Displaying All Posts tagged with resumes

How to Write a Cover Letter That Gets Noticed

How to Write a Cover Letter That Gets Noticed

The cover letter you submit along with your résumé isn’t just a throwaway; it’s an extremely important part of your job application.

Your cover letter provides a great opportunity to make your case directly to the hiring manager.

Take advantage of this opportunity by customizing your cover letter for each job application.

The bad news is that people who screen résumés and cover letters typically go through them very quickly, usually spending just a few seconds on each.

The good news is that they’re actively looking for something great, something to like. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Ways to Write a Better Resume

As the job market and jobs themselves are evolving, it’s important to remember that resumes evolve along with them.

While the resume has always played an important role, there are also new trends to which we must pay attention.

If you want to write a resume that will help you stand out, then incorporate these tips.

The most important thing to remember in writing your resume is that this is the time of showing, not telling. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Things To Leave Off Your Resume

These days, with the economy still barely holding on by the thinnest of threads, resumes are flying around more than the ungodly mosquitoes that seem to have woken up for the summer.

With so many people trying to find meaningful employment, it doesn’t take much to drop to the bottom of the stack.

Take it from someone who once had to go through a ton of resumes on a regular basis: you’re putting too much on yours. If you aren’t, you’re one of the few.

Allow me to share some insight to help you in your pursuit of a job. Ever heard of File 13? That’s likely where your resume will end up if you have these 5 things on it when you submit it to that potential employer. Here are 5 things to leave off your resume: Click Here to Read Article …

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4 Ways to Write Your Resume Like a Pro

Today’s lives are characterized by so many activities that people complain of lack of enough time to do what’s important. With the ever contracting time, the smaller, often-considered-less-important jobs like editing and proofreading are neglected or done haphazardly, leaving a lot to be desired.

If the work is written, it could mean that the writers have no time to proof; they just do it and pass it along to the next desk which should clearly not be the case. Click Here to Read Article …

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Giveaway: Bring Your Resume to Life with $109 Resume Design Vouchers

Hello there!

Tired of your dull, boring MS Word resume? Is the B&W colour sucking the soul out of the most important document of your whole career?

Lucky for you, it’s giveaway time at WorkAwesome!

Loft Resumes, a creative resume design service, is throwing a cool giveaway. Three (3) of you will each get a free resume makeover. Catch the attention of busy employers with awesome professional designs at Loft Resumes, who recently got featured in the Fast Company Design. How good is that? Click Here to Read Article …

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The Real Reason a Recruiter Isn’t Calling Back

The Real Reason a Recruiter Isn’t Calling Back

Have you experienced the frustration of a job search or tried seeking the attention of a recruiter?

If you’re looking for a job, you’ve probably encountered a million articles and how-to tips about how to dress at interviews, or the right way to format your resume.

The truth is, however, that the majority of them are missing the point. They’re addressing the problem of how to land the job after you’ve already gotten a call back.

The Myth of Equality

Many companies and the job boards behind them paint an idyllic picture of how recruitment works. They would often have you believe that the world is an utterly fair place and they evaluate each candidate on the basis of their skills and history. If this were true, your resume would have as much chance as any other person. Click Here to Read Article …

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Career Search Insights Your College Never Gave You

At this time of year my mailbox is filled with resumes from college seniors looking for their first real job and begin their career. The sad truth is that all of those resumes go directly into the garbage, for two reasons: This is not an efficient way for me to hire employees, and I believe people who simply send out unsolicited resumes are not really serious about their career.

It’s not that I’m a stickler for proper job-hunting protocol. In fact, over the years I’ve hired four people who simply showed up at my office without an appointment, requesting to tell me how and why they would make a good member of my team. These are the type of prospective employees whose resumes I do read. Click Here to Read Article …

Top 10 Powerpoint Resume Presentations on Slideshare

As the landscape of job hunting changes, so does the way job hunters need to present themselves. While the traditional written resume is going to be a staple for most, there are others who have taken it upon themselves to enhance their resumes through unique design implementation or delivery method.

Bringing your resume to life with a slidedeck is becoming increasingly popular. We’ve highlighted the top 10 PowerPoint resume presentations on Slideshare below to give you an idea of what you can do to elevate your resume — and land that next gig.
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