Displaying All Posts tagged with work

5 Tips for Creating Trust at Work

5 Tips for Creating Trust at Work

Trust is probably the most important aspect of creating a harmonious and efficient workforce.

If employees feel secure and trust you and your company, they will work to ensure it thrives.

There are two stages to success: creating trust and maintaining it.

These must be established through example, with the management setting a standard for honesty and transparency that should be emulated by every member of the workforce.

Here are some tips I’ve learned for building trust and keeping it as well as some red flags to keep an eye out for: Click Here to Read Article …

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Boost Your Confidence with 1 Thing

Boost Your Confidence with 1 Thing

Admit it, you’re in a funk and feeling a lack of motivation or excitement for your career right now.

You rationalize that your job isn’t that bad.

You tell yourself you just need to pay your dues to get where you want to be.

When you feel like things are out of your control, it’s easy to simply ignore the problem and try to focus on football or throw yourself into fun plans with your friends.

If you’re honest with yourself, then you’ll realize the constant fun and ignoring the direction you are going in your life doesn’t really bring you pleasure.

There is a way to get out of the rut and boost your confidence, without waiting for things to magically fall into place. Click Here to Read Article …

Why You Still Work at a Job You Hate

Why You Still Work at a Job You Hate

You hate your job, don’t you?

You’re tired of the same schedule and the lousy pay.

You’re tired of busting your ass only for your boss to get all of the credit.

You’re tired of begging for days off. You’re sick of working when you’re sick. You’re fed up with having more work piled on you when you’re busy enough as it is.

I’ll bet you weren’t offered a raise when they said you have to take on more responsibility, were you? Click Here to Read Article …

6 Steps to a More Satisfying Career Path

6 Steps to a More Satisfying Career Path

With my corporate clients, I’m often involved in career transition programs.

This involves facilitating or coaching leaders as they prepare and build their personal brand for the next stage in their career.

Most of the dialogues start from the wise premise, “What got you here, won’t get you there.”

Behind this though are the tough conversations around what they actually want.

No matter where you are in your career, considering the next level of transition is too frequently skipped over or given only partial focus. The obvious choices of your boss’ job or a role carrying the higher title or pay-grade are planted front and center as the goal.

All career transition work thereafter is set to drive headlong in that direction. But ask yourself these questions: Click Here to Read Article …

Stop These 10 Habits & Be Happy at Work

Stop These 10 Habits & Be Happy at Work

No matter how detailed my to-do list is or how diligently I try to stick to it, I always find myself overwhelmed at 2 p.m., making a mad dash to get things done.

This end-of-the-day crunch time leaves me exhausted and dreading what the next morning holds.

So how does an organized professional like me end up feeling like I’m giving everything, yet leaving with a sense that I’ve accomplished nothing?

Even more importantly, is there a way I can identify what I’m doing wrong, change it around to work in my favor and end each day with a sense of accomplishment instead of frustration?

Absolutely! Click Here to Read Article …

Want a Quick Productivity Hack? Drink More Water

Want a Quick Productivity Hack? Drink More Water

The workplace can be a stressful and unpredictable place.

Without the tools essential to office productivity, no team can perform at their best.

As insignificant as it may seem, hydration actually plays a vital role in the performance of your employees and can mean the difference between a motivated workforce and an office full of uninspired employees.

Today we’re taking a look at humble H2O and how this miracle ingredient makes a recipe for ultimate productivity. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Considerations Before Taking that Job Across the Country

5 Considerations Before Taking that Job Across the Country

Taking a job across the country was one of the scariest things I’ve done in my adult life.

While the prospects for greater upward mobility in my career, more money and a nice benefits package — including more vacation time and better insurance — definitely made the move worthwhile, leaving family and friends behind in order to chase career gold nearly 2,000 miles away was a scary and stressful idea.

I learned a few things along the way that I wanted to share. If I can help to minimize stress and anxiety during one of the most difficult tasks in your life, then it makes sense to share what I know in order to attempt to help a few of you along the way.  Click Here to Read Article …

4 Tips for Productive Mornings

4 Tips for Productive Mornings

If you’re a morning person, this post is not for you — you’re blessed.

And some entrepreneurs have the luxury of sleeping in and getting work done at midnight, when they’re nice and peppy.

But some of us have to see kids off to school before we can start our day.

Or maybe we have to do our work-at-home jobs during traditional business hours.

So what do you do when you’re feeling groggy and uninspired in the morning? Click Here to Read Article …