10 Online To Do List Manager Solutions to Get Things Done

Microsoft Outlook still reigns supreme for to do list management in the corporate office. It’s favored by IT departments, integrates with company email, sports awesome calendar sharing, and has a ton of other features that most of us will never use.

But cloud-based task managers are becoming more compelling and practical every day. It’s not uncommon for employees to spend their professional and personal time between three computers: a laptop, work desktop and home desktop. Throw an iPhone or Blackberry into the mix, and synchronization across all of these devices becomes an unwieldy engineering project. There has to be a better way.

Handwritten to do lists are quick to create, but lack some of key advantages of digital list managers:

  1. Copy/pasting information from email and web pages into note attachments to list items, such as driving directions, confirmation codes, product specifications, and other details that would be too tedious to jot down longhand.
  2. Managing and organizing multiple lists by category headings and tags.
  3. Editing the sequence and hierarchy of list items by priority or other criteria

Still, nothing beats paper for speed of entry when capturing raw data. I usually distinguish between capturing things to do and organizing them. When Iย jot a quick note, it’s often a sentence fragment that makes sense in the moment, but would rather not decode later, when I’m removed from the situation that made “desk lamp” shorthand for putting “Ikea: look for new desk lamp” on my Errands list. Paper’s informality gives me permission to write down whatever comes to mind in its initial form, knowing that I’ll clarify everything I capture into physical next action listings at least once a day.

Optional and Essential Task List Features

Not everyone needs the same things out of an online to do list manager. Some users just want a lean alternative to Outlook, while others want device synchronization and calender integration. Here are some features to consider with any online to do list manager that you test drive:

A simple user interface. A simple UI isn’t just desirable for minimizing the learning curve. The fewer options you have to process, the easier it is to focus on the content of the list.

Categories. Segmenting your lists into separate categories has several applications. You can keep a list of projects separate from the individual tasks that move those projects forward. For instance, you can have “Optimize landing page” as an item on your project list, and “iStockphoto: browse pictures for landing page” on your @Computer task list. That way, when you’ve checked off the task, you’ll have the project listing to remind you to define the next action.

Categories also help keep your to do lists short. If you’re at home, and you want to see what you can do there, it’s much easier to scan through an @Home list than to try to sort a single to do list with many times more items.

Hierarchies. Instead of having multiple flat lists, you might prefer to organize your work into a list of projects, then have their component tasks indented beneath them in an outline format.

Priority settings. Assigning priority codes to sort some items higher in the list than others can be immensely helpful when you’d want to glance at your list rather than scan through it more methodically. I actually don’t prioritize my task list, but I do use two priority codes to corral my writing projects into one contiguous block within my project list. Whatever you do for a living, you might want to create two priority assignments to block vocational and personal tasks into separate visual blocks within the same list.

Note fields. A field for writing or pasting notes into a task entry attachment has a ton of uses. You can write out your shopping list inside of the “Pick up groceries” entry on your to do list. You can write an agenda of discussion items in your entry for “Talk to boss,” so that you can address multiple topics in a single visit. You can draft a checklist of considerations within a task entry, or a checklist of milestones with a project entry.

Due dates. You may prefer to use your calendar for storing due dates, but having them in both places can never hurt, and it certainly help for prioritizing tasks

Hotkeys. Web 2.0 list managers are increasingly supporting keyboard shortcuts for adding and editing entries — like Ctrl-N for creating a new task. If you’re a fluent typist, you’re already aware of how reaching for the mouse can break your momentum, and probably realize by now that the streamlining of data entry is well worth the short learning curve of memorizing a few new keystrokes.

Device sync. This may be optional for some, but for me, the need to synchronize my online task lists with my phone was non-negotiable. If you’re going to carry a phone ubiquitously anyway, you might as a well turn it into your portable list and contact manager, and free yourself from toting a bulky day planner.

10 Popular Online To Do List Manager Apps

An actionable list is a short list, so I’m filtering out the two dozen other online task list manager products that have come across my attention. Here are the 10 that keep resurfacing in my years of using and reading about productivity apps.

