Displaying All Posts tagged with Happy employees

10 Tips to Keep Employees Happy

10 Tips to Keep Employees Happy

As job-hopping millennials infiltrate the workforce, employers need to be aware of the value of keeping their employees happy.

Considering the time and money investments associated with the hiring and training processes, it makes much more sense to keep current employees than take on the challenge of bringing in new ones.

So how do you keep employees happy?

The best place to start for employers is to understand why people quit their jobs and, conversely, what makes people stay. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Save Money and Still Keep Your Employees Happy

As any boss will know, there’s a fine line between being frugal and tight-fisted. Whether you own your own business or you’re simply in charge of a budget and a camp of hard-working employees, you’ll undoubtedly want to appear generous without compromising your money saving strategy.

It can be a tricky balance to manage — after all, not everyone has the budget to create a Google-esque office oasis — however there are ways to encourage a harmonious working environment and keep costs under control at the same time.

From simple mood enhancers to long-term perks, by increasing happiness levels, work satisfaction and productivity, you could even end up making more money in the long run. Here are a few handy hints and tips on how! Click Here to Read Article …

9 Ways to Increase Efficiency in Your Company

9 Ways to Increase Efficiency in Your Company

In order to reach their goals, some businesses ask their employees to work longer hours. While this is necessary in some cases, you may consider an alternative approach: finding ways to be more efficient with the time you have. Smart work can increase productivity more than hard work. Regardless of your businesses product or service, there are many ways to increase efficiency.

Consider the following 9 points: Click Here to Read Article …

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6 Simple Changes to Improve the Workplace

You can break down work environments into two broad groups (with a ton of shades of gray in between).  The one that employees dread waking up for every morning and can’t wait to get out the door at night and the other where steps are consistently being taken to improve the workplace so that the employees look forward to the day, the people they share it with and the work they are doing. The latter of the two are companies and businesses that are successful, productive and providing the world with great things.

The more comfortable people are at the workplace the easier the flow of ideas become, the willingness to help and participate improves and as a result a better product is produced.  Bottom line, people should WANT to come to work.  I mean it’s something we typically have to do around 40 hours a week for around 40 years of our lives. Click Here to Read Article …

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Happy Employees: How to Create Them

Happy Employees: How to Create Them

It’s expensive to train employees but it’s even more so to lose one. Figures don’t lie. Although employee turnover in the US is at a low 1.4 percent, the fact remains that the cost of losing an employee may cost a company 25 to 250 percent of his annual income.

Managers always face the challenge of ensuring that their employees remain productive and happy with their jobs. But how can one tell happy employees from unhappy ones? Click Here to Read Article …

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