Displaying All Posts tagged with social media management

Outsourcing Doesn’t Necessarily Have to be a Bad Thing

Outsourcing Doesn’t Necessarily Have to be a Bad Thing

Nobody is going to argue that outsourcing, as a general idea, is usually considered a bad thing.

The nightly news is full of stories about huge corporations who dodge tax burdens and destroy jobs by outsourcing their basic needs, like customer service, to other countries.

Sometimes though — especially when you are running your own business — outsourcing can be a good and helpful thing.

Here are the top three things that you can (and should) outsource when you are building a business of your very own. Click Here to Read Article …

Awesome Links #5: Social Media Management, Web Design Tips, More

An insightful post by Tamar Weinberg on the importance of engagement and time investment in social media.

250 Quick Web Design Tips: Part 1 and Part 2

Six Revisions’ quick web design tips series is an excellent resource for both beginners and experienced designers.

Cool PC Apps: The Top 50 PC Applications for Freelancers

A list of essential PC applications for freelancers by our sister site, Freelance Switch.

How Google Works (Infographic)

An amazing infographic that shows what goes behind a Google search.

A Guide to Irfanview: Desktop Tool For All Your Image Editing Needs

A guide to Irfanview, the popular freeware for editing images. The article talks about some superb features of this well known yet underrated tool. Click Here to Read Article …

7 Tools to Automate Your Social Media Management

There seems to be two types of people who use social media: Those who use automation tools to multiply their presences across the Internet and those who think auto-anything is a sin against nature.

That may be simplifying things a little, but it’s not too far fetched.

As for me, I fall somewhere in between the extremes – and I’m betting I’m not alone. Sometimes we need some tools to help us manage all our social networks. I understand that using some tools is considered obnoxious behavior by some people. But it’s a free Internet. You make your choices and live with them.

Click Here to Read Article …

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