So we’ve laid the groundwork for finding a job online. But are you going online to find the right people to work for your company? Of course you know how to post to job Internet boards, Google candidates’ names and check out social media profiles. But there’s more you can do for online job recruitment.
Ask your marketing people about how social media could help you find the right person for key positions in your company. Here are some things they may tell you:
Be active with social media
Gathering fans and friends isn’t just for marketing. Not only are these people potential customers but they’re potential employees. Yes they need to be qualified. But what’s wrong with recruiting from a pool of people who want to work for your company?
Pick the right job board
Some job boards are full of fake opportunities. Or some companies constantly repost ads so that yours falls into obscurity quickly (Job seekers are notorious for not looking beyond the first two screens). So look around for boards (ahem, like the job board at our sister site, FreelanceSwitch) that are read by qualified candidates and give your ad prominence.
More is more
Speaking of job boards, pick one that doesn’t limit your word count. Include everything you can about your company and position in the ad. The more you have to offer, the more candidates can use to determine if your company is right for them or not.
It may be who you know
Networking may have migrated to the Internet but it’s not that different from the old days. You can reach out to your friends and connections to see who knows someone who may be a good fit for your company. LinkedIn is built for this. Contacting your network about openings could be the start of a viral campaign.
(Image courtesy of M0Rt3s under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 generic license.)
Hi Carl,
I like the idea of “fans and friends isn’t just for marketing”. I can see most of social marketers focus their fans and friends as ONLY potential customers. Agree that they’re potential employees.
It might be even better than other applicants since these fans and friends know the activities and information of the company through the social network they join.