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Being on the Wrong Side of Internet Policy at Work

For many years, at my company, employees were able to surf the internet at will. I was able to check my personal email online, listen to my favorite streaming sports talk show or, God forbid, check the lottery numbers from the night before. But, after being acquired by a large conglomerate, a few changes were initiated in my working and internet world. A strict internet policy was enforced. Social media sites like Twitter and Facebook were prohibited. Quickly viewing my personal internet email was also forbidden. And my precious streaming radio was heartlessly taken away. My internet world at work was now a privilege of the past. Click Here to Read Article …

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A Beginner’s Guide to Web Video

Web video is hot. From YouTube to Skype video chat and all that falls in between, it’s everywhere. You may be wondering if video can help you do your job — or even find a job. But you may also find it daunting. Don’t you need to have a film degree to do video on the web? Don’t you need to spend thousands of dollars on cameras, lights and microphones to make anything worth sharing? Luckily, the answer to both of those questions is “no.”

All you really need is a good idea and a goal. Click Here to Read Article …

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The Best of the Business Blogs, August 2010

At the start of each month, we round up the best posts from the business network of blogs and directing you to them. Here’s the best of business in August, including articles from FreelanceSwitch, the Netsetter and WorkAwesome. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Ways to be Financially Fit

Let’s face it—no matter how much you might love your job and enjoy going to work every day, when it comes down to it, you rely on your profession to pay the bills and support yourself and your family. Though you may not be in your ideal salary range just yet, if you’re financially fit–responsible with your spending and mindful of how much you have in your accounts–you should still be able to cover your expenses and hopefully have something left over at the end of each month.

Sounds easy, right? Click Here to Read Article …

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11 Tips for Training People at Work

If you’ve ever had to train people at work you will certainly learn, over time, the right way to do so. Winging it is not part of my vernacular when it comes to training others. Here are some tips that I have picked up during my career that have helped me immensely when training people at work. Click Here to Read Article …

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Tips on Managing Your Intern

I recently wrote a post about how to hire an intern. Now that you’ve got a willing, able and capable intern, what do you do with them? As their manager you need to provide them with stuff to do, especially at first when they’re still figuring out what their routine will be.

Remember, an intern isn’t just someone you can use to fetch your coffee or pick up your dry cleaning. They’re working for you (probably for free) in order to learn something valuable. It’s up to you as their manager to help them get the most out of their time at your company.

Here are some important questions to ask yourself before your interns first day on the job: Click Here to Read Article …

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Data Backup and Sync Strategies #3: Why You Should Use Dropbox

Dropbox isn’t a new entrant to the backup and sync scene. It’s been sometime since it was introduced, and has already received rave reviews and accolades from various technology sites and journals.

I knew about the tool since the day it came into existence. But I didn’t jump on the opportunity to try it out. That was probably because I had my own backup and sync system which included various tools, and I was quite satisfied with that. Hence I didn’t feel the need to try a new data backup solution. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Hire an Intern

Hiring an intern for your business should not be a task that is taken lightly—as anyone who has had the intern from hell will tell you. The reason small businesses, like the one I work for, hires interns is to improve our profitability. Interns are free labor.

Besides being cheap, interns are also eager to work and learn and bring a young, vibrant vibe into your office. That is, if you know how to hire an intern correctly. The effort you put in to hiring an intern directly corresponds to your return on investment. Who knows? Perhaps your new intern will end up becoming your next full-time hire.

If you are lucky enough to have interns banging down your door, then your job is easy. If you have to reach out to the local community to find interns, here are some ideas on where to start: Click Here to Read Article …

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