Your Work-at-Home Checklist: 9 Tips for Finishing Projects

Your Work-at-Home Checklist: 9 Tips for Finishing Projects

Home is where the heart is — not always the mind.

Nevertheless, this is often where some of your most important projects must be done.

Productivity in the work place is hard enough, even with a supervising boss, limited personal distractions and an atmosphere of like-minded coworkers.

Rip away that stable atmosphere and keeping the momentum of progress can be harder than catching lightning in a bottle. Click Here to Read Article …

Is Your Efficiency Obsession a Problem?

Is Your Efficiency Obsession a Problem?

Work fast and die young. That seems to be the motto of professional world.

You are constantly rushing yourself to work faster in order to get a promotion or pay rise.

Or you think that if you finish your work faster, you could go home earlier.

But it never happens.

Instead, you receive more of the same work.

At the best, you catch some minor benefits that sugarcoat your fail. The only thing you always receive is yet again more advice to work faster. Click Here to Read Article …

How To Increase Your Employee’s Productivity With Video Conferencing

Keeping your employees productive is one of the most important parts of maintaining a profitable business.

Unfortunately, coordinating a large amount of people, keeping them on task and keeping them working to their full potential can quickly prove to be a challenging task no matter now skilled of a manager you happen to be.

But if your business has video conferencing abilities, you can greatly increase your productivity for almost no additional cost to your business.

If you don’t have video conferencing capabilities for your business yet, try researching Bluejeans, AdobeConnect or Cisco WebEx. All of the aforementioned services have their own pros and cons, so make sure to do your research before you invest into one.

If you would like to increase the profitability of your business, read through all of the tips outlined in the sections below. You might find some information that you haven’t considered before. Click Here to Read Article …

Banish “Perfect” From Your Business

Banish “Perfect” From Your Business

Put your hand up in the air if you’re a perfectionist!

​At one point in my life, my hand would have been raised in the air – high in the air.

I was definitely a perfectionist until I realized how being a perfectionist was actually holding me back from being as successful as I could be in my work as an international business coach.

I wrote this article in hopes that you don’t let this happen to you.

Perfectionist behavior is a tough topic. So many of us are passionate about what we do. We want to be the best that we can be, make the best things that we can make and give the best part of us that we can give. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Things Great Leaders Do

5 Things Great Leaders Do

No one expects their boss to be the next Nelson Mandela or Richard Branson, but every manager should be aspiring to be a better leader.

While it’s true that nearly anyone can become a manager if they apply themselves and play their cards right, not just anyone can become a great leader.

A mistake that is often made is thinking that being a great leader is about being the best, but it’s not.

Great leadership isn’t about one person, it’s about the team. Becoming a great leader is an ongoing process, but you can be sure that every successful leader knows to do these five things: Click Here to Read Article …

3 Tips for Settling Into Your First Job

3 Tips for Settling Into Your First Job

You’ve just started your new job at a big engineering firm, fresh out of college.

You go in with an attitude of part-anxiety and part-excitement to show off your youthful energy, even though you know that almost nothing that you learned in the last four years is going to be put to use at this job.

The last four years wasn’t a waste, though.

You’ve learned how to procrastinate like a pro, how to take an exam with a solid three hours of sleep, and of course: How many beers it takes you to start singing karaoke.

But this is the real world. You’re a little fish in a big corporate pond, and you’ll be working alongside people that have been working in your industry for longer than you’ve been alive.

Confidence can be hard to come by at the beginning, but I assure you, with these ideas in mind, you’ll have a great mindset going in. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Questions To Make Starting Your Own Business Easier

5 Questions To Make Starting Your Own Business Easier

I had worked at the company since I was 20 years old as an intern.

I had a great relationship with my boss Nick, who was also one of my close friends.

Together we had grown the business from running out of his living room into a real company.

I had just told Nick I wanted to talk about my future, but as soon as we sat down at the Starbucks in Hollywood, I knew I was going to quit.

Before he arrived I quickly checked my notes to re-affirm the reasons I needed to run my own shop. I had been going back and forth before then about whether I really wanted all the responsibility of being the boss or not.

On my notes I had written out five questions about why I wanted to start my own company. The answers to those questions were all I needed to know I made the right decision. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Balance Your Career Goals with Family

How to Balance Your Career Goals with Family

Don’t apologize for wanting to be an achiever.

You’re willing to work hard.

You take the extra assignment.

You want to do whatever is necessary to get ahead.

While some today use overachiever as a derogatory term, you reach for the higher rung — with the best of motives.

If your aim is excellence for the sake of your ego, you’re likely headed for failure. But if you want to shine for the benefit of others, for your employer or because of your faith, you might be amazed at what comes of your efforts.

Still you must be careful to remember what really matters. Click Here to Read Article …