Displaying All Posts tagged with linkedin

7 LinkedIn Mistakes To Avoid

7 LinkedIn Mistakes To Avoid

LinkedIn has become a pivotal tool when searching for a job and offers users multiple benefits.

Your LinkedIn presence is becoming more and more crucial.

A respectable presence on the Internet is required as internal and external recruiters use it to source their talent.

In this day and age, it is an honest matter of brand or be branded.

If you fail to follow the best practices of a successful job search with LinkedIn professionals, they will assume: Click Here to Read Article …

7 Ways to Network on LinkedIn

7 Ways to Network on LinkedIn

Getting to know people in real life may be easy, but connecting with complete strangers online in hopes of gaining something from the exchange can be quite challenging.

It’s funny how every other advice-giver seems to love saying, “Make sure you network,” or “Try building connections,” without offering other pieces of crucial information concerning how on earth to do that!

The advice, it seems, is usually incomplete.

Every other Bob and Barbara knows that the networking game plays a major role when it comes to professions or career advancement.

What they can’t seem to figure out is how to approach a random stranger online and actually get them to trust what they have to say. Click Here to Read Article …

6 Ways to Build Your Brand Using LinkedIn

Is your business signed up on LinkedIn? Good for you.

LinkedIn is the professional equivalent to Facebook and Twitter. It is it largest professional social media networking site with more than 100 million users.

The primary purpose is to connect professionals based on their experience, education, similar career interests and other serious aspects. It is one of the most resourceful tools on the Web to help you build your brand and professional network. Click Here to Read Article …

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Create a PDF Resume from LinkedIn

LinkedIn has been around for a while, allowing its users to create a page to showcase their work experience, make connections with like-minded people and colleagues, and can be used as a landing page when you are actively looking for new work opportunities. But it’s not a resume — at least, in the traditional sense.

While many of those who are looking for new employees may jump onto LinkedIn to either see if a current connection is available or to notify all of their connections of an opportunity for work, there are far more employers who still like — and need — to see a resume in order for potential candidates to even contend for an opening.

This is where LinkedIn’s new Resume Builder comes in.
Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Use LinkedIn to Find a New Job

So you’re looking for a new job? Good for you.

Before you make an appointment with a headhunter or waste too much time searching online job boards, check out LinkedIn. Really. It’s more than just another social network. It’s a powerful job-search tool. They have a pretty good section on how to find a job with LinkedIn. Here are a few features that will help you: Click Here to Read Article …

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The CV Toolkit – LinkedIn

In this second installment of The CV Toolkit, I’m going beyond the paper resumé and into something that’s emerging as a tool to find really awesome people and really awesome work.  I’m going to discuss the benefits of having a LinkedIn profile and keeping it updated.

What is LinkedIn?

“LinkedIn allows you to create a profile that summarizes your professional expertise and accomplishments. You can then form enduring connections by inviting trusted contacts to join LinkedIn and connect to you. Your network consists of your connections, your connections’ connections, and the people they know, linking you to a vast number of qualified professionals and experts.”

– LinkedIn’s About page

You’re going to use LinkedIn to land the job you really want so make sure you put forth not only the energy, but qualifications that are pertinent.  Nothing really outside of what you’re looking for should be in your profile.

LinkedIn provides you with a measuring stick to get your profile to where it needs to be to get the best results (i.e. adding connections, a photo, bio, work history, etc.) and once you’ve filled that stick then you need to keep nurturing it.  There are several third-party apps that work well with the service, and if you line everything up right you end up with zero communication loss between you and your profile.

The service is all about connecting with, collaborating with and commending others.  There’s a lot that goes into it – more that can be (should be) covered on a weekend read.  But, since it is the weekend there’s no time like the present to get a profile started or reinvigorate the one you’ve already established.  Go to it. Click Here to Read Article …

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