Displaying All Posts from May, 2011

HTMLform.com + WordPress: Gather Feedback with Style

Editor’s Note: This is a sponsored post. Did you teach a course to a group recently? Have you ever made a presentation before your co-workers? Do you usually write and distribute reports? If yes, did you bother to ask your colleagues their feedback or opinion about how it went? From a more commercial or business perspective, do you ask your customers their opinion about the products or services you provide? Do you have some sort of standard questionnaire available to your customers? Asking for opinions, feedback, gathering assessments about your work constitutes, in my opinion, the most powerful tool in our way to excellence. Click Here to Read Article …

Popular search terms for this article:

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6 Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Commute

The daily commute to and from work can be a drag. Given the state of the job market, some workers are commuting more than an hour a day. But let’s get this: Our ride time shouldn’t necessarily be our dead time.

6 Ways to Make Most Out of Your Commute

Despite what many think, long, dull commutes can be made interesting and productive. Here are six tips on how to increase your productivity en route and make the most of your commute to work: Click Here to Read Article …

Popular search terms for this article:

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How to Succeed at a Job Interview

How to Succeed at a Job Interview

When confronted with the scrutiny of selection interviews, many of us feel threatened, embarrassed, uptight, overwhelmed by emotion and totally uncomfortable. It’s not easy to accept a perfect stranger dig intrusively in the world of your experience, aspirations and dreams, even if it’s meant to be just a neuter discussion about career issues.

However, it’s good to know that butterflies in the stomach are not a pre-requisite to a hiring interview. Here are some tips & tricks to avoid recruitment traps and turn a ghastly encounter in a friendly chat. Click Here to Read Article …

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Goal Setting Success – Charlie Brown Method

If you’ve been into personal development for longer than 5 minutes, you’ve been sold on the benefits of goal setting.

You may or may not have been told about the studies done in the 1950s where they tracked the graduating class of Harvard and 25 years later they found out that the 3% of people who had written a goal were richer than all of the rest 97% who didn’t – COMBINED. [Editor’s Note: A similar 1950s’ Yale study was proliferated and then debunked by The Fast Company in 1996. Read full article here.]

So you try goal settingClick Here to Read Article …

Popular search terms for this article:

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Podcast 20 — Staying Focused with Eddie Smith

The Work Awesome podcast welcomes Eddie Smith, the man behind the popular productivity site Practically Efficient. He describes himself as “an actuary, a thinker, an efficiency experimenter and a blogger—all in one.” Eddie’s work has attracted the attention (and praise) of many popular internet writers, including those who contribute to the Read & Trust network and Merlin Mann.

Eddie and Work Awesome podcast prodigy Mike Vardy discussed a wide variety of productivity-related topics during this interview, well before Eddie had added the newest addition to his workflow: his child. We may shoot for a follow-up interview in a few months to see how he’s adapted. . .
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Happy Employees: How to Create Them

Happy Employees: How to Create Them

It’s expensive to train employees but it’s even more so to lose one. Figures don’t lie. Although employee turnover in the US is at a low 1.4 percent, the fact remains that the cost of losing an employee may cost a company 25 to 250 percent of his annual income.

Managers always face the challenge of ensuring that their employees remain productive and happy with their jobs. But how can one tell happy employees from unhappy ones? Click Here to Read Article …

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Giveaway: Win 250 High Quality Business Cards

Giveaway: Win 250 High Quality Business Cards

Hey you, WorkAwesome + UPrinting is throwing a cool giveaway — 3 people will get to win 250 awesome die-cut business cards ($70 value).

Do you want to get creative with your business? Then give these unique business cards a try. For free!
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Workaholic Anonymous – 5 Steps to Stop

Spotting an alcoholic or drug addict is so easy, but have you realized that you could be sitting right next to a workaholic and not notice him or her at all?

Sometimes, we don’t have to look far to discover that we ourselves are addicted to work—somehow the addiction snuck in while we were busy working.

Some people are surprised to hear that work could indeed be addicting. “Oh, there’s nothing like working too much,” or “Me? I am just working hard! Isn’t it the right thing?” Click Here to Read Article …

Popular search terms for this article:

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