Displaying All Posts tagged with difficult coworkers

How to Deal with Difficult People at Work

How to Deal with Difficult People at Work

Whether it be their attitude, their laziness, or the fact that they just won’t stop talking, just about everyone wants to know how to deal with difficult people at work. Sound familiar?

This is a problem that is usually not addressed at the start of a job, yet it can hinder your production and bring down your attitude. If one of your co-workers takes away your motivation to come to work, something needs to be done. However, this is not always an easy task. Click Here to Read Article …

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Dealing With a Difficult Co-Worker 101

Most jobs involve working with other people to some degree or another. I have met some wonderful people through my work. However, like most of us, there have been times where I have worked with people that I have found difficult. The difference with meeting difficult people at work than in other areas of life is that we don’t always get a choice about whether to spend time with that person. So how do we deal with co-workers we find difficult? Here are some of the things that I have found useful.

Set Boundaries

Be clear about how you deserve to be treated and how you want to treat others. Listen to your intuition and if you feel uncomfortable about something, try and address it. You train people how to treat you. Believe in yourself and show people that you know that you are someone worth treating with respect. Not everyone will have your best interests at heart, so look out for yourself and stand up for what you deserve.

If this is a difficult area for you, take one step at a time. Start saying what you really think, rather than trying to please everyone. Step by step, you can learn to set boundaries and be assertive.
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Toxic Coworkers: Dealing with Debbie Downers

When I started an internship at a small nonprofit in the National Press Building, I thought I was on my way up to journalist heaven. I was ready to learn. I was ready to give it my all. But I wasn’t ready to work with Debbie Downer.

Debbie Downer loved to gripe. She could suck all the air out of the room. The worst was when I had to ride the elevator with her. There was no escape. I had to stand there and listen to her go on and on. Click Here to Read Article …

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