How Anxiety Brings Out Our Best Writing

How Anxiety Brings Out Our Best Writing

This is not a guide to dealing with anxiety.

It’s not an article on why anxiety is evil.

I’m not going to tell you why we should feel good all the time.

This article is about the various anxieties I’ve felt as a freelance writer and how I’ve negotiated them.

It’s about how these anxieties often produce better material as a result.

There are three types of anxiety I most commonly have as a freelancer: Click Here to Read Article …

Your Lunch Hour Guide: 7 Tips to Make the Most of It

Your Lunch Hour Guide: 7 Tips to Make the Most of It

For many of us, the working day can become monotonous, and this can really hinder our productivity.

A lot of us have tasks that need to be completed before the end of the day — having free reign over how to go about our work days is a luxury most of us just don’t have.

Our lunch hour is the one part of the day that is ours to take advantage of.

It’s a time we should be using to its full potential, and not just sitting at our desks eating lunch.

Through the years of working an office job, I’ve been exploring new ways to enjoy my lunch breaks instead of wasting the one part of my work day that I can call my own. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Handle a Career Transition

How to Handle a Career Transition

Depending on why you are choosing, or have chosen, to switch careers you may be facing a variety of emotions — but it’s a safe bet that they will include both exhilaration and trepidation.

Finding your feet in a new field can take time.

That’s why it’s a good idea to lay the groundwork by taking at least one course that relates to the area you plan to work in, even if you’re just moving within a certain field.

Not only will this help acquaint you with any legal and professional issues you need to be across, it will also inform you about practices and information that might, at the beginning, be unfamiliar.

It’s important to choose a study program carefully and wisely. Online courses are very popular now, as they are flexible and can be fitted in around other commitments.

Use a good, comprehensive resource and make sure that you select a course that meets your needs and goals. Embarking on a period of study is also a great way to connect with others who will also be entering your chosen field, via online professional forums connected with the subject. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Ways to Talk Politics at Work

5 Ways to Talk Politics at Work

“Don’t hug a boa constrictor” is absolutely good advice that you should always take.

“Pull the rip cord” is also solid guidance.

“Don’t talk politics at work” is pretty good advice in some ways.

Yet, democratic nations pride themselves on affording freedoms, including the freedom to express oneself.

Having and voicing viewpoints can develop richer workplace relationships that will lead to some solid collaborations.

Or, maybe talking politics on the job is just inevitable. Here are some tips for expressing honest opinions in a way that will help you avoid trouble and offending your peers. Click Here to Read Article …

Your Guide: When to Post on Social Media

Your Guide: When to Post on Social Media

You suffer from insomnia, so you think the best way to spend the night is post some statuses or images on Facebook and start interacting with your friends or fans.

Is that a good decision?

Do you really want to share your wisdom at a time when it doesn’t stand a chance of reaching a great audience?

It is very important to post the right content at the right time.

If you want to boost your popularity on these platforms, you need to strategize! Click Here to Read Article …

How to Discuss Salary with Coworkers

How to Discuss Salary with Coworkers

This article is not about asking for a raise.

It’s not about suing your employer.

Nor is it about negotiating a salary during a job interview.

It’s about the best ways to navigate the delicate topic of salaries when it inevitably comes up among coworkers.

Despite what you may have heard, it’s not something to avoid, just something to do with savvy. Click Here to Read Article …

3 Steps to Handle Emergency Projects

3 Steps to Handle Emergency Projects

Your boss calls you in.

Upper management has decided a crisis is brewing and the problem needs fixing immediately.

You are chosen.

What was your response?

For many of us, the response is to say, “Of course,” and leave the office wondering how we’re going to fix this. Then we go back to our desk and sit for a moment.

Then we turn to our coworker and say something like, “You’ll never believe what they just asked me to do!” Venting ensues.

Complaining to your coworker probably didn’t help the situation. Here are three steps to take control of situation calmly and efficiently. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Build a Strong Company Culture

How to Build a Strong Company Culture

When a great business concept is born, its creator spends much of their time planning budgets and hiring employees.

They may even setup social media accounts to help spread the word on their product or service.

However, regardless of what niche the business happens to occupy, the one aspect that makes the business truly unique is its culture.

Workplace culture is defined as the unique style and approach of any given company. Culture impacts everything about a company, from its hiring practices to its level of employee engagement.

Granted, what works for one business may not work for another. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to creating the “perfect” company culture, but there are some factors that will foster a cohesive and productive one. Click Here to Read Article …