Displaying All Posts from October, 2015

8 Common Project Management Myths

Project management wasn’t always the first option for business grads, which led to few individuals well-versed in the profession.

This is probably why many myths and false assumptions exist about project management.

Lack of awareness is problematic because it can lead to faulty logic, poor decisions and heavy losses.

Here’s what you should know about project management that people many believe to be true but is, in reality, utterly false. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Ways to Improve Company Culture

A lot of businesses have a hard time quantifying their company culture.

In the absence of a formal vision and a strategy to support it, culture usually devolves into variations on the “golden rule.”

Be nice.

Respect your co-workers.

Avoid gossip.

Or, as Michael Scott of NBC’s The Office eloquently puts it: Click Here to Read Article …

4 Ways to Lower Home Office Expenses

Working from home definitely has its benefits.

But there are some things that are nice about working in an office that people often overlook, like not having to pay for toilet paper.

One of the big things a lot of freelancers as people who work from home don’t consider is that their utility bills will increase once they work from home.

Paying for the extra gas and electricity you’ll be using can come as a bit of a shock and maybe not one you budgeted for, so this handy guide has been designed to help lower your bills as the temperatures drop. Click Here to Read Article …

4 Apps to Manage Your Time

Do you have a lot to do but find yourself unable to get as much done as you wanted?

If so, you might need some help with time management.

Time management skills aren’t something everyone has.

Some of us don’t do well with a schedule and often lose track of time.

With a little practice and some useful tools, you can learn to manage your time more effectively. By doing so, your life will become a lot easier and, overall, more enjoyable. Click Here to Read Article …

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7 Tips for Writing the Best Cover Letter

Here’s a fact — more and more employers ask for cover letters from their job applicants.

And here’s another thing — most job seekers quit applying to posts asking for cover letters.

They do this for several reasons.

Some don’t know what and how to write, some don’t want to invest the time, and others are just lazy.

If you are not part of the quitting category and want to try your best, here are seven useful tips on how to come up with an impressive cover letter. Click Here to Read Article …

11 Tips for Better Brainstorming

What’s the first recommendation you get when you ask for advice on creative thinking?

This technique has received so much attention over the years that we’ve forgotten all about its foundational principles.

Not all online guides and resources have it figured out.

Brainstorming is much more than launching an app and noting your thoughts away.

Alex Faickney Osborn defined precise tenets when he developed the brainstorming technique (Applied Imagination, 1953). Although the main principles were set decades ago, they are still very effective. There is no point in diverging too much. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Change Careers

A career change, whether by choice or by force, is always intimidating.

No matter how long you have spent in your current profession, if your education, training and experience are in that field, moving to another one feels like starting over.

But rather than seeing a career transition as starting over or losing everything you’ve worked for, it’s important to think of it instead as a fresh start.

It’s a chance to begin a new career and bring into it the wisdom you probably wish you had when you began your previous one.

Still, surviving a career transition will involve a great deal more than wishful thinking and a new resume. You’ll need a plan to make your way through the change and send yourself on an upward trajectory in your new field. Click Here to Read Article …

Boost Your Confidence with 1 Thing

how to boost confidence

Admit it, you’re in a funk and feeling a lack of motivation or excitement for your career right now.

You rationalize that your job isn’t that bad.

You tell yourself you just need to pay your dues to get where you want to be.

When you feel like things are out of your control, it’s easy to simply ignore the problem and try to focus on football or throw yourself into fun plans with your friends.

If you’re honest with yourself, then you’ll realize the constant fun and ignoring the direction you are going in your life doesn’t really bring you pleasure.

There is a way to get out of the rut and boost your confidence, without waiting for things to magically fall into place. Click Here to Read Article …