Remember the Milk (Free. Pro version $25). This is one of the most full-featured list managers, handling tasks and contacts. Tasks can be assigned dates, tags, categories, time estimates, and even geolocation. RTM supports Google Gears for offline use, has a mobile web version and syncs with Google Calendar. The $25 Pro version offers sync clients for the iPhone, Blackberry, Windows Mobile and Android devices. The only missing sync option is Outlook — which is the case with most online list managers.

Google Tasks. (Free) Google Tasks naturally integrates with other Google services (though sometimes as a “Labs” features) like Gmail, Google Calendar and iGoogle. Tasks supports categories, hierarchies and notes. Unfortunately, while Google Apps Sync for Outlook supports Google’s Gmail, Contacts and Calendar, the Tasks app has no API yet to sync with anything except Google’s own Android platform. But there is a mobile web version of Tasks.

GooSync ($35 a year. $70 lifetime). Like RTM, GooSync supports synchronization with iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile and Android, but also supports Palm and Nokia devices. GooSync syncs with Google Calendar and Contacts, or you can use GooSync’s own calendar and contact apps. I use GooSync’s own task list manager, since Google hasn’t enabled third-party syncing with Tasks at this time.

Ta-da List (Free). Features, schmeatures! When it comes to simplified to do lists, 37Signals’ Ta-da List is as spartan as they come. With Ta-da List, you can (1) create a list, (2) give it a name, (3) check items off and (4) optionally share the list. That’s it. No categories, priorities, due dates, hierarchies, or anything else remotely resembling feature creep. You may find that less is more.

Gtdagenda (Free. Basic version $39.45 a year. Premium version 69.95 a year). One of the many online to do list managers in the last few years that attempts to organize tasks and projects according to David Allen’s Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology, though in a less canonical fashion. In addition to a Calendar (in Basic and Premium versions), Gtdagenda supports lists for Goals, Projects, Tasks, Next Actions, Checklists and “Schedules.” Schedules are templates for recurring daily or weekly time allocations — what are sometimes called “time maps.” Gtdagenda also features a mobile web version, but no device syncing.

Checkvist (Free. Pro version $30 a year). Checkvist (sic) lets you create lists or outlines, which you can share or export. Though I use GooSync for tasks, I’m a huge fan of Checkvist for brainstorming and project planning. Checkvist is surprisingly lean and fast for a web app, and the hotkey support is excellent. A Chrome extension is also available for viewing and editing lists directly from the toolbar, and a mobile web version is also available.

Todoist (Free. Premium version $3 a month).While Checkvist is an application-agnostic outliner that isn’t designed specifically for task management, Todoist is an outliner designed for creating hierarchies of projects and tasks. Todoist has a calendar, integration with Gmail, an iGoogle widget, a Firefox extension and a mobile web version.

Toodledo (Basic version free. Pro version $14.95 a year. Pro Plus version $29.95 a year). A very complete online to do list manager. The only thing missing is syncing for multiple devices (though Toodledo does have an iPhone app). Toodledo handles hierarchies (Pro version), folders, tags, notes, priorities, goals, time estimates, timers, contexts, and importing of several popular PIM databases: Outlook, iCal, Palm OS and even Remember the Milk.

Nutshell (Free. Donation suggested). This one makes a great browser home page. Nutshell’s dashboard features three text entry fields: one for search, one for adding notes, and another for adding items to a list selected from a dropdown menu. The search field defaults to Google, but Nutshell supports keywords that redirects queries to other search engines: imdb [keyword] will do an IMDb search, az [keyword] searches Amazon, and so on. The actual list management portion is on the simple side, supporting descriptions (notes), a checkbox to flag an item as “high priority,” and that’s about it.

Tedium ($19.95 a year). Another task list manager that falls on the simpler side of feature sets. Tedium lets you tag list items, assign due date and notes. You can customize views to show panels of list filtered by assigned criteria. For instance, you can have a sidebar that shows all of you tasks that are due by today, or due by this week, or assigned a certain tag. Tedium also makes a standalone version available.

Popular search terms for this article:

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Andre Kibbe currently works as a content analyst for Internet Brands. He can be found on Twitter: @andrekibbe


  1. Chris Morata on the 13th January

    Oh no! You forgot Google’s new GQueues! It’s quite amazing, and I know there’s an iPhone app for it too. I don’t think I’ve come across a desktop app/widget.

