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Free Online Citation Generator

Free Online Citation Generator

When you’re writing a paper within the world of academia, citations are necessary. Many excellent essays have received failing grades due to an improper citation. For those who have embarked on these endeavors know just how time-consuming citations can be.

Additionally, it is important to follow the proper citation style, whether it’s APA, MLA, Chicago or Harvard style; not adhering to the structure can diminish the overall value of your paper. Remembering the format of each of these styles are also quite difficult for those who do not consistently use a particular style.

However, with the advancement of modern technology, there is a free resource that can assist you with your citation issues. Click Here to Read Article …

The Solution to a Smarter Supply Chain

The supply chain is both an integral asset and an ongoing obstacle. Without one it would be impossible for businesses, companies, and corporations to produce and distribute their goods. But in any industry and on every scale, the average supply chain is overwhelmed with inefficiencies, malfunctions, and setbacks.

Trying to transform the supply chain from the headache it commonly is into the tool that everyone wants it to be is a challenge that has received a phenomenal amount of attention and effort. In spite of that, no one has discovered the silver bullet that can resolve all problems in any supply chains. More commonly, the process has been characterized by progress on one front being canceled out by failures on another.

Now that technologies like supply chain ERP have reached maturity, a solution to a smarter supply chain has finally presented itself. But rather than coming in the form of a single tool or capability, the most successful supply chains share the same characteristic — transparency.

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5 Belief Systems to Adopt to Become a Top Loan Mortgage Officer

How can you become a top performer as a Loan Mortgage Officer? Surprisingly, the answer is to cultivate the right mindset to get from where you are to where you want to go.

Almost everything else has been worked out for you, from how to get leads to how to sell. The mortgage business has established many best practices on what to do, how to do it, and when to do it.

If this is the case, why aren’t more people successful in this career?

First, they have not realized that a mortgage business culture of support can provide them with all the practical know-how they need to take their career to new heights. Consequently, they are preoccupied with trying to reinvent the wheel.

Second, even when people find out what to do, they may not do it consistently enough to get results.

Here are four belief systems you need to cultivate to become a top performer:

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How to Sleep Better

How to Sleep Better

Everyone should learn how to sleep better. Sleep is like a vacation day—there can never be enough. And just like those precious vacation days, many of us don’t, in fact, get enough. You may only get a few hours’ of shuteye a night and not feel deprived, but eventually you’ll start noticing a difference, whether it’s in your work performance or overall energy level.

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8 Ways to Forget About Work…and Have Fun!

8 Ways to Forget About Work…and Have Fun!

Switching off from work is something many of us find difficult. We want the work-life balance but can find our minds are still consumed with thoughts of work when we are not there. Here are some tips to help you switch off:

1. Create a Ritual

Mark a line in the sand to signal the end of your work day. This is important whether you work from home or away. If you wear a uniform at work, you could change when you arrive home. Having a shower is another great way to wash the work day away. If you have an hour’s commute home you could decide that you will allow yourself time to ruminate over the day and upon arriving at home, you “switch” off. Find some way to delineate the work day from your leisure time.

2. Unplug

Unless it is part of your contract or job, get in the habit of unplugging from work when you are not there. You don’t have to be connected 24/7. Turn off your phone and laptop. We might think that being continuously available is what is expected of us, but often we are the ones who put these expectations on ourselves. If your boss or colleagues do expect you to be at the end of the phone or email outside work, set a new boundary around your home time. Explain what you are doing and how it will work and what you are willing to do, you don’t have to be inflexible. Be clear and assertive. Your actions could help change an unhealthy workplace habit.
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5 Common Snags Costing Your Business Efficiency

Running a business isn’t for the faint of heart. Maybe you’ve already solved some huge company challenges like creating a compelling brand, or developing products your consumers love – but in the business world, there’s always fat to trim and processes to improve upon. Operational problems and inefficiencies will always exist in some form or another, but it’s all about getting to the root of the problem.

Keep reading below to see if these five common snags are costing your business precious efficiency.

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Online Video Broadcasting

In society today, consumers are bombarded by a myriad of advertising media at home, at work, and even while travelling via public or private transport. Because of this, the modern consumer has developed a wide array of filters in order to ignore much of the advertising that companies spend millions on each year.

There is an easier way of connecting with consumers, however, which bypasses these filters by actually engaging with the audience and generating interest through genuine participation. Rather than simply offering one-directional brand communications, if you broadcast live video via a reputable company like Blue Jeans, you can offer consumers the chance to get involved in what is happening live. This way, consumers can feel like they are part of the action, making a difference and essentially helping to build a brand into what they would like it to become.

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Top 4 Healthcare Careers Require Minimal Schooling

Anyone who understands the job market these days might be looking for the next career to put a paycheck in their pocket and also take care of the bills. However, if you need to go out and work in order to pay the bills, the last thing you can afford to do is to invest a handful of years (not to mention significant out of pocket costs) to get a degree.

An alternative option is to look into a program that can lead you to a better career with minimal schooling required. The good news is that the healthcare field is blossoming, and you could make the jump in a short amount of time. 

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