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4 Secrets to Effective Communication

4 Secrets to Effective Communication

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” ~ George Bernard Shaw

The inability to clearly communicate is one of the single most problematic issues in life.

Poor communication can ruin relationships, thwart business endeavors, and even start wars. Imagine how much of an impact effective communication can your own life, whether it be in your relationships or at your job.

If you want to communicate better, and subsequently improve your personal and business relationships, you first need to understand how to communicate clearly. Click Here to Read Article …

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The Power of No!

The Power of No!

“Shout, shout, let it all out. These are the things I can do without!”

— Tears for Fears

Want to improve your productivity? Increase your dignity? Have more “me” time? Enjoy better health?

Allow me to introduce you to a small word that will expand your possibilities and your horizons: NO.
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10 Ways to Stop Being a People Pleaser

Many of us have a not so hidden people pleaser inside of us that craves approval, attention, or both, especially from people in authority.

There is nothing better than the person who is always helping out. But if that person is you, and you are the only one who is helping out, then it’s really not so great after all.

Are you a people pleaser? You may be if you find it hard to say no or feel obligated to do what people ask you to do. Another sign is that you may always be looking for other’s approval or you let people guilt you into doing things that you really don’t want to do.

You may also be a candidate for this category if you find yourself complaining that you give too much, but keep doing it anyway.

So what can you do to stop being a people pleaser? Click Here to Read Article …

5 Tips for Writing Quickly and Effectively

Whether writing is a hobby or part of your job, you probably know the frustration of not getting as much writing done as you want in a day.

Sometimes it can feel like every other writer is racing ahead of you while you’re stuck in the mud, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Writing quickly and effectively is all about training your brain to think about the task in a different way.

There are a few simple tricks to get you in the right mindset. The first step is getting rid of those feeling of defeat and frustration.

Start with a clean slate, then try these steps. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Tips to Build Successful Communication Skills

Communication is a big part of business, but it’s especially important in freelance work. You need to be able to negotiate, solve problems, and talk about yourself and your work in a positive, flattering light.

It’s a lot to handle, and your communication skills will directly affect the type of jobs you get, the connections you make, and the ease with which you can do those jobs. Good or bad, people will remember you by the way you communicate with them.

Communication is a two way street and we can’t control everything, but we can all work on our skills so that we can make sure whatever project we’re working on goes as smoothly as possible.

When you begin conversations with a client, try to remember a few simple things. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Tips to Better Skype Interviews

If you’re a freelance worker, you’ve probably had to use Skype to speak with clients at some point. Now more than ever, employers are using Skype as a means of assessing potential employees, discussing terms, and making hires.

Working as a freelancer over the Internet is convenient, but you can be up against a lot of competition. It’s critical that you present yourself well and come across as a competent, professional individual.

You can follow a few simple tips to help you improve your interview skills over Skype.

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How to Deal with Difficult People

One of the great lessons I learned in life was to stop focusing on other people and to focus on what I could change about me. I only wish it had happened twenty years earlier. I especially wish I knew how to deal with difficult people in my life.

I have made every mistake in the book and then some; but after all those mistakes and writing hundreds of articles about resolving conflict in the workplace, dealing with bullies, and trying to improve the health and wellness of the modern workplace, I finally got it. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Deal with Criticism

Recently I received an email from a coworker, clearly angry in tone, berating my performance on a project I completed. My first reaction was irritation, then defensiveness, then I resorted to blaming everyone that did or didn’t have a hand in the project.

As a perfectionist, I have a tough time taking criticism from anyone – no matter how loving the source. Why allow others to put their two cents in when I’m already dealing with an overly-critical inner self?

But once the defensiveness subsided and I had handled the situation to the best of my ability, I was able to recognize something extremely important – if I were to remove the emotion from the situation and simply see it as neutral bits of information he was trying to convey, I could actually agree with several of the things he was saying.

In trying to protect my ego, I had stopped listening and shut down – a reaction that wasn’t helping him or me.

Here are a few tips I’ve discovered from dealing with criticism in the workplace. Click Here to Read Article …

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