Displaying All Posts tagged with Leadership

7 Tips to Stop Micromanaging

7 Tips to Stop Micromanaging

Were you one of these people who listed “being a perfectionist” as one of your weaknesses in a job interview?

If yes, you’re probably already dealing with a common problem that stems from “perfectionism” and “need for control.”

Many managers, team leaders and bosses in general face it — being a maniacal micromanager.

If you’re still lost about whether or not this is one of your characteristics, consider this example: Click Here to Read Article …

5 Tips for Creating Trust at Work

5 Tips for Creating Trust at Work

Trust is probably the most important aspect of creating a harmonious and efficient workforce.

If employees feel secure and trust you and your company, they will work to ensure it thrives.

There are two stages to success: creating trust and maintaining it.

These must be established through example, with the management setting a standard for honesty and transparency that should be emulated by every member of the workforce.

Here are some tips I’ve learned for building trust and keeping it as well as some red flags to keep an eye out for: Click Here to Read Article …

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3 Tips for Conducting Large Scale International Employee Training

3 Tips for Conducting Large Scale International Employee Training

With employees wearing more hats than ever in the workplace today, it’s imperative that proper training sessions be implemented.

Workers in the 21st century are expected to show bigger results with fewer resources, know more with less educational opportunities and work faster with less time.

Basically, the more skills you can provide your employees with, the more effective they’ll be at tackling these substantial challenges.

This is the reality of the workforce after the recession, but there’s no reason that you can’t utilize the latest technology in business communication to make sure that all of your employees are highly trained and skilled in a cost effective manner. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Reasons No One Wants to Join Your Meetings

5 Reasons No One Wants to Join Your Meetings

If we were on Family Feud and the category was Things People Complain About at Work, I would be willing to wager a hefty amount that Meetings would take the top spot.

Just the word “meeting” can get people’s blood boiling and quickly raise the tension in a room.

Originally meant to indicate a gathering of people with a common goal, meetings have taken on a connotation that suggests large amounts of wasted time and little productivity.

The thing is, meetings will never go away. We live in a world that is more connected than ever, and collaboration is a critical component of most successful business operations.

What can be particularly frightening is when you are personally responsible for planning and directing the meeting. No one wants to be that guy who causes people to groan when they get his meeting invites, so here are some common missteps. Avoid these and you’ll be nicknamed the Master of Meetings. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Be Liked & Respected at Work

How to Be Liked & Respected at Work

If you think that work is just about getting the job done well and within deadlines, you better think twice.

Working is not just about what you do, but also how you get it done — these two ingredients combined make up your reputation.

And by now you must realize that reputation counts a lot in every kind of professional environment.

You’ll get promoted not only on the basis of what you do, but also on how others perceive what you can do.

Your actions will be interpreted by everyone at your workplace, and at some point you’ll need to decide what sort of relationships you’d like to develop at work. Would you rather be liked or respected?

Here are a few tips to help you deal with this issue and build a solid reputation in your field. Click Here to Read Article …

8 Common Project Management Myths

8 Common Project Management Myths

Project management wasn’t always the first option for business grads, which led to few individuals well-versed in the profession.

This is probably why many myths and false assumptions exist about project management.

Lack of awareness is problematic because it can lead to faulty logic, poor decisions and heavy losses.

Here’s what you should know about project management that people many believe to be true but is, in reality, utterly false. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Ways to Improve Company Culture

5 Ways to Improve Company Culture

A lot of businesses have a hard time quantifying their company culture.

In the absence of a formal vision and a strategy to support it, culture usually devolves into variations on the “golden rule.”

Be nice.

Respect your co-workers.

Avoid gossip.

Or, as Michael Scott of NBC’s The Office eloquently puts it: Click Here to Read Article …

Office Bullying Guide: 5 Tips for Managers

Office Bullying Guide: 5 Tips for Managers

It’s scary but true.

A recent report by a law firm has revealed one-third of employees have been bullied in the workplace.

The repercussions are huge.

While a third of those affected say they did nothing for fear of losing their job or hurting their career prospects, a large number of victims are remonstrating in ways that have financial impact on the business.

Either by taking paid leave due to stress; resigning and, effectively, walking away from the career you’ve both invested in; or in extreme cases, beginning legal proceedings in which you, the business owner, are held accountable.

Therefore, bullying strikes a moral and financial blow. Which means it is your responsibility as a small business owner to be vigilant. What should you do? Click Here to Read Article …