Throughout my career I have met many different entrepreneurs starting out who have great ideas and visions for their company. They have all the right ingredients that make a successful entrepreneur: They know who their target market is, their problems and the solutions they seek, they know how to reach them and they have a sure-win marketing strategy to get them going. The complete package, almost.
However, some of these entrepreneurs don’t have the right mindset when starting out and this has a direct affect on their success. So how do you ensure you have a mindset geared for success?
It is said that 80% of the reasons holding us back from being successful are inside us and only 20% are on the outside – wow. . . I find this so interesting. How often do we take time to reflect on what is going on inside our minds and how this is affecting our outside world?
10 Habits of a Successful Entrepreneur
Here are 10 habits that the successful entrepreneur practices. Read on to know which habits form the mindset of a successful entrepreneur and how these habits will help you during your entrepreneurship journey.
1. Take Responsibility for the Results
Decide to be in charge of your business success, and not at the mercy of what happens to you.
Cause side: You are responsible for everything that happens to you and your company results and you know that your business is a reflection of your actions.
Effect side: You have excuses for why you can´t succeed, because of this or him or that and you live by these stories, you blame everyone else before looking at yourself. Some reasons are valid but being on this side is limiting you.
2. Have the Right Attitude – Failure as Feedback
Our attitude determines how we look at setbacks, events, and situations, if we have a positive attitude we could look at the same situation very differently to someone who has a negative attitude. A failure in business could be very daunting for some people or it could be positive feedback to others, the feedback that they need to alter their course a little, change what they are doing to get a better result. Failure is guidance, helping us to find the best way to succeed, so cultivate the habit of using failure as feedback.
3. Where is Your Focus?
Try to focus on what you can change and do and not on what you can´t. Some of us spend a whole day, focusing on the negative, how bad the situation is and how unfair, how could this be happening, instead of moving on and changing what we can. Our focus determines our reality so keep focusing on succeeding and not on what we can´t control.
4. Commit & Persevere
Don´t give up! Perseverance is the key in reaching any goal. Being focused and committed throughout the journey will surely pay off. Being an entrepreneur is not always easy, you may have setbacks, perceived failures, but successful people are the ones who have the ability to overcome setbacks, use them as feedback and keep moving forward.
5. Organize Your Mind
Be very clear about where you are going, the vision you have for your business and the certainty that you will have it as well! If your mind is full of doubt, uncertainty, and your thoughts are all over the place, this will have a very negative effect on you. If your mind is disorganized, this will reflect directly on your outside world.
6. Shun Bad Habits
You also need to break old habits as well if they are not serving you or helping you to succeed. Bad habits will only hold you back and have a negative impact on your life. I encourage you to identify your bad habits and find the strength to change them. You will feel empowered when you make the changes you want.
7. Improve Self-Esteem
If you have a low self-esteem, improving it should become a pre-requisite for you to succeed in any career. That does not mean that you cannot start your journey, but in parallel, also work on improving your self-esteem. Having a low self-esteem can make one feel less productive. Because we don´t believe in our abilities, we might not challenge ourselves as much.
8. Stay Motivated & Inspired
If you start to lose motivation, remind yourself of the WHY. Why are you doing what you are doing? Think about the reasons you started out, what inspired you to do what you do? Reconnect yourself to the image/vision you had to start with. Look for ways to incorporate things that motivate you into your daily life.
9. Communicate
Reach out to others, find and support others to help you succeed. A mastermind group is a great way of doing this. This is a group of people who come together with the objective of helping each other to succeed. You share different perspectives, resources, advice and feedback and it also helps you to receive accountability and inspiration from the group, which keeps you focused on achieving your goals.
10. Question Your Thoughts
Be aware of your thoughts. If you are thinking more negatively than positively, ask yourself: How does this help me n any way? Control your thoughts or they will control you. Your thoughts lead to feelings, your feelings lead to actions and your actions lead to habits.
I hope you found some points here useful and insightful. Here’s one to your success!
What other habits do you think make up a successful entrepreneur’s psyche? Share them with us below!
Photo by aPrimaDonna.
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