Free Online Citation Generator

Free Online Citation Generator

When you’re writing a paper within the world of academia, citations are necessary. Many excellent essays have received failing grades due to an improper citation. For those who have embarked on these endeavors know just how time-consuming citations can be.

Additionally, it is important to follow the proper citation style, whether it’s APA, MLA, Chicago or Harvard style; not adhering to the structure can diminish the overall value of your paper. Remembering the format of each of these styles are also quite difficult for those who do not consistently use a particular style.

However, with the advancement of modern technology, there is a free resource that can assist you with your citation issues. Click Here to Read Article …

Analyzing 5 Common Workforce Problems

When revenue isn’t exceeding operating costs, there needs to be a thorough analysis of the issues that are contributing to the problem. Usually, they fall into one of three categories: workforce issues, problems with a process or bad market conditions.

During periods where the market conditions are working in your favor, the issue clearly lies within your company. It could be one major problem that’s causing a ripple effect or a number of small problems that are adding up. Below are five workforce issues to look at first if productivity or efficiency has become a problem.

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Understanding The Power Of The Telephone

It really is a powerful tool of communication, even if many of us do not put much thought into it. By grasping a better understanding of just how impactful the phone can be in our lives, both personal and professional, you should be able to make better use of it – especially when it comes to your business needs.

Auto Dialing For Business Success

If you own a business and it counts on you sending out a lot of calls to potential and current customers, you will want to think about whether your platform for success could make use of an added auto dialer. With the auto dialer system in place, you will find that your employees will have much more productive time spent on the phone. Instead of spending the majority of their time dialing numbers and sitting there while the phone rings, they can be talking to real live people. The system simply connects them to the next caller that is on the phone. One of the best places to use such technology would be in a call center, but it can be useful in other professional environments as well. Many companies find that as their productivity levels increase after the installation of an auto dialing system, their financial records start to show some improvement as well.

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Content 101: How to Develop Must-Read Content for Your Ecommerce Site

One of the best ways to drive traffic to your organization’s website is publishing engaging content. However, actively engaging readers requires a lot of planning.

In this article, we are going to lay out some key ways to develop must-read content for your eCommerce site to get clicks and drive traffic to your business.

Outline Your Post

It’s pretty safe to say every great piece of literature began with preparation. Even the best bloggers in the world need a basic idea of what they’re writing about to keep them on the right track. This is where a short outline will serve you well. All you need is a rough guide to keep you on topic. Let’s say you’re a plumber outlining a blog post on the topic: “Common Fixes for Leaky Faucets.” Your outline would look something like this:

  • Introduction
    • Empathize with the reader about the problems leaky faucets cause and express your intent to fix them with solutions A, B and C.
  • Section 1 – Solution A
    • Detail how the problem can be solved using this method.
  • Section 2 — Solution B
    • Compare this solution to the above method, show how it differs and may be more applicable in the reader’s particular situation.
  • Section 3— Solution C
    • Compare this solution to the others and describe a situation in which this method would be a better one for the reader.
  • Section 4 — Conclusion
    • Summarize by repeating your key points.

Keep in mind; content marketing is a great way to drive traffic to your business. While all of the best ecommerce website builders let you incorporate blogs as part of their platforms, you have to come up with compelling material to make it work. To get there, a basic, easy to follow outline will help you keep your post on the rails.

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5 Secrets to Motivating Yourself

5 Secrets to Motivating Yourself

What do you do when you’re feeling kind of blah and can’t seem to shake it?

Do you have ways to snap out of those moods and create a sense of drive and purpose?

If yes, keep doing what you’re doing (and leave a comment at the end of this post with your secrets).

If you’re like most of us, you may need a little extra help to get your mojo movin’ again.

Here are five ways to inspire yourself: Click Here to Read Article …

The Solution to a Smarter Supply Chain

The supply chain is both an integral asset and an ongoing obstacle. Without one it would be impossible for businesses, companies, and corporations to produce and distribute their goods. But in any industry and on every scale, the average supply chain is overwhelmed with inefficiencies, malfunctions, and setbacks.

Trying to transform the supply chain from the headache it commonly is into the tool that everyone wants it to be is a challenge that has received a phenomenal amount of attention and effort. In spite of that, no one has discovered the silver bullet that can resolve all problems in any supply chains. More commonly, the process has been characterized by progress on one front being canceled out by failures on another.

Now that technologies like supply chain ERP have reached maturity, a solution to a smarter supply chain has finally presented itself. But rather than coming in the form of a single tool or capability, the most successful supply chains share the same characteristic — transparency.

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Are You Making These Remote Workforce Management Mistakes?

Managing a remote workforce is no easy task. Those heading up remote teams must make sure that their clients and customers are satisfied, as well as looking after a team of staff who rarely set foot into a central office, and spend most of their working day on the road. With so many balls in the air, it’s natural that there are going to be some mistakes on the way. Here are some of the most common mistakes that managers make when they’re in charge of a remote workforce – and how to avoid them.

Neglecting to build a rapport

Some managers get into the mindset that they don’t need to build working relationships with their staff, because they’ll be on the road most of the time, rather than in a central office. But this can lead to further issues – staff who spend their days travelling can feel alienated, and if there’s a problem, they might hide it rather than telling their superiors. It’s vital to build a rapport with staff, even if you barely see them face-to-face. Check in with them daily, praise them for their successes (no matter how small), and try to schedule in regular meetings to give them a chance to raise any issues or discuss potential problems.

Using the wrong tools (or no tools at all)

We’re lucky to live in such a technologically-advanced era, and there are a multitude of tools and resources out there to help manage remote workforces, whether it’s a cloud-based file-sharing system, a time and attendance solution or a messaging app that helps keep managers in touch with staff. Make sure you’re leveraging these tools to your advantage – simple pieces of software or apps can transform a tricky working situation into something altogether more manageable.

Not measuring progress

Even though staff are out there on their own, they still need performance targets and goals to help them move forwards and progress. Some remote workforce managers don’t feel the need to set their staff goals or measure their progress – but this can lead to employees becoming disengaged at work. Arrange a meeting with your remote workers and agree on a set of metrics you can measure over the long-term. This will keep your remote staff on track and give them plenty to aim for.

Not logging all processes

Make sure your staff are logging every process into a centralised system. This provides an extra layer of accountability for your remote workers, and can help you keep track of their movements and activity when they’re on-the-go. This is also a useful system if a member of staff were to fall ill mid-shift, or find themselves stuck in traffic – if their activity is logged, stand-in staff can see exactly where they’re up to and what is still left to be done.

How to Get Your Employees to Really Tell You What They Think

How to Get Your Employees to Really Tell You What They Think

Ben Franklin once wrote in his annual Poor Richard’s Almanack that “the same man cannot be both friend and flatterer.” Oftentimes we’re so focused on not hurting our friends’ feelings that we flatter them instead of giving them the cold hard truth.

And why wouldn’t you give them the cold hard truth? Because you know that they will most likely hold some sort of a grudge against you after the fact.

To anyone who’s ever given their best friend a hard dose of truth: much respect. But for the rest of us who find it hard to give constructive criticism, we’re paralyzed when it comes time to talk.
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