    Be sure to check it out, and maybe add it to your list ๐Ÿ™‚


    • Mohsin on the 13th January

      It’s not a Google’s app, but built on Google App Engine by some small privately held company.

    • J4cK on the 14th January

      @Chris Morata

      GQueues seems nice ! Thanks for that !

    • Andre Kibbe on the 14th January


      Unfortunately, I can’t log into GQueues in Chrome, just Firefox. I’m still more drawn to Checkvist for its complete array for keyboard shortcuts, but I intend to play with GQ more to tease out its unique features.

    • Alejandro on the 28th August

      Where exactly is the iphone app? There is NO iphone app for gqueues, all there is a mobile browser-based version with offline support. This is a huge step below a native app as there is no local alarm integration, no local notifications, no local sharing etc.

      Would love to see a REAL native app for android or iphone to match their really good desktop version.

    • Bouchra Ben on the 13th January

      Many suggestions are great for online, However, if you have an iPad, MagicalPad did a great job.

      I wish there was an online version of it. they nailed free-form with outline…kind of like OneNote for Windows in a way.


  2. Moe on the 13th January

    Nice list….. heres another list I have been using for about a month now…. its also free and simple to use


    • Bourne on the 29th December

      This is similar to a free task manager I found in Google Code http://code.google.com/p/activitytrackerplus/. This task manager also does time tracking and scheduling. It uses Google Spreadsheet to store data.

  3. Jeff Janer on the 14th January

    Another to-do list manager alternative that’s come a long way since your review a little more than a year ago (http://tools-for-thought.com/2008/11/21/springpad-a-user-friendly-notebook/) is Springpad (http://springpadit.com). Not only does it provide many task management features, it also makes it easy to capture, organize and use content and data to help get things done.

    (full disclosure – I’m a Springpad co-founder)

  4. Jayaprakash on the 14th January


    It seems that the link of google tasks points to generic google.com rather than http://mail.google.com/mail/help/tasks/

  5. rocket-flo on the 14th January

    for me, the best is http://www.teuxdeux.com simple, clear, fast and effective.
    I’m not a really organized person but teudeux helps me a lot !

  6. Cory Mathews on the 14th January

    GQueues is not by google. Its just someone who wanted it to look like it was…

  7. Stephanie Lewis on the 14th January

    Also, I really like http://teuxdeux.com. It’s simple and pretty and I use it everyday.

    • Andre Kibbe on the 14th January


      I love the clean layout and drag-and-drop task repositioning in TeuxDeux. It looks a great week-at-a glance list manager.

  8. Gjergji Kokushta on the 14th January

    I would like to mention (again) http://teuxdeux.com – It simulates the desk calendar where keep note of things to do. Simple & Useful!

  9. Frederic Sune on the 14th January

    Same as Stephanie, I used and love http://teuxdeux.com. Simple, fast & pretty

  10. Paul Jackson on the 14th January

    I also like Thymer.

    There is free and pro/team versions, but very fast, light and usable.

    • Iain on the 3rd September

      Thank you for your tip about Thymer. It has saved me. I cannot recommend it enough. There is nothing that touches it.

  11. Erica M on the 15th January

    I use Remember the Milk Pro combined with evernote.com for information gathering and cloud storage. I’m not an organized person, and these are my favorite programs for solving that problem with my iPhone.

    Great blog. I’m de-lurking today.

  12. Denis on the 15th January

    There is actually a native iPhone app to sync Google Tasks to iPhone – it’s called GeeTasks. I’m the developer, feel free to visit my forums and ask questions:


  13. Octi on the 18th January

    I think the most difficult part is when you have to sync everything on one account.

    That is why we’re trying to adapt to Google Calendar, as we’re using most of Google’s tools: email, docs, analytics, webmaster tools, adwords.

    Before this, good ol’ paper worked just fine.

  14. Jorge Mafud [@mafudabogados] on the 26th January

    I’ve been using nirvana and I’m loving it. http://www.nirvanahq.com

    See ya!

  15. Gwen Bell on the 27th January

    One more vote for http://teuxdeux.com. Life brightener, productivity winner!

    (First time visitor – this is one hecka gorgeous site. But you already know that.)

