Displaying All Posts tagged with find time

5 Steps to Creating More Time

5 Steps to Creating More Time

Good Morning! You plop down at your desk and boot up your computer. Congratulations, you have 100 new emails.

Your boss stops by, “Hey! Can you meet with a new vendor at 2:30? Thanks.”

Ring, Ring. “Hello. Development is questioning the need for 3 new interfaces. Can you meet with us in 15 minutes? See you soon.” Click! Aaaaahhhh!

On days like these, you silently wish Doc Brown would appear with a brand new Delorean Time Machine, don’t you? Everyone could use more time.

But, let’s face it; Marty McFly spent most of his time fixing family crises. He had no time to finish his TPS reports or build out his amazing presentation to help reduce “Scope Creep.”

So, how do you get more time to increase your productivity without worrying about the space-time continuum? Here you go: Click Here to Read Article …

5 Tips to Find Time in Your Day

5 Tips to Find Time in Your Day

My company recently surveyed our software users about their workday behaviors.

The results confirmed what many of you probably already suspect:

The 40-hour work week is a thing of the past.

Eighty-eight percent of survey respondents answered that they work more than 40 hours each week, and 21 percent of respondents worked beyond 50 hours each week.

For better or worse, the “always on” capabilities of smartphones, email and cloud productivity apps blur the lines between our personal and professional lives.

While companies reap many benefits from an increasingly plugged-in workforce, long hours take a toll on worker morale and personal well-being.

An exhausted, frustrated workforce ultimately causes negative business results — stopping growth and success in its tracks.

Smart business practices help workers to be more productive. Here are five productivity tips to help you reclaim personal time every day. Click Here to Read Article …