Displaying All Posts tagged with Presentations

Review: Slidevana — Create Slick Presentations on PC, Mac, iPhone & iPad

When putting an important presentation together, it’s critical that you include all the information necessary to convey your message. However, spending hours on the design of your slideshow, rather than themessage you’re trying to communicate, means that you risk leaving out important details or presenting only a fraction of what you hope to convey. Slidevana has recently released its Keynote and PowerPoint template software to ward off exactly that.

“Whether it was for a board meeting, sales call, industry conference, investor pitch or internal review, these presentations needed to get done fast and tell a great story. But most presenters spend more than half of their time creating slides, instead of honing their message. That is why I created Slidevana.”  – Ravi Mehta, CEO of Slidevana, PRWeb. Click Here to Read Article …

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Beat the Fear and Build Presentation Skills

Beat the Fear and Build Presentation Skills

Presentation skills aren’t something that you’re born with. They are something that you can learn. Even that elusive quality called charisma can be nurtured and developed.

After all, Barack Obama didn’t begin life making flowing speeches and Winston Churchill started out with a voice impediment. So there is hope for each and every one of us.

Increasingly, presenting is something which we all have to tackle as part of our working lives. Whether it is direct presenting to a room full of expectant people, or remote presenting to a far off business partner via Skype or WebEx, or even one to one presenting at a job interview or sales pitch – presenting is a fact of modern life. So we really do need to learn to like it and build relevant presentation skills. Click Here to Read Article …

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Death by PowerPoint — How to Avoid it

Death by PowerPoint — How to Avoid it

The common side-effects of a PowerPoint presentation — How often we’ve sat in a crowded classroom or a stuffy library as we lose brain cells by the slide and we struggle to keep our eyelids open. I’m sure medical labs across the country are testing PowerPoint as an effective use in curing insomnia. But in all sincerity, the term “Death by PowerPoint” is a serious matter and should not be taken lightly.

If I offend anybody with the below points, I’m sorry. But, we are a presentation design company, and we have the right to be nitpicky. Click Here to Read Article ...

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Forget PowerPoint! How to Deliver Awesome Presentations

There’s nothing worse than falling asleep during a presentation…

This time, I’m going to stay awake. So far, so good… I’m following what he’s saying… But I wonder why the text on the screen looks really black, when the area around the slide looks kind of grey? It’s just the colour of the screen so it should look the same. I mean you can’t project more black. Must be a contrast thing. Aren’t brains weird? Wait a minute, what was he saying? Now my eyelids are getting heavy…

If you’ve ever had that feeling of jerking awake as your head falls off your shoulders, you’ll know there’s nothing much worse than trying to stay awake during a dull presentation. Everyone behind you has noticed your head making small circles and slow-bouncing nods — but no matter how hard you try, you just can’t stay awake. You’re a bear hit with a tranquilizer dart — you can fight it, but after a few wobbly steps you’re going down. You just have to hope you don’t start drooling or let out any inadvertent snorts as you wake up.

Come to think of it, there is one thing that’s worse. It’s far worse to be the one delivering a bad presentation.

A half-hour talk given to an audience of 20 uses up 10 hours of other people’s time. There’s no reason in the world not to make it awesome. Here’s how you can stop draining people with your presentations and start delivering awesome ones.
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6 Web-Based Alternatives to Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint is the ubiquitous solution to presentations on most computers. But with a profound move to the cloud, there’s a range of alternatives (most free) based on the web. These solutions offer not only features similar to the desktop app, but the ability to load your presentation anywhere you get an internet connection and, in most cases, download a copy for offline shows and/or further customization in PowerPoint itself.

In this roundup, we’ll look at a range of web-based alternatives for PowerPoint and in a future one, look at alternatives for Excel.

Google Docs

Google Docs is, of course, the first solution that comes to mind. Google offers potential replacements for Word, Excel and PowerPoint in the form of their own, slightly-less-featureful web app.

The presentation tool is basic, but gets the job done in most cases. The interface links in with Google’s other Docs properties with the addition of presentation-specific elements such as the slide browser on the left.
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Top 10 Powerpoint Resume Presentations on Slideshare

As the landscape of job hunting changes, so does the way job hunters need to present themselves. While the traditional written resume is going to be a staple for most, there are others who have taken it upon themselves to enhance their resumes through unique design implementation or delivery method.

Bringing your resume to life with a slidedeck is becoming increasingly popular. We’ve highlighted the top 10 PowerPoint resume presentations on Slideshare below to give you an idea of what you can do to elevate your resume — and land that next gig.
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Stop Being Nervous About Public Speaking

I need you to give a presentation on our reorganization plan to the rest of the group. This is your baby, so there’s no one more qualified than you to explain it.

Why are you hiding under the desk? Stop sobbing. It’s only 30 people. Sure the big boss will be there. But this is your chance to show everyone what you got.

And you’re afraid to show everyone you have a severe case of stage fright.

You need to relax. You can do this. Even if you’re a certified introvert. Let me tell you how I get through these presentations.

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