  16. Subter on the 9th March

    Nice summary!
    Just wanted to share an alternative idea for a todo manager recently:
    http://WhenDidYouLast.com – which, rather than saving tasks todo, saves tasks you did, so you can check on them later. Something like telling to myself “when did you last clean your table?” or “visit your friend?”.
    It looks basic, but it works for me and maybe will improve over time.

  17. kyith on the 20th June

    I used to use Appigo Todo and Action List on the iPod Touch but recently chanced upon this application that i review called 2Do.

    Thought nothing much of it but once i use it, it turn out pretty great for getting things done.

    Here is a guide showing how i set up 2Do as my GTD App >> http://www.productiveorganizer.com/to-do-list/gtd-series-part-7getting-things-done%C2%AE-using-2do-for-iphone/

  18. Kite on the 7th October

    I used and love http://www.btodo.com/

  19. chris engelsma on the 11th October

    http://www.plancake.com is a good option too. quick.

  20. Anand Mistry on the 26th October

    I am too irritate with desktop to do task list. I am maintaining my to do task with help of excel. I am thinking to use online + free to do task manager which will help me lot & get it done all tasks in time. I visited following one to finalize any one. What you suggest??

    http://tadalist.com/ & http://www.rememberthemilk.com/

    Thanks for your valuable post!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. Billy on the 3rd November

    Checkvist is so flexible and sexy! Thanks for the recommendation. I consider to switch to this one. The only thing I feel imperfect is the “due” list. Only “asap”, “tomorrow” and “later” seems not enough. It would be better if something like “next week”, “this month”, “next month” could be added.

    @Anand, I prefer tadalist as it’s more intuitive and simpler. For RTM, it is a bit fancy for simple tasks, but not enough for complicated ones.

  22. Jessica on the 9th November

    It’s so frustrating find a good online task manager it me ages to finally settle on Dooster which I adore. Therefore am recommending it for you to check out. http://www.dooster.net hope the info helps someone out there!

  23. Samuel on the 4th January

    I use the Todoist Wall app on my iPhone:

  24. chris on the 7th February

    I use Todo+Note=Getthingsdone app on my android phone and it works perfectly for me.


  25. Micah Blu on the 7th February

    None of the ones you’ve listed work as simply and intuitively as http://www.todobrew.com, in my opinion. What I like most is that its actually a “daily” todo list, which helps me focus on my daily todos. It’s free and works great on my iPhone.

  26. chris on the 8th February

    After using a multitude of webbased todo lists, I am now using a desktop based todo list. It is much snappier, and I can control it entirely with the keyboard. no lifting my hand off the keyboard to the mouse and back again ad nausem. I am using Swift to do list now and find it exactly what I need. You can customize it to fit your needs. It’s great. Great support too from the developers.

  27. Nick on the 14th April

    Thank you Andre. This article is just what I was looking for.

  28. Tom on the 21st April

    Like Jessica on here I use Dooster. Which I think should be in the Top 10 online todo lists.

  29. Ryan on the 9th May

    My lists (http://mylists.creativitygames.net) is a good one if you just want really simple lists and not many features to get in the way. Even better, you don’t even need to make an account. Just rock up and start creating your todos.
    It also has a popout remote which is good if you have a widescreen.

  30. Roy on the 13th May

    I’ve been looking for a good free online to do list, and I’ve been using this wonderful discussion as my major resource. Thanks to all of you.

    My requirements are that it be free, simple, intuitive, able to easily modify a task, able to view all tasks in separate categories at the same time, and… here’s an interesting one… checking off an item won’t make it disappear forever. I don’t like to be smacked hard by a lowly application for making a simple error.

    After trying out around 10 of them, the awkwardly named Checkvist.com is the winner. The ability to move items around in an outline format is just awesome; there are my work-related tasks, there are the personal ones, all visible at the same time. Oh… and hitting the arrow keys (with ctrl) to move items around, tab and shift-tab to change outline level, and hitting the Del key to remove the item… it just makes so much sense. (Also, all of the important action and navigation shortcuts are always there on the right side of the screen.)

  31. 52tube on the 24th June

    After using a multitude of webbased todo lists, I am now using a desktop based todo list. It is much snappier, and I can control it entirely with the keyboard. no lifting my hand off the keyboard to the mouse and back again ad nausem. I am using Swift to do list now and find it exactly what I need. You can customize it to fit your needs. Itโ€™s great. Great support too from the developers.

  32. Alvaro Santamaria on the 10th August

    Nice article, however I think it could be interesting if you take a quick look at our web site http://www.so-much-to-do.com which is an online to-do list management tool and takes advantage of the most modern technology like AJAX, web services, client scripting in order to produce a responsive user experience. Our users are very happy with it!

  33. Alejandro on the 28th August

    Gqueues is great. But as long as they don’t have native android and/or iPhone apps, it is no good to our small company. Their HTML5 w/offline browser-based mobile app is a good effort, but it is not really useful/productive.
    I don’t want my phone apps waiting for the browser to launch in order to work, It is just not practical. Besides native apps have better integration with the rest of the phone, like native notifications, alarm integration, sharing, etc. not to mention fast launching and loading, critical in any useful “tasks” app. even milliseconds count here.

    I really tried to like make use of this app, I bought 2 licences and used then for over a year with my secretary but again with no native android or iPhone app, I had to let it go. Will be back when they do or have an open API for developers.
    Also missing is a “search” function in the desktop browser version.
    Only available in English
    Still looking for a replacement.
    I wish google tasks had task delegation.

  34. Nguyen on the 29th August

    Hey guys,

    Any recommend for to-do list app on DESKTOP(Windows, Mac) (not browser-based) than can sync online like evernote or dropbox?

    • MARK on the 11th January

      Hi Nguyen,
      We are using a task management tool (in our office) that is not web-based – it is installed on your personal Windows-operated computer as a client component, and on your in-house server as the server component (it is called VIP Task Manager http://www.taskmanagementsoft.com/ ). It synchronizes and updates your tasks via your own corporate server, so it supports collaboration in real-time, and it also can work via Internet (if your server has a static IP address then remotely working people can connect your database as if they worked within the same LAN with you). I think their online operator can tell you even more, thanks!

  35. anja on the 29th August

    I am looking for that same thing right now!
    I need to view my tasks offline too!

    Thank you!

  36. Lucy on the 9th September

    I wasnโ€™t looking for a task manager but am obliged by my company to use Dooster as they chose it from a selection. Iโ€™m quite enjoying it really. I canโ€™t think of anything that has gone wrong since we got it and I have found Dooster customer service to be very kind.

  37. James on the 3rd October

    We was using google task for quite some time, and it was such painful experience. At the moment we are using dooster and remember the milk from the author first position. Grate list btw.

  38. chams on the 5th October

    Try this simple online check list tool . it is awesome.

    • strictland on the 30th May

      loving this!

  39. pete on the 7th October

    i prefere to use SlimOrganizer

  40. Lee on the 27th October

    Toodledo is fantastic! I used the 2do app on my itouch for years, (I am sure works on iphone) and was happy to upgrade to the paid version. 2do app syncs remotely to the toodledo desktop version. Also syncs with Ical. I benefit from its efficient organization of multiple and customizable folders and subfolders; I can easily navigate thru and have quick buttons for many functions; and I love its nice interface to look at,,,If you are anything like me, you will love this app. I managed a biz with it.

    However! Now I have a blackberry, and until a 2do app comes on boards, I am in search for a great option for task manager that will live up to what 2do does, which I am sure there is ๐Ÿ™‚ as well as sync with google calendar and/or iCal.

    anyone knows of a good blackberry task app that easily with google calendar or iCal?


  41. Pankaj on the 3rd November

    HyperOffice is another option to consider, especially if youre on a team – http://www.hyperoffice.com/task-manager/

  42. Arthur McDonnely on the 6th December

    I use Deed. deed.ordinem.com

  43. Arthur McDonnely on the 6th December

    Sorry, forgot to make it a link – http://deed.ordinem.com

  44. jamie on the 20th January

    We use Dooster. We chose it from a selection all of which were compelling and practical (using your words) but Dooster seemed to get the majority vote that day so we got and we’re keeping it. Very useful software.

  45. Eric on the 22nd January

    CloudTasks (http://www.cloud-tasks.com) shall also be considered.
    Tasks are organized by project. An actionee and a due date are assigned to each task and can be used to sort them.
    A free access is proposed.

  46. Sean on the 3rd February

    I think Deed is probably the best of all online to-do lists.

  47. Gareth Jiens on the 17th February

    You can also give https://www.mypdv.com for a to-do list, activity and calender managers….

  48. Cedric on the 25th February

    Oh no! You forgot ouractionlist.com !

    During your meetings you agree and capture actions, assignments and due dates. It is essential all members take responsibility for work done outside of the team meeting.

    Upon requests and with input of senior and executive managers we developed: ouractionlist.com

    ouractionlist.com makes the dull work of continuous automatic follow up, reporting, reminding etc so much simpler. It creates an easy to use, real time overview in one single joined-up place and is proactively keeping track of progress and reports back to the team!

    This is what you want to accomplish things together!

    As we believe that it is always a hassle to get everybody onboard, we build it in such a way that team members get all their information in their email box.
    When signed up iCal subscription syncs all open action to your native calendar, again hassle free ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Itโ€™s quite new, and thereโ€™s an iPhone app for it too ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Be sure to check it out, and maybe add it to your list. You can now peak around using test@ouractionlist.com and password: testme

  49. Cedric on the 25th February

    forgot the link https://www.ouractionlist.com sorry

  50. Sergey on the 26th February


    If you are using the IM-client for Jabber (GTalk, Miranda, Kopete, QIP, etc.),
    you can create and manage the TODO-lists directly from the chat window.

    To create a list add any_name@bot.jodo.im in your contact list.

    To add a task to the list write to this user:

    + name of task
    [description of the task]

    The square brackets indicate optional.

    In response, we obtain:

    Task 1 is created.

    Where 1 – is the number of this task.

    To create subtask:

    +number subtask_name
    [description of the subtask]

    Listing all tasks:


    Mark task completed:

    #ok number [comment]

    Other commands can be found by typing #help

    You can create any number of such lists for each area of life.
    Jabber-clients there for all platforms.

    Thus we are able to quickly work with your ToDo directly from the chat window.

    Service is free and has a web interface is available on http://jodo.im/ after registration with command:

    #register your_login your_password your_email

    If you do not have an account on any jabber-server, then you can get it on the same server after web-registration http://jodo.im/registration/

  51. Mike on the 16th March

    We use Dooster which we find effective and it was easy to learn. The customer service is good.

  52. Kyith on the 25th March

    wow since i last been here there are numerous recommendations. my new find is pretty cool.


    you can do unlimited subtasking, hierarchical to do list, repeating, and cloud syncing

    they have the same use cases for windows, android, iphone, ipad and blackberry


  53. TaxTeddy on the 5th April

    Really useful, guys – thanks. I have been through all the recommendations here and settler on Thymer as it’s a good combination of lists, categories / tags and a timeline. Just what I needed.

    Thanks again

  54. Laila on the 12th May

    Thanks for this article ! We are also releasing a website to manage todolists online, it’s in french but we’ll release an english version soon. Register your mail here to be informed : http://www.mytodo.fr

  55. Jonathan on the 12th May

    For list management, I use ‘to do list’ chrome extension

  56. John on the 13th May

    I say give it a go to Organi.sr (http://organi.sr). It helps you create multiple dashboards with lists of tasks in it. And it have a option of colour code the items for prioritization. Super likes, +1’s

  57. Cracking Media on the 22nd May

    Lots of good suggestions here including the original ten. One that I don’t think has been mentioned but has recently come to my attention is Trello (http://www.trello.com).

    A bit like a whiteboard and post-it notes combined or a T-card system which can be used for managing to-dos and lots of other things, whether they be personal lists or those you need to collaborate on. It is simple to use and best of all (at least for now), it is free.


  58. Leova on the 4th June

    Hi !

    Great list , but I found a really new application few months ago in the appStore.
    For the iPad, i recommend as professional note taking/ToDo/Project management application “Beesy”. It’s working perfectly !
    With Beesy , you can find many features to accomodate tasks, generate automatically a ToDo list from your notes, make monitoring and send easily minutes by email. This app is great; you save a lot of time at work, and you start appreciating meeting again.


    Hope you will like it ๐Ÿ˜‰

  59. Minus on the 12th July

    I was a former user of TeuxDeux and I was lovin it, but now I found List Gliders (http://www.listgliders.com).

    Incredibly intuitive and effective.

  60. Marianna Mills on the 12th September

    I have a few questions and suggestions about the task management system. We are now using one of the known task management systems, but we want to move to a task management tool http://www.teamwox.com. The problem is, how do we make the transition to a different system, because a lot of files and documents, tasks that are already built? What solutions can you offer us?

    thank you

  61. P Muller on the 14th September

    I have a question: I hope that somebody can help: I am looking for a task/todo list… Here are my requirements – Not sure if its going to be easy to find – but I have been looking – Nothing yet. Desktop & Cloud based – Including Chrome & Firefox extension. todoily.com – Firefox type. Anybody out to help me?

  62. dashakol on the 20th September

    Why I chose Checkvist above all of them?

    1- fast intuitive keyboard based user interface
    2- you can create hierarchy of tasks

  63. Tony B on the 30th September

    The best To-Do List manager I’ve used is at Find and Remind because it combines to-do lists, a great online calendar, and all my online groups in one system. Really cool!

  64. Mark on the 24th November

    Wonderful list. I would want to include HappyTODOS on the list, yet another online list to do manager. It’s great working with HappyTODOS. Anyways nice writeup and some cool application for users looking for online list manager applications. Thanks a lot.

  65. Frank on the 22nd January

    I’m using Getodo (http://getodo.com), which is really easy to use and sub-tasks/sharing features make your life much easier.

  66. Annika on the 22nd January

    What about Team week?

    It’s an online task managent tool, but it’s kind of an antidote to Gantt charts and meant for teams. Reviewing other tools, I believe that TeamWeek is unique in many ways and may suit some businesses perfectly.
    Andre, would you consider reviewing this tool and giving your opinion? ๐Ÿ™‚

  67. Joggler on the 25th January

    thanks for the article.

    One of the challenges I observed was that lot of things I need to get done or need remembering tend to be buried in my emails or pop in my head at random points but transferring them from email or my head into a calendar appointment or to-do-list is just too tedious today.

    It occurred to me that is why busy (and rich) people hire personal assistants that they can just “tell” what they need to get done.

    That led me to ask the question – why can’t everyone get a free personal assistant that they can email (or forward/CC existing emails) or text to and it will get on my calendar or task list?

    As a result, we have created a service: https://www.joggleme.com to do exactly that. It gives you a free personal assistant that you can send or forward emails, include on emails, send text messages and it helps you manage your life for you easily.

    Please check it out and give us feedback.

  68. Siarhei on the 6th March

    In our team we are using one developed as an internal project, currently we have released it to free public use:


  69. Pat on the 21st March

    I’m currently testing http://kanbantool.com/. This is a nice, collaborative task management application – very easy to use. Worth trying!

  70. Maurizio on the 19th May

    Try also TODO (or TODO Pro) by Appigo
    Fast, easy, GTD based, with app for iPhone and Mac (and web, of course).
    Not yet for Android (it’s not a big deal for me…)
    The complete version (pro) is about 19$/year, but I think it’s complete

  71. himali on the 21st May

    For managing your to-dos you can also give Brightpod ( http://brightpod.com ) a try. A simple app with bunch of collaboration features specifically for marketing teams. Helps you get the bigger picture when you are working on so many different things.

  72. Owen on the 22nd June

    check out https://www.thoughtbox.es/ simple and elegant

  73. Kapil on the 3rd July

    You can try http://pendinglist.net its especially developed for freelancers and teams.

    Has some features like live sync, offline compatible etc. Also is available as google chrome extension at http://goo.gl/Ohxlx

  74. Chris Sampson on the 5th December

    I have just finished a very simple, intuitive, no frills task manager. It does offer hierarchical tasks. In the future I hope to add sharing, reordering, and due dates. http://www.gototodo.com

  75. krondor12 on the 26th January

    I have used http://freetasklist.com to manage my tasks. It is free, works on all devices and most importantly remains simple (no feature bloat).

  76. GCook on the 1st May

    For managing your to-do’s, projects and teams I would recommend Proofhub. Have a look at http://www.proofhub.com

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