Putting together a memorable presentation is very challenging work. You want it to stand out and resonate with your audience, and it’s hard enough to put together all of the information in a cohesive manner without having to worry about design. That’s why a lot of presentations end up being far less than what they really could have been. It’s like having a choice between opening a gift wrapped in fancy wrapping paper compared to one wrapped in newsprint. The shiny object always seems to win out.
To capture the attention of those you’re presenting to, you need something big and bold to help get your message across. Here’s 9 designer PowerPoint templates that will help you put together a stellar-looking presentation. Just click on each image to check out all of the features of the template.
1. Modernist
2. Utopia
3. Swiss Style
4. Media Interactive
5. BIGIdea
6. Wiked
7. Clouds
8. Modern Agency
9. Professional
Other Resources
20 Free PowerPoint Templates That Don’t Suck
28 Creative PowerPoint and Keynote Presentation Designs
14 Awesome PowerPoint Resources
modern powerpoint templates, designer powerpoint templates, powerpoint design inspiration, modern powerpoint template, swiss style, design powerpoint templates, powerpoint designer, designer powerpoint, powerpoint template modern, free creative powerpoint templates
Fantastic collection.
It’s not often you find a nice design on a powerpoint presentation, never mind a collection.
You must have been looking in the wrong places. There’s plenty of templates available.
I have always wondered how do you placed the wonderful charts into the poerpoint…
Anyone have an idea?
Very Good List templates collection Thanks for sharing
Very Nice collection of templates! and also click my name if you want to look for more templates.
Very interesting approach, thanks。
niiice! too bad it’s not for free..
Nice round up, my favorite is Utopia. Also, I like the package from http://www.presentationbundle.com , this one should be on your next list. Tanks for sharing!
great resource! a good powerpoint is always useful when trans customer’s idea to design teams, and vice versa show design work to customer in order to gain effective feedback!
Good resources. Thanks. Here are a few other resources that I use for my presentations.
All these contains lot of PowerPoint templates for free download ($0).
Check this Powerpoint template http://graphicriver.net/item/nexa-business-powerpoint-template/8392037