Displaying All Posts tagged with efficiency

How to be Productive and Still Get 8 Hours Sleep

How to be Productive and Still Get 8 Hours Sleep

Yes, you read that right. Productive people sleep eight hours a day. They also watch tv, go to wine tastings and perform sun salutations in the morning.

Productive people don’t have more hours in the day. Nor do they live perfect lives. What they do well is use their time effectively.

Here’s what I learned from years of going to graduate school while holding a full time job as a journalist and still having a life: Click Here to Read Article …

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7 Effective Ways to Achieve Goals

7 Effective Ways to Achieve Goals

As I was cleaning out my desk drawer recently, I came upon a list of goals I had written years ago (yeah, it’s been a while since I last cleaned out my desk).

Looking over the list, I realized that I had not accomplished much of what was on it. Not only that, but the items on this list weren’t even on my radar any more. I kept looking and found list after list of things I wanted to accomplish but never got around to achieving them.

I stopped looking for more and tried to figure out why I gave up on these goals. I didn’t like the answer I came up with, but I think it applies to a lot of people. Most people, in fact: Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Be a Disciplined Freelance Writer

How to Be a Disciplined Freelance Writer

Do you know what the First Law of Freelancing is? “It’s all right to have a 9-5 job and slack at the workplace. But if you freelance from home, you can’t afford to.”

Needless to say, if you’re a freelancer, you must adhere to the First Law. Freelance writers must monitor themselves all the time and stay disciplined as they enjoy working on their own terms. But how?

Following are some ways you can combine freelancing with discipline. Click Here to Read Article …

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6 Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Commute

The daily commute to and from work can be a drag. Given the state of the job market, some workers are commuting more than an hour a day. But let’s get this: Our ride time shouldn’t necessarily be our dead time.

6 Ways to Make Most Out of Your Commute

Despite what many think, long, dull commutes can be made interesting and productive. Here are six tips on how to increase your productivity en route and make the most of your commute to work: Click Here to Read Article …

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Podcast 20 — Staying Focused with Eddie Smith

The Work Awesome podcast welcomes Eddie Smith, the man behind the popular productivity site Practically Efficient. He describes himself as “an actuary, a thinker, an efficiency experimenter and a blogger—all in one.” Eddie’s work has attracted the attention (and praise) of many popular internet writers, including those who contribute to the Read & Trust network and Merlin Mann.

Eddie and Work Awesome podcast prodigy Mike Vardy discussed a wide variety of productivity-related topics during this interview, well before Eddie had added the newest addition to his workflow: his child. We may shoot for a follow-up interview in a few months to see how he’s adapted. . .
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Listen Up! 10 Great Tips for Better Listening

Listen Up! 10 Great Tips for Better Listening

“I like to listen. I have learnt a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen.”  – Ernest Hemingway

Whenever I am in the middle of a discussion, I try not to talk too much and always listen to the person conversing with me. But sometimes all of those words wind up transforming into a garbled mess. At that point, I realize I’m actually impatiently waiting for the other person to stop talking. That way I can start talking again, feeling that I’ve got all eyes on me. Not a good practice, but it happens to the best of us.

In recent studies by Dr. Ralph Nichols, he mentions that almost 40% of the day is spent on listening to others. What amazes me is that the efficiency of listening to what we hear is only at somewhere around 25% — and I’m not talking about the physical comprehension. Is your boss giving you some tasks and you find yourself in the uncomfortable position of asking again what the exact steps were? Do you sometimes find it hard to listen to people that you really don’t care for all that much?

As with many other skill sets, in order to become efficient and effective at listening you need to train yourself to do so. Here are 12 tips that will put you on the road to better listening.

1. Find common subjects and try to stick to them as much as possible.

If you take a positive stance towards a specific subject, you will find that in most cases there is enough information to enrich your knowledge. No matter how sterile the conversation may be, you can still get some valuable information from it. Try to exclude personal elements in these subjects, as this is counterproductive to efficient listening. For example, if you love basketball and the person you are engaged in conversation with is passionately talking about soccer, you will likely find yourself wanting to end the conversation (or leave the room altogether). Try to exclude your personal preferences and be as positive as you can when someone is talking about something that you can tell they are interested in. Look at your conversation as a way to educate yourself — even if it is something you don’t necessarily like. Who knows…you may even change your mind about your feelings on the subject matter by the time the conversation is through.
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Real Life Organizing

If you could see my desk you would be mortified. I have magazines, empty Diet Coke cans, and photos scattered everywhere. My computer screen is framed in sticky notes. I have a screwdriver and a couple of chapsticks around here somewhere…

Andy Rooney himself said that the messier the desk, the more productive the person. And I agree. I am very messy. And productive.

No one taught me how to organize. I do what is best for me—and it works. I can’t tell you how to best organize your workspace, but I can offer you some suggestions that have helped me be able to manage my workflow, which includes editing two monthly magazines, a yearly wedding magazine, social media outlets for all three, and whatever else gets thrown in my direction—including an intern or two. Click Here to Read Article …

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10 Life-Changing Benefits of the Internet Age

It is hard to imagine life without the internet.  Actually, I am old enough to do just that.

But it is amazing the effect that the internet has had on our lives.  Believe it or not, there are still many people who don’t even own a PC – but that number is dwindling each year.  It brings to mind all of the technological benefits of the internet age.  My life has certainly changed within the past thirty years due to the internet and it’s a fine time to reflect on the impact it has had over its lifespan so far.

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