WorkAwesome Podcast: Episode 9 – Dan Benjamin

This week’s episode features an interview with Dan Benjamin of the Internet broadcasting network 5by5. This relatively new network features shows that involve not only Dan himself, but other well known “Internetians” such as John Gruber (Daring Fireball), Marco Arment (Instapaper), Jeffrey Zeldman (A List Apart) and Merlin Mann (43 Folders).

WorkAwesome editor Mike Vardy had the rare opportunity to put Dan on the “interviewee” side of things to find out about his own workflow and habits, what tools he uses to stay — and increase — his productivity and what triggered him to forge out on his own and start 5by5.

Enjoy the podcast!

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(Image courtesy of

Links to Ikea desks that can be used as a “standing desk”:

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marco arment

Mike Vardy an editor on Work Awesome. We could tell you where his personal productivity parody site, Eventualism and all of his other projects reside on the web, but you'd be best served going to and following the trail of virtual bread crumbs from there.


  1. Tom on the 25th January

    Thanks again for another great show, but did anybody else have issues with volume levels? I subscribe through iTunes and at certain points during the show the volume would double, and then fade back down again.

    I’m a big fan of 5by5 so was pleased to hear Dan make an appearance here.

    • Mike Vardy on the 25th January


      I did have some difference in volume between Dan and myself…I did my best to even it out. At the end, I came up with the best result considering the sound technical issues. My apologies for that…I actually mention during the tail end of the podcast that the goal is to get to the quality of 5by5 shows. I’m just happy that as we progress we are getting some great guests.

      Thanks again for listening – and for your feedback!

  2. TrafficColeman on the 25th January

    Dan is an great guy..I’m always looking to network with more marketers who are doing great things online..

    “Black Seo Guy “Signing Off”

  3. Alan on the 25th January

    Why no links to the products? Also, why the huge range in volume? A couple times Dan’s voice just about blew out my speakers.

    • Mike Vardy on the 25th January

      There was a difference between the Skype call on his end on mine. I compensated as best I could.

      As for products, I’ve added the Ikea links that we discussed. Beyond that, pretty mch everything he has is at 5by5 or his personal site.

      Thanks for the feedback…and for listening!

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