I’m told I worry too much, which does worry me. I mean, why can’t I stop worrying? So I try to come up with practical ways of taking it easy on the worry front and one of the best solutions I’ve found is to transcribe my worrying to a notepad. I really like my notepads and I even leave one by my bedside.
“The night’s the worst counselor”
Yesterday my aunt said that to me — and she’s right. At night we lie in bed, settle our heads on our pillows…and that’s when they start. Our thoughts. They come in from nowhere.
“Tomorrow I need to pay Debbie back her 5 bucks – it’s only $5 but I told her I’d pay her yesterday and I forgot.”
“Tomorrow I just can’t forget to file my travel expense report or I won’t get paid in time.”
I mean, seriously, it’s midnight and that’s what’s going through our heads?!
Using a notepad before — and during bedtime — can make all the difference between a sound sleep and no sleep at all.
If we take the time to write down what’s on our minds before we go to bed, we’ll not only be ahead of the game for the day ahead, we’ll be freeing our mind of any of those thoughts that can creep in while we’re trying to sleep. In addition, if we put a little notepad by our bedsides we can write down our worries as they rouse us, moving them from our minds to paper so we can sleep soundly.
A notepad can really help to create an optimal sleeping environment, letting us rest and recharge without worrying that we just might forget our worries.
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Totally get this … I dont do it all the time but there are night … especially around Christmas
I have a millions to do and I worry that by the morning I am going to forgot everything I need to do hahah 
My spot … is in the shower my brain starts to go .. and there isnt anything to write on in there … if you think of something let me know
Merry Christmas
Hey Kelly,
I assume u might have ceramic tiles in the bathroom. You can use whiteboard marker to jot them down as u remember and then copy them on the notepad once done with the shower.
Awesome read Anna.
Merry Christmass all.
Maybe something like a bathtub marker will work for you:
You may want to give this a try: http://www.gtdtimes.com/2010/12/07/gtd-in-the-shower/
Great article my friend. It’s almost as if my brain wrote an article to it’s worrying self and replied with a logical solution.
I’m going to start tonight. I’ll check in with an update. It’s weird that the worry voice really only creeps in when silence sets in.
Leaving the tv on helps until your brain has blocked out the volume level to the point of your spouse complaining.
Good piece. I’ve also used tape recorders.
many thanks!
Brillant Guys .. Thanks so much i am going to give all of these things a try … I am terrible with remembering my ideas in the shower … by the time I get my socks I cant remember what was I was trying to remember hahah
Sad huh 
Have a Very Merry Christmas All;
Ps: this a great blog … wonderful ideas here
I have a small notepad too and it’s pink. I divided it into three parts. The first pages are intended for Bible verses and #quotes. The second part is for my work like Things-to-Do, plans or guesses, research, etc., while the third section is for my personal stuff like personal projects, blog titles, branding stuff and more.
Totally agree on this point. It can take up 1 or 2 hours easily, but if you go to bed, you want to sleep, not work.
I always come up with my best ideas at that point of sleep when you’re just about to fall under. I keep a notepad underneath my bed for those moments – the light of my iPhone wakes up my boyfriend, and I always end up tripping over the cat if I get up in the middle of the night (when I usually end up going to bed).
I have been carrying a small notepad in my pocket for many years. Digital devices are fun but can’t replace it. A notepad is cheap, replaceable and convenient.
Make a list of tomorrow’s to-do’s before going to sleep, and leave the notepad next to you..
Thanks Ana, it is refreshing to see that some people don’t believe technology can replace everything