Displaying All Posts from March, 2014

How to Maximize Your Blog’s Potential

Whether you’re building a blog as a means of launching your own business, using it as a promotional tool to display your freelance portfolio, or even creating a new social media hub, it can be tricky getting the right people to see it.

It’s important to regularly accrue new visitors to your blog, and it’s even more important to keep them coming back. Having recurring visitors will transform your blog from a one-person show to a vibrant community.

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10 Ways to Stop Being a People Pleaser

Many of us have a not so hidden people pleaser inside of us that craves approval, attention, or both, especially from people in authority.

There is nothing better than the person who is always helping out. But if that person is you, and you are the only one who is helping out, then it’s really not so great after all.

Are you a people pleaser? You may be if you find it hard to say no or feel obligated to do what people ask you to do. Another sign is that you may always be looking for other’s approval or you let people guilt you into doing things that you really don’t want to do.

You may also be a candidate for this category if you find yourself complaining that you give too much, but keep doing it anyway.

So what can you do to stop being a people pleaser? Click Here to Read Article …

5 Ways to Break Through Boring Work

No matter where you work, and no matter how hard you work, at some point everybody hits a wall where work is the most boring thing in the world.

This condition has been widely diagnosed as ‘the blahs’, and it is a widespread and worldwide phenomenon. Luckily for you, we have a prescription for this ailment.

When your work life gets boring, here are five ways to break through ‘the blahs’. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Tips for Writing Quickly and Effectively

Whether writing is a hobby or part of your job, you probably know the frustration of not getting as much writing done as you want in a day.

Sometimes it can feel like every other writer is racing ahead of you while you’re stuck in the mud, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Writing quickly and effectively is all about training your brain to think about the task in a different way.

There are a few simple tricks to get you in the right mindset. The first step is getting rid of those feeling of defeat and frustration.

Start with a clean slate, then try these steps. Click Here to Read Article …

7 Vitamins to Improve Memory

The sensory, short-term, and long-term categories are what make up the three different types of memory.

There are many factors that affect memory, such as age, overall health, hormone levels, and medications, among other things.

To help preserve memory, we must keep our minds active and maintain a healthy diet. Certain vitamins play a crucial role in brain health and memory, including B-vitamins, choline, ginkgo biloba, and other antioxidant nutrients.

Here are 7 vitamins and supplements to help memory and acuity. Click Here to Read Article …

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Bad Bosses: 4 Steps to Dealing With Them

We’ve all had bad bosses or supervisors who drove us absolutely crazy until we found a way to deal with them.

Or, they left the situation/job/career/company. Or we did. That’s a last resort, but you may get there unless the situation improves.

The first step in dealing with bad bosses is to make a personal determination. How bad is this? Can I live with it? Is it likely to change in the short term?

If your evaluation shows that the situation is having a strong or severe negative impact on you, you need to do something. If you simply can’t put up with the boss’s behaviour and you don’t think it will change anytime soon, you need to act.

You may have learned this lesson already, but in case you haven’t, a bad situation never gets better on its own – especially at work. It only gets worse.

So if you’ve had it with your collective bad bosses, here are four ways you can deal with them.

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The Power of Positivity

These days, it seems stress is a normal part of life. Our daily lives can be crazy, and sometimes things pile on and you can’t help but feel downtrodden, but there is a way to handle it.

Our mood and perception of events plays a huge part in our day to day lives. It affects how we see ourselves, how we treat others, the amount of work we do, the quality of that work, and our positivity.

When you’re in a bad mood, for whatever reason, you’re more likely to get frustrated, feel bad about yourself, and be less productive as a result. Even worse, the feeling is cyclical, and as you get less done you feel worse and prolong that feeling.

Our mood can often feel like something we have no control over, and it’s true that we don’t really have control over what other people might do to upset us. But, we have an exceptional amount of control over the way we frame our thoughts and deal with things that upset us.

Learning to practice positivity throughout your day will encourage better work habits and a good mood. When you have a good mood, people will appreciate talking to you and working with you more, too. Take these few simple steps to improving your daily life. Click Here to Read Article …

Popular search terms for this article:

power of positivity

5 Tips to Build Successful Communication Skills

Communication is a big part of business, but it’s especially important in freelance work. You need to be able to negotiate, solve problems, and talk about yourself and your work in a positive, flattering light.

It’s a lot to handle, and your communication skills will directly affect the type of jobs you get, the connections you make, and the ease with which you can do those jobs. Good or bad, people will remember you by the way you communicate with them.

Communication is a two way street and we can’t control everything, but we can all work on our skills so that we can make sure whatever project we’re working on goes as smoothly as possible.

When you begin conversations with a client, try to remember a few simple things. Click Here to Read Article …