Displaying All Posts tagged with home office

4 Ways to Lower Home Office Expenses

4 Ways to Lower Home Office Expenses

Working from home definitely has its benefits.

But there are some things that are nice about working in an office that people often overlook, like not having to pay for toilet paper.

One of the big things a lot of freelancers as people who work from home don’t consider is that their utility bills will increase once they work from home.

Paying for the extra gas and electricity you’ll be using can come as a bit of a shock and maybe not one you budgeted for, so this handy guide has been designed to help lower your bills as the temperatures drop. Click Here to Read Article …

Is a Home Office Worth It?

Is a Home Office Worth It?

As a young or potential entrepreneur, renting out office space seems like a daunting idea right?

It’s a big commitment, especially when there is an alternative.

This is a topic that I encounter all the time.

With a growing number of people working from home nowadays, claiming the cost of rent or their mortgage repayments is becoming a hot topic, with most people thinking they can claim the full amount and that being that.

Unfortunately it’s not as straightforward as that. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Reasons Freelancers Should Cook

5 Reasons Freelancers Should Cook

The quick pop of eggplant yielding to the knife; the warmth of steam ghosting from the colander; the joy of turning over a chicken breast to find it richly brown.

What is more authentic and soul-stirring than cooking?

And that’s what this post is all about — the need of a freelancer to do all he or she can to maintain authentic experiences to renew one’s spirit during hard weeks of toil.

Some freelancers — with no 9-to-5 schedule and a work day that may seem to have no end — eat frozen meals from sad paper trays or order takeout or stop by the fast food place. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Be a Happier Freelancer

How to Be a Happier Freelancer

You get up to receive your fax.

The bespectacled personal assistant at the next table is muttering into her laptop.

Two writers are talking about the crazy demands of their clients.

You feel a part of something, happy to be around people going through the same thing you are.

This is the essence coworking spaces, office areas owned by a company or organization and used by freelancers as their office space.

They make use of resources such as photocopiers, fax machines, even coffee makers. Coworking is becoming more accepted, popular, and available.

One does have to pay periodical fees to use coworking facilities. So what justifies the price? Here are some good reasons to consider taking your home business into coworking spaces. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Things Your Home Office Really Needs

5 Things Your Home Office Really Needs

Setting up your home office is really fun and exciting and, if you aren’t careful, really expensive.

It’s so easy to be tempted by articles listing must-haves.

Yes, most of those articles are filled with products and services that would be nice to have and, sometimes, will even make running your business marginally easier.

At the same time, most of those articles are playing a little fast and loose with the term “need.”

Here are the only five things that you actually need in your home office to get your business up and running, and some of them aren’t even things at all. Click Here to Read Article …

Fixing Up Your Home on a Budget

Fixing Up Your Home on a Budget

Your house doesn’t care whether you’re on a budget or have plenty of cash to spare.

When fixtures break down or the foundation cracks, you have to take care of them before the damage worsens.

Even if you are renting your home, you may be liable for the repairs.

These tips can help you handle the necessary tasks without going into debt or paying more than necessary. Click Here to Read Article …

3 Ways to Create a Home Office

For over seven years, I devoted myself entirely to the practice of law and working as a corporate attorney.

When year number eight rolled around, with its continued promises of working long, stressful hours at a thankless job, I decided to make the leap out of the legal profession and into the realm of being a full-time freelance writer.

It didn’t take too long to realize that even though my office setting had changed, and I had more flexibility working from home, the long hours only increased.

I had to become even more productive to handle all aspects of the business myself, because I had no dedicated staff to run it for me. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Steps to Be More Productive Working from Home

5 Steps to Be More Productive Working from Home

Most people believe that a home work environment is the ultimate luxury — a cushy position where you’re the boss, where you can wear pajamas all day and do whatever you like, whenever you like.

But once the endless freedom gets stale, you’ll start to find that without structure your work days have no shape. It’s harder to get anything done when there’s no boss lurking around the corner, no steady 9 to 5. You can work any time, so it’s easy to put it off.

You can still be productive in a home work environment though, and it can still be more enjoyable than working at the office. It’s all about learning how to structure your day. Click Here to Read Article …