Displaying All Posts from January, 2015

How to Be A Client’s Go-To Freelancer

How to Be A Client’s Go-To Freelancer

We aren’t evaluated in a vacuum.

We don’t encounter people in a vacuum, but in the midst of their lives, when they’ve had experiences we can only guess at.

Whatever interactions we have with them they compare against those they’ve had with others.

Their expectations for the work we do with (for) them come from their experiences with other freelancers, whether they be graphic designers, wedding photographers, ghost writers or anyone.

Some clients have had some misgivings with some of the work they’ve commissioned, and they may have written these off as reflecting the limits of what they can possibly expect. That’s why a freelancer can benefit so greatly from giving clients the things they aren’t getting elsewhere.

Understanding what other freelancers are getting wrong and being sure to do that thing can get you some good reviews, referrals to new clients, decent pay and lots of appreciation. Click Here to Read Article …

6 Keys to Success In Life

6 Keys to Success In Life

Have you been yearning for success in your stagnating career?

Don’t worry. You are not alone.

Success means different things to different people.

To some, success means earning a lot of money.

To others it may mean getting promoted to the highest possible designation.

I, however, like to think of it as being happy and finding meaning in what you do. And not just finding meaning, but also continuing to enjoy your work until the day you retire. Personally, I think that is where true success lies.

How then can we nurture our careers and our life? What are the keys to success in life? Here are a few simple yet effective tips on how we can keep growing personally and professionally until the day we retire and hopefully even after that! Click Here to Read Article …

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what are the keys to success in life

4 Tips for Productive Mornings

4 Tips for Productive Mornings

If you’re a morning person, this post is not for you — you’re blessed.

And some entrepreneurs have the luxury of sleeping in and getting work done at midnight, when they’re nice and peppy.

But some of us have to see kids off to school before we can start our day.

Or maybe we have to do our work-at-home jobs during traditional business hours.

So what do you do when you’re feeling groggy and uninspired in the morning? Click Here to Read Article …

6 Tips to Get What You Want

6 Tips to Get What You Want

The one comment almost every teacher made about me on my report card was that I talk too much, and it’s a comment I still occasionally get from friends and family.

It’s true — I love to talk, and I’ll talk to anyone that’s happy to engage in conversation.

There did used to be one specific circumstance that would make me shut up though — having to speak to my boss.

Small talk was fine, but when it came to actually talking about the things that mattered I would become tight-lipped, because I was worried about saying the wrong thing.

Here’s the thing though: If you can’t speak up about where you want your career to head, you’ll never reach your full potential. If you can’t question the way things are done, you’ll end up feeling frustrated and unhappy. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Tips to Find Time in Your Day

5 Tips to Find Time in Your Day

My company recently surveyed our software users about their workday behaviors.

The results confirmed what many of you probably already suspect:

The 40-hour work week is a thing of the past.

Eighty-eight percent of survey respondents answered that they work more than 40 hours each week, and 21 percent of respondents worked beyond 50 hours each week.

For better or worse, the “always on” capabilities of smartphones, email and cloud productivity apps blur the lines between our personal and professional lives.

While companies reap many benefits from an increasingly plugged-in workforce, long hours take a toll on worker morale and personal well-being.

An exhausted, frustrated workforce ultimately causes negative business results — stopping growth and success in its tracks.

Smart business practices help workers to be more productive. Here are five productivity tips to help you reclaim personal time every day. Click Here to Read Article …

The Importance of Starting and Maintaining a Business Budget

The Importance of Starting and Maintaining a Business Budget

A large percentage of small businesses fail within one year of operation.

While circumstances vary as to the cause, one of the obvious reasons is that they’re financially incapable of continuing to operate.

There is a lot of money that goes into starting and running a business.

You need certain equipment, marketing, funds for hiring people and for emergencies.

The only way to manage all of this is to have a budget. Once you establish one, you need to stick to it. Click Here to Read Article …

4 Steps to Getting More Done

4 Steps to Getting More Done

I couldn’t focus. Period.

My head would swell with the tasks that lived in it.

Strings of words and responsibilities bounced along in my brain.

Without the right systems it was all too easy to procrastinate. I felt about 85% complete.

I was in search of the “right” system.

I tried dozens of project management and productivity tools. There was definitely something out there, I just had to find it.

Then, out of the blue, I found a to-do list program I loved. Or it found me. One of the two. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Collaborate with Other Freelancers

How to Collaborate with Other Freelancers

Collaborating? Freelance?

Other freelancers? What?

Freelancers are solelancers.

We are lone wolves, howling under silent moons.

However, collaboration among freelancers does happen more frequently than you might think.

Here are some of the benefits of collaborating, as well as a look at how one can go about it. Click Here to Read Article …