Displaying All Posts tagged with job hunting

How to Think Outside the Box When Finding a Job

How to Think Outside the Box When Finding a Job

With so much competition in the job market, how do you think outside the box and have a solid plan in place on how to get noticed? If you didn’t realize yet, it’s going to take a bit of innovation to set yourself apart. There are so many traditional ways of trying to get a job, but with recruiters receiving on average 75 resumes per job opening, how can you be the one that they choose to contact? Be creative! Do something well. . . awesome!

There are many unique ways to get employers to notice you. But getting noticed is just one piece of the puzzle. You need to keep their attention in order to potentially be handed that coveted job offer. Some ways to get their attention won’t change – like having an awesome resume – however, let’s look at three creative resume ideas you could try in addition: Click Here to Read Article …

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What Do Job Hunting and Dating Have in Common?

Finding the perfect partner can be a daunting task…but it’s not unlike a process you might be very familiar with: job hunting. Much like a romantic relationship, job hunting starts with a first impression (like a first date) and is full of the same hurdles you’ll face in the dating world. How do you find the perfect company (or perfect partner)? What kind of company (or type of person) is best for you?

Considering how you look for a romantic partner may help point the way to finding the right employment match. And considering how much time you may end up spending at work, finding the right fit makes it just as important.

There are lots of different ways to connect. So, what’s your style? Click Here to Read Article …

Career Search Insights Your College Never Gave You

At this time of year my mailbox is filled with resumes from college seniors looking for their first real job and begin their career. The sad truth is that all of those resumes go directly into the garbage, for two reasons: This is not an efficient way for me to hire employees, and I believe people who simply send out unsolicited resumes are not really serious about their career.

It’s not that I’m a stickler for proper job-hunting protocol. In fact, over the years I’ve hired four people who simply showed up at my office without an appointment, requesting to tell me how and why they would make a good member of my team. These are the type of prospective employees whose resumes I do read. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Use LinkedIn to Find a New Job

So you’re looking for a new job? Good for you.

Before you make an appointment with a headhunter or waste too much time searching online job boards, check out LinkedIn. Really. It’s more than just another social network. It’s a powerful job-search tool. They have a pretty good section on how to find a job with LinkedIn. Here are a few features that will help you: Click Here to Read Article …

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How Do You Know When It’s Time to Quit Your Job?

It’s tough making the decision to quit your job, especially now with the unemployment so high. So, how do you know if you should stay or go?

Some people try to stick out a job they don’t love out of fear they’ll get labeled as a “job hopper” or have trouble finding the next gig (after all, most recruiters prefer to hire people who are already employed). Others find that leaving a stressful job frees them up emotionally and logistically to find the next job. Click Here to Read Article …

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