How to Be a Happier Freelancer

How to Be a Happier Freelancer

You get up to receive your fax.

The bespectacled personal assistant at the next table is muttering into her laptop.

Two writers are talking about the crazy demands of their clients.

You feel a part of something, happy to be around people going through the same thing you are.

This is the essence coworking spaces, office areas owned by a company or organization and used by freelancers as their office space.

They make use of resources such as photocopiers, fax machines, even coffee makers. Coworking is becoming more accepted, popular, and available.

One does have to pay periodical fees to use coworking facilities. So what justifies the price? Here are some good reasons to consider taking your home business into coworking spaces. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Money-Saving Tips for Freelance Travelers

5 Money-Saving Tips for Freelance Travelers

The biggest pro of being your own boss is just that — not being a cog in the machine.

Just about the only time this is a con is when travel comes up.

That machine often pays your travel expenses when you’re on a short overnight trip.

You’re going to have to go it on your own as a freelancer, but there are ways to save money and make it as painless as possible.

After all, when you decided to strike out on your own, one of the things you signed on for was the satisfaction of finding creative ways to make things work for you. Here are some very creative ways to work the hotel system and keep the Benjamins in your pocket. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Rock Your Next Review

How to Rock Your Next Review

I have worked at a number of different companies, both large and small. Today I run my own business.

The company I founded came into existence based on frustrations I experienced working in a corporate environment.

Between bureaucracy and my own lack of relevant training, I became disappointed and disenchanted with the employee review process.

Whether you’re new to the working world, or someone who’s been around the block a time or two, I bet we have something in common.

We’re not sure how to appropriately prepare for employee reviews, and further, we’re not certain we have the Jedi mind skills to chart the course of our professional destiny. Click Here to Read Article …

3 Ways Freelancers Get Paid

3 Ways Freelancers Get Paid

The best part of the life of a freelancer is pulling in the digital Benjamins.

Clicking that button and bringing in funds makes it all worthwhile.

If there’s anything about your current payment processor that bugs you — and it may be that your business is expanding beyond this processor’s capacity — here are a few payment processing tools you may consider.

These vary from simple to complex, starting with those that are good for freelancers with simple, streamlined businesses and progressing to those for entrepreneurs with a line of goods for sale online. Click Here to Read Article …

8 Tips for Closing Gaps in Your Resume

8 Tips for Closing Gaps in Your Resume

Have you ever had to create a resume for a new job but end up struggling to fill your employment gaps?

Filