Displaying All Posts tagged with task management

Review: Comindware — A Nifty Project Management Software

Everyone wishes, they could have more time to get things done at work. When you work for a company that has multiple projects at once, managing these processes can be a daunting task.  Project management has become instrumental just for this purpose, businesses today want to get more done and spend less time having to organize it.

Comindware looks to help businesses become more efficient by streamlining the entire process.  From general management to the tracking on known issues, Comindware seeks to make project management easier, more efficient and generally less of a headache. Click Here to Read Article …

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Top 5 Task Management Programs for Small Businesses

Top 5 Task Management Programs for Small Businesses

When it comes to running a small company effectively, task management is one of the keys to success. For many years, however, small business owners have had to deal with the added expense of hiring an IT expert to upgrade and maintain licensed software across their computer networks, which is why they are always looking for ways to cut this cost.

Fortunately, business software is much more affordable now that cloud-based applications give users a number of powerful tools that can be synced with desktops and mobile computing devices. Best of all, most apps can be scaled according to a company’s demand, which means that owners no longer have to worry about paying thousands of dollars for software features they don’t need. Click Here to Read Article …

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Review: GTD Agenda – Versatile Productivity Software

Review: GTD Agenda – Versatile Productivity Software

It seems like every day there’s a new task management app for a new productivity system. GTD Agenda breaks out of that mold by making a task management app that can be used for multiple productivity methods.

In fact, my absolute favorite thing about GTD Agenda is that in addition to the standard tour and features page, they have pages dedicated to how you can use GTDAgenda for different productivity systems (GTD, The 7 Habits and Highly Effective People, and Zen to Done) and different activities (the gym, school, and software development).

GTDAgenda allows you to easily break up your work across Goals, Projects, and Tasks. In addition, you add Contexts to your Tasks and label tasks as Next Options. There’s also checklists, schedules, and a calendar.


The Dashboard isn’t the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen, but it’s comprehensive. First and foremost, when you login, you see your Next Actions and have the option of grouping them by Priority, Project or Context. On the right-hand side, you have your Calendar. Then underneath your Calendar, you have a box of your Contexts. Underneath that, your Projects.

This setup makes it super-easy for you to have an idea of what’s due when, what to do next, and enables you to quickly pick a task to work on.

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Wunderlist is a Brilliant Task Management Tool

There is no dearth of to-do list tools or task management services, but that doesn’t mean there’s no scope for innovation left in this area. That’s exactly what Wunderlist shows. It’s been some time since I have come across such neat to-do list software. Apart from sporting a beautiful interface, which lets you change its background colors, it helps you add and manage multiple to-dos effortlessly. Click Here to Read Article …

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Awesome Links #2: Balanced Living, Productivity Apps

Today’s dads seek better work-life balance

In honor of Father’s Day, this article takes a look at how the new fathers of the day are meeting the responsibilities of the role both at home and at work.

App demo: Round the Clock

The Unofficial Apple Weblog gives us a sneak peek at an app called Round the Clock.  What this productivity app for all of Apple’s line of mobile devices (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch) does is present all of your calendar information as a pie chart – and that’s just for starters.  It’s kind of like having a digital Muji Chronotebook at the ready.  It may not be for everyone, but the video is worth a look.

Freelancer’s Wishlist – Father’s Day Edition

Dads aren’t the easiest to shop for – I know, I’m one of them.  But sister site FreelanceSwitch has thoughts on what could be a solid (or solid-state) gift for the “freelance father” in your life!

Manymoon: Free Social Productivity, Project Management & Task Management

Fan of Google’s web apps?  Then Manymoon has a productivity solution that could be what you’ve been looking for…and it’s free.  Definitely something to check out if you (and your team) rely on having stuff in the “cloud.”

Lemonade: The Movie

This movie touches on what we’ve talked about in terms of  “dream jobs” here at WorkAwesome, but it also takes it a step further.  What if you were given a chance for a clean slate because you found yourself without a job altogether?  A pretty inspirng film – and fairly short as it clocks in at just over half an hour. Click Here to Read Article …

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