Displaying All Posts tagged with writing

4 Ways to Promote Your Writing

4 Ways to Promote Your Writing

Plenty of people will tell you the hardest part of being a content producer in the digital age is coming up with an original story or angle.

Everything’s been covered already, they say.

But they’re missing the key point: You can have the most original content on the Internet, but if you don’t market your work effectively, no one will read it.

Yes, the trickiest part of writing online is actually getting your voice heard by real people without paying for artificial users. Luckily, the Internet has some great content marketing solutions. Click Here to Read Article …

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Want to Seem Smart? Don’t Try

Want to Seem Smart? Don’t Try

Have you ever tried throwing in a few big words during a job interview or meeting in the hopes that it would make you seem smarter?

If you were lucky, your imaginative use of synonyms got you the job or earned you the respect of your coworkers.

But it’s more likely that you were left feeling slightly foolish and have since banished words like verisimilitude or pusillanimous from your everyday vocabulary.

So why is this?

Contrary to the popular notion that using bigger words can make us sound smarter, research shows that the more effort we put into looking smart, the less intelligent we’ll actually appear to those around us. Click Here to Read Article …

3 Things All Great Bloggers Do

3 Things All Great Bloggers Do

There are two things that are concerning for an average blogger: obscurity and balance.

When an aspiring blogger enters the online world, he is a complete stranger in an immense crowd.

Getting a decent number of visitors and readers is already hard, but things get even more difficult when someone actually reads your posts — their underestimating comments may make you feel insignificant and inconspicuous.

If you are a blogger who got disappointed with the hard start, there is one thing you should always remember: everyone starts at the bottom! Click Here to Read Article …

7 Tools to Improve Your Writing

7 Tools to Improve Your Writing

If you are aiming toward great success in the business world, then you have to pay attention to your writing skills.

Emails are often the first tool of communication between business people, so the impression these messages leave is essential for successful collaboration.

If you are part of the business world, then you probably don’t have time to spend entire days reading books and practicing your writing skills.

However, that doesn’t mean you should give up. You can polish your writing skills and become a more successful business person with a few tools. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Write a Cover Letter That Gets Noticed

How to Write a Cover Letter That Gets Noticed

The cover letter you submit along with your résumé isn’t just a throwaway; it’s an extremely important part of your job application.

Your cover letter provides a great opportunity to make your case directly to the hiring manager.

Take advantage of this opportunity by customizing your cover letter for each job application.

The bad news is that people who screen résumés and cover letters typically go through them very quickly, usually spending just a few seconds on each.

The good news is that they’re actively looking for something great, something to like. Click Here to Read Article …

7 Ways to Beat Writer’s Block

7 Ways to Beat Writer’s Block

Whether you’re writing your midterm paper or finishing a deadline on an article for a client, writing can be a difficult job. Writer’s block can be a real problem.

Creativity doesn’t always flow when it should.

Plenty of writers sit down with every good intention, only to find themselves an hour later having accomplished nothing.

Well, nothing aside from trolling around online, playing games or suddenly feeling the need to reorganize their entire office.

Although writing can be a daunting task, these seven tips will help you get your creative juices flowing and get you on track to producing better writing without sweating the deadline. Click Here to Read Article …

4 Ways to Deal with Criticism

As freelancers, we get up close and personal with new acquaintances very quickly.

We go from cordially greeting a businessperson and exchanging pleasantries to sending that person the work for which they’ve hired us in a dizzying space of time.

Whether we’re designing graphics, preparing spreadsheets, writing copy, whatever our bag, we discuss the results a client wants and get to work.

After we’ve put things together and sent them off, we may find that a variation on one of the following ensue: Click Here to Read Article …

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7 Secrets to Faster Writing

7 Secrets to Faster Writing

One of the main qualities of a good freelance writer is their ability to not only write well but to write quickly.

This is especially true if you are at the beginning of your writing career. You must learn how to write faster because you need to write more; you are getting paid less.

And if you like eating three meals a day, and so does your dog, then you better learn to write faster before both of you are hungry — very hungry.

Here are a few tips to help you get started on becoming a faster writer. You and your dog can thank us for them later. Click Here to Read Article …