but be warned – many, many plays on this idiom to follow. Click Here to Read Article …

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Why Providing Value in Your Job is Important

One of the first things that they taught me at Blogging School was how to flog my blog erm, I mean, how to promote readership. There are many ways to get people to your site, but the not-so-secret way to get them to stay, and willingly come back, is to provide them value. There has to be a compelling reason for them to take time out of their incredibly busy day to spend five or ten minutes reading whatever you wrote.

Whether it’s a comedic post, tips on how-to be a better whatever, or a discussion about a mutual love of Pez dispensers, providing content that lets the reader justify why they bothered going to your site is critical.

So how does this apply in the office world? Well, if you’re part of the company blog, it should be directly applicable. If not, here are a few ways to start thinking about how you can provide value to those around you: Click Here to Read Article …

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