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Memo:Random #42 – The Finale
Busting Your Performance Bottlenecks at Work
As a boss, I sometimes have to listen to a member of my team explain why something went horribly wrong. As as a business owner, I also have to ease the concerns of clients who have been burned by vendors in the past. And as a human being, I hate being on the hot seat myself. Worrying about things that could go wrong on a project can seize your brain. Just as Steven Covey counsels professionals to get task lists out of their heads and on paper, I’m finding my head has more room for creativity if I know that I’ve got a “Plan B” for any situation. Click Here to Read Article …
Look Backward, Look Inward, Look Forward for Success
Be it Steve Jobs, Nelson Mandela or any of the other 6 billion or so people in the world, we all have one thing in common.
Everybody loses.
Beneath all the victory, power and flamboyance lie the painful scars of failures. Failures are the checks and balances put in place by God, nature, Darth Vader or whoever else you consider the omnipotent.
Passed on for a promotion for the umpteenth time? Denied all of the projects you bid on or applied for? Can’t get the cute blonde girl to go out with you? That’s sad. What exactly can you do about it? Click Here to Read Article …
Popular search terms for this article:How to Build a Killer Online Resume for Free
One of the emerging ways to put together a great resume is to use an online resume generator. Not only do you save time, but your productivity increases. This allows you to spend more time searching for work and less time putting together a resume that is attractive. Some of these services do charge a nominal fee, others are available to use free of charge. While it’s a good idea to keep your resume updated in terms of skills and experience, it’s also not a bad idea to freshen it up every once in a while. Below we’ve listed 6 services that allows you to build a killer online resume that gets you noticed – without you having to dip into your pocketbook. Click Here to Read Article …
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Data Backup and Sync Strategies #4: Mobile Backup and Sync
Considering the fact that our cellphones have become our secondary computers (or primary for many) and hold important personal information, keeping a backup of the data is essential. And losing a mobile phone is easier than losing a computer. So mobile backup and mobile sync have become more important.
I have categorized the tools under popular cellphone operating systems, and also have a section for tools that work universally on all phones. Click Here to Read Article …
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How to Smash Your To Do List When You’re Your Own Boss
An insidious curse haunts all business owners and it doesn’t matter what business model they use or how large or small their company might be. The curse is freedom.
You’d think freedom was a blessing, and it is. It’s the ultimate goal of the successful entrepreneur. They want to enjoy freedom from someone else’s schedule, from corporate bureaucracy and from some lame manager’s to do list. They have the freedom to do work that counts, to blow off on a Tuesday afternoon to spend time with family, or to play by day and work at night. Click Here to Read Article …
55 Ways to Relax After Work
Do you ever feel like a zombie after a long day at work? You feel so depleted and tired. You hardly have any energy left at all. The only thing you want to do is eat comfort food, pop open a brewski and watch television until bedtime.
We’ve all been there. Zoning out in front of the TV can be a great way to relax, but more often than not, it just makes you feel even more useless. Sitting immobile on the couch for extended periods of time can reinforce your own sense of helplessness and exhaustion, especially if it becomes your regular evening routine. Click Here to Read Article …
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Using Multiple Twitter Accounts
If you use one Twitter account for both personal and professional reasons listen up. There is no reason, with the technology we have at our fingertips, to have just one account. In fact, it can be downright inappropriate.
Let me give you an example: I follow a woman who works in economic development. She is an acquaintance of mine and I follow her because of who she is professionally because it pertains to my job as the editor of a regional magazine. While she tweets about the goings-on in her city in a professional manner, she also tweets about her personal life. And nothing bothers me more. Click Here to Read Article …
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