Displaying All Posts tagged with entrepreneur

4 Tips to Name Your New Business

4 Tips to Name Your New Business

Taking the huge step of starting your own business can be incredibly daunting.

But it is also a very exciting time and your chance to make your mark on your industry.

Choosing your business name is a large part of this.

Select the right name, and you’re able to pitch your business in an appealing way to your target audience.

Get it wrong, though, and you could be in for ridicule at best, legal complications at worst.

Here are three tips to help you choose your business name and avoid the pitfalls some others have made: Click Here to Read Article …

Who’s the Best Democratic Candidate for Entrepreneurs? (Part 2)

Who’s the Best Democratic Candidate for Entrepreneurs? (Part 2)

In Part One, I took a look at the economic policies of Democratic candidates Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley.

I broke their ideas into the categories of wages, banking policies and taxes.

I also noted other policies relevant to entrepreneurs, small businesses and related freelance types.

Now, on to the third and final candidate, one Hillary Rodham Clinton. Click Here to Read Article …

Who’s the Best Democratic Candidate for Entrepreneurs? (Part 1)

Who’s the Best Democratic Candidate for Entrepreneurs? (Part 1)

The field of candidates for the Democratic nomination for president in 2016 is small and manageable — populated by folks with platforms aimed to help the little guy.

If you’re a one-person work machine or the owner of a small business, do Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley or Hillary Clinton have anything up their sleeves to help you out?

For the sake of this overview, I’m invoking the principle that what’s good for the economy is good for small businesses.

That is, restaurateurs, potters and freelance accountants all need their neighbors to have some income. And if these entrepreneurs’ suppliers and distributors aren’t feeling a pinch, they’ll probably get kind rates, which mean a better chance of survival.

So everything affecting the economy affects entrepreneurs. The economic factors I’ll look at include wages, banking policies (which apply to anyone looking for a loan) and of course, taxes. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Reasons Entrepreneurship Isn’t as Risky as You Think

5 Reasons Entrepreneurship Isn’t as Risky as You Think

Have you been mulling over the idea you have about starting a business?

You think, “I could really start a company. I see these folks on Shark Tank. I could do that.”

You know that your corporate job is slowly crushing you, bit by bit.

But then you read somewhere that nine out of 10 new businesses fail, and it scares the hell out of you.

When you talk with your family and friends, they focus mostly on the risks, reinforcing your concerns.

You’re right to have some concerns, but there is no need to be scared, because you can beat the odds. Being an entrepreneur isn’t as risky as most people think, and here are five reasons why. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Mistakes Successful Startups Avoid

5 Mistakes Successful Startups Avoid

In the fast-spinning and unpredictable business world, there are some common mistakes startups make.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 50 percent of the small businesses fail within the first five years.

Your new business venture is more like a journey where you go along a rocky road filled with landmines — one wrong step and you’re out.

Beginning stages are exciting, but then the majority of these blunders are made in early days. Click Here to Read Article …

4 Tips for People Going it Alone

4 Tips for People Going it Alone

Through no fault of their own, many are being forced to go it alone. Redundancy or a lack of opportunities means that entrepreneurship is the only option in an unforgiving labor market.

The job security once on offer can prove a struggle to find in today’s tumultuous economy and the halcyon days of a ‘job for life’, backed up by healthcare and pension provisions, can feel like finding a needle in a haystack. Click Here to Read Article …

WorkAwesome Podcast: Episode 3

This week’s episode of the WorkAwesome Podcast features an interview with Nathan Hangen and Oleg Mokhov. These two gentlemen who not only have their own ventures that they foster on a daily basis, such as Nathan’s Building Digital Empires site and Oleg’s own site Mokhov.com, but they have forged a partnership with two projects: SoundTrackster (a site that offers “royalty-free music that doesn’t suck”) and BlueRize, which offers electronic music and podcasts that are a serve to energize entrepreneurs.
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