Displaying All Posts in the Your Life category

9 Signs It’s Time to Change Careers

9 Signs It’s Time to Change Careers

What is your first thought every morning from Monday to Friday?

If you seem to toss and turn, hitting the snooze button while mumbling about how you hate your job or your life, then you’re probably one of those people who think a job is a deadly chore.

You are a miserable soul, and your job or career is sucking the life out of you.

Is it time for a change? Not necessarily.

Maybe the job isn’t the problem, in which case a job switch wouldn’t help much. On the contrary, you might feel that your choice of career has everything to do with your misery.

Here are nine tell-tale signs that your career is to blame — and that it’s time for a change. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Ways Freelancers Can Deal With Isolation

5 Ways Freelancers Can Deal With Isolation

Freelancers don’t have to drop coins into the office coffee fund or attend largely pointless meetings.

Many of us can work in a library or a coffee shop, or on our backyard deck, where the only sound is chickadees or mourning doves.

But as nice as these things are, they can cause loneliness and isolation.

For some, this might mean a long day before the significant other comes home; for others, a feeling of just not being connected.

Sometimes this can mean feeling like freelancing isn’t “real” work or that one is cut off from the industry (accounting, graphic design, writing) at large.

So, here are some ways to cope if you’re feeling isolated in a bad way, rather than free in a good way. Click Here to Read Article …

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8 Ways to Always Be on Time

8 Ways to Always Be on Time

Are you always running late like the little white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland?

They say punctuality is a clear sign of professionalism, and I’m sure you’ve heard that many times before.

When you’re grown up enough to have your own alarm clock and you depend on it, being late is simply unacceptable.

It may be your own loss if you miss the first ten minutes of class or the dentist appointment or someone’s wedding vows at church.

However, when it comes to work, we’re talking serious business. Click Here to Read Article …

Considering a Career Change? Avoid These 7 Mistakes

Considering a Career Change? Avoid These 7 Mistakes

They say the grass is not always greener on the other side, and in many cases, this may be true.

Similarly, we may think our current career as a bunch of baloney and another career (which we have long been daydreaming about) as something that is just what we need.

Let’s go back to the grass is greener phrase and look at some other meanings that people have attached to it:

If the grass is greener on the other side, would the other side think your grass is greener than their side?

The grass may be greener on the other side, but maybe yours will be greener if you water it.

If the grass is greener on the other side, there’s probably more manure there. Click Here to Read Article …

Stop These 10 Habits & Be Happy at Work

Stop These 10 Habits & Be Happy at Work

No matter how detailed my to-do list is or how diligently I try to stick to it, I always find myself overwhelmed at 2 p.m., making a mad dash to get things done.

This end-of-the-day crunch time leaves me exhausted and dreading what the next morning holds.

So how does an organized professional like me end up feeling like I’m giving everything, yet leaving with a sense that I’ve accomplished nothing?

Even more importantly, is there a way I can identify what I’m doing wrong, change it around to work in my favor and end each day with a sense of accomplishment instead of frustration?

Absolutely! Click Here to Read Article …

5 Considerations Before Taking that Job Across the Country

5 Considerations Before Taking that Job Across the Country

Taking a job across the country was one of the scariest things I’ve done in my adult life.

While the prospects for greater upward mobility in my career, more money and a nice benefits package — including more vacation time and better insurance — definitely made the move worthwhile, leaving family and friends behind in order to chase career gold nearly 2,000 miles away was a scary and stressful idea.

I learned a few things along the way that I wanted to share. If I can help to minimize stress and anxiety during one of the most difficult tasks in your life, then it makes sense to share what I know in order to attempt to help a few of you along the way.  Click Here to Read Article …

6 Keys to Success In Life

6 Keys to Success In Life

Have you been yearning for success in your stagnating career?

Don’t worry. You are not alone.

Success means different things to different people.

To some, success means earning a lot of money.

To others it may mean getting promoted to the highest possible designation.

I, however, like to think of it as being happy and finding meaning in what you do. And not just finding meaning, but also continuing to enjoy your work until the day you retire. Personally, I think that is where true success lies.

How then can we nurture our careers and our life? What are the keys to success in life? Here are a few simple yet effective tips on how we can keep growing personally and professionally until the day we retire and hopefully even after that! Click Here to Read Article …

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what are the keys to success in life

4 Tips for Productive Mornings

4 Tips for Productive Mornings

If you’re a morning person, this post is not for you — you’re blessed.

And some entrepreneurs have the luxury of sleeping in and getting work done at midnight, when they’re nice and peppy.

But some of us have to see kids off to school before we can start our day.

Or maybe we have to do our work-at-home jobs during traditional business hours.

So what do you do when you’re feeling groggy and uninspired in the morning? Click Here to Read Article …