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How to Sleep Better

How to Sleep Better

Everyone should learn how to sleep better. Sleep is like a vacation day—there can never be enough. And just like those precious vacation days, many of us don’t, in fact, get enough. You may only get a few hours’ of shuteye a night and not feel deprived, but eventually you’ll start noticing a difference, whether it’s in your work performance or overall energy level.

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5 Ways to Sleep Better

There is now a lot of scientific evidence that we are not getting enough sleep and not only is that making us grumpy in the morning, it is costing the global economy billions of dollars in lost productivity.

In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control has estimated that about 30 percent of the American population doesn’t get enough sleep.

Researchers at Harvard University said that in 2011 this cost the American economy over $60 billion a year!

On an individual basis we know that we just aren’t at our best when we don’t sleep well and while we can get by for a while on little sleep, it can have a disastrous impact on our health and our work in the long term.

So getting a better night’s sleep is a good thing, right? Here are five ways to get a better night’s sleep. Click Here to Read Article …