Podcast 24 – Podcasting Passion with Myke Hurley

On this episode of the Work Awesome podcast, outgoing Podcast Prodigy Mike Vardy chats with a man of many podcasts, Myke Hurley.

Mike is the man behind The Podcasting Project, which is the hub for the podcasts he is involved with (including Enough: The Minimal Mac Podcast, which he co-hosts with past Work Awesome podcast guest Patrick Rhone).

Along with the number of podcasts that Myke is involved in, he manages to work a full time day job — and the discussion on this episode revolves a lot around how one can fuel their passion while still working a job 40+ hours a week.

Show Notes

  • How Myke manages all of the podcasts and still maintains a level of “awesomeness”.
  • He gives some insight into his workflow.
  • What podcasting equipment he uses , much of which can be found online at the personal website of past guest Dan Benjamin.
  • . . .and there’s the usual talk about the drink of choice (and what he uses to drink it), workstation preferences, whether or not music is in the working atmosphere equation and more.

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Mike Vardy an editor on Work Awesome. We could tell you where his personal productivity parody site, Eventualism and all of his other projects reside on the web, but you'd be best served going to Vardy.me and following the trail of virtual bread crumbs from there.


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