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6 Comedy Tips for Business Success

6 Comedy Tips for Business Success

Last fall, after putting off going to my first Toastmaster’s meeting for the umpteenth time, I decided to enroll in an improv comedy class.

I had been watching Whose Line Is It Anyway? and thought to myself, “Why can’t I think off the cuff and engage in witty banter like those guys on the show?”

So, on the first day of class, I girded up my loins and forced myself to actually attend.

I knew I wouldn’t become the next Will Ferrell or Tina Fey, but I figured it would help me to round out my public speaking skills.

What I didn’t anticipate, however, was that it would provide so many valuable lessons that could be applied to a professional environment.

In fact, I would go so far as to say that anyone who wants to become more effective in the workplace could benefit from taking a whirl at improv.

Here are the top six lessons from improv that can help advance your career: Click Here to Read Article …

7 Tools to Improve Your Writing

7 Tools to Improve Your Writing

If you are aiming toward great success in the business world, then you have to pay attention to your writing skills.

Emails are often the first tool of communication between business people, so the impression these messages leave is essential for successful collaboration.

If you are part of the business world, then you probably don’t have time to spend entire days reading books and practicing your writing skills.

However, that doesn’t mean you should give up. You can polish your writing skills and become a more successful business person with a few tools. Click Here to Read Article …

6 Tips to Get What You Want

6 Tips to Get What You Want

The one comment almost every teacher made about me on my report card was that I talk too much, and it’s a comment I still occasionally get from friends and family.

It’s true — I love to talk, and I’ll talk to anyone that’s happy to engage in conversation.

There did used to be one specific circumstance that would make me shut up though — having to speak to my boss.

Small talk was fine, but when it came to actually talking about the things that mattered I would become tight-lipped, because I was worried about saying the wrong thing.

Here’s the thing though: If you can’t speak up about where you want your career to head, you’ll never reach your full potential. If you can’t question the way things are done, you’ll end up feeling frustrated and unhappy. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Tips to Get Along with Your Boss

5 Tips to Get Along with Your Boss

Work environments create strange bedfellows, bringing people together from all walks of life.

And while individual job roles are clearly delineated, the whole team is essentially working on the same project — keeping the organization viable.

As a result, harmony is essential for maximizing productivity and keeping job satisfaction high.

Given the diverse representation in the workforce and the wide range of personalities striving to accomplish organizational goals, conflict between workers arises as a natural part of doing business.

The keys to successful operational management and maintaining peak output is resolving conflict in productive ways. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Let Go of Resentment at Work

How to Let Go of Resentment at Work

As we grow in our lives and our careers, we pick up things along the way. Most of these things are positive and useful and allow us to grow into successful people.

But some of the things we hold on to are neither practicable nor of any use to us. In fact they only hold us back.

Two of those things are regrets and resentments, and what we discover is that we can’t get ahead while we are still pulling them along with us.

Regrets and resentments weigh us down and actually produce negative energy that will hinder our success. Until we deal with them. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Succeed: Listen More

How to Succeed: Listen More

Far too many of us talk a lot but listen very little.

That probably means that we aren’t hearing all of the information that people are trying to provide to us.

It might mean that we are actually missing quite a lot.

Active listening can help us to both hear and learn more. It doesn’t mean that we can’t speak, but almost all can profit from listening to what others — especially our work colleagues — are trying to communicate to us.

The fact is that listening is one of the most important and under-rated skills you can have. How well you listen has a major impact on your job effectiveness and on the quality of your relationships with others. Click Here to Read Article …

7 Secrets to Faster Writing

7 Secrets to Faster Writing

One of the main qualities of a good freelance writer is their ability to not only write well but to write quickly.

This is especially true if you are at the beginning of your writing career. You must learn how to write faster because you need to write more; you are getting paid less.

And if you like eating three meals a day, and so does your dog, then you better learn to write faster before both of you are hungry — very hungry.

Here are a few tips to help you get started on becoming a faster writer. You and your dog can thank us for them later. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Secrets to Dealing with Anger at Work

We all get frustrated at work and knowing how to deal with anger isn’t always at the top of our to-do list. There’s not enough time and there are too many things to do.

There are also too many things that can go wrong, and quite frankly, too many people that just drive us crazy. But getting mad at work is almost always a mistake.

So too is holding that anger in. So what do you do when our internal kettle is boiling and we think we are going to explode? Click Here to Read Article …