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Awesomely Effective Email Communication

Most organizations believe email is one of their biggest productivity snags even though email is probably the most important office communication tool available.  The technology has eliminated many of our personal boundaries. Some of us have even allowed email to drive our actions when in reality, our communications should be driven by our goals and the tasks required to accomplish them. What we have forgotten is the fact that email is a communication tool.
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How To Achieve A State Of Flow

How To Achieve A State Of Flow

Being in a state of flow is something many of us strive to achieve. It’s a key element in becoming more productive. But what is flow?

Flow is the mental state of operation in which a person in an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity.

Whatever we are doing seems easier and more enjoyable if we can achieve a state of flow while doing it. It’s more likely that we will achieve this state if we are doing something we enjoy, however I have found that it is possible to achieve a state of flow with tasks that I don’t usually enjoy — like ironing, for example.

I’m really not a fan of ironing.
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WorkAwesome Podcast: Episode 3

This week’s episode of the WorkAwesome Podcast features an interview with Nathan Hangen and Oleg Mokhov. These two gentlemen who not only have their own ventures that they foster on a daily basis, such as Nathan’s Building Digital Empires site and Oleg’s own site Mokhov.com, but they have forged a partnership with two projects: SoundTrackster (a site that offers “royalty-free music that doesn’t suck”) and BlueRize, which offers electronic music and podcasts that are a serve to energize entrepreneurs.
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Book Review: Get-It-Done Guy’s 9 Steps to Work Less and Do More

David Allen is known as the GTD Guy. Stever Robbins is known as the GID Guy. Both offer great insights on productivity using very different approaches. Both are also published authors, and Robbins’ latest book, Get-It-Done Guy’s 9 Steps to Work Less and Do More, hit bookstores a few weeks back. The book is a fairly light read, yet brimming with tips and information that are sprinkled with Robbins’ signature humor and style.
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5 Signs That You May be in Your Last Job

If you have worked for a number of years at an array of different companies, you certainly can recognize when you have come upon a really good thing. When you are content in a job you can really focus on the work rather than office politics and various power plays within the company. Eventually, you will come across a job where you might say to yourself,  “I could really stay here until retirement.”
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9 Big, Bold Designer PowerPoint Templates

Putting together a memorable presentation is very challenging work. You want it to stand out and resonate with your audience, and it’s hard enough to put together all of the information in a cohesive manner without having to worry about design. That’s why a lot of presentations end up being far less than what they really could have been. It’s like having a choice between opening a gift wrapped in fancy wrapping paper compared to one wrapped in newsprint. The shiny object always seems to win out.
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The Netsetter: How to Find a Niche Market

There are two diametrically opposite stumbling blocks encountered by beginning internet marketers: finding a profitable niche to target, and narrowing their focus to exclude seductive but distracting opportunities. Entrepreneurs paralyzed by a paradox of choice are arguably in a better position, since they could choose one of their current options at random if necessary. Having absolutely no idea where to get ideas is a much more discouraging state of affairs.
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Taking Action Online with SUBERNOVA

If you’re a follower of GTD productivity systems, there are scores of specially designed and tailored apps. Not so much for The Action Method. However, there are some options. One is the Action Method’s own product, Action Method Online and another is SUBERNOVA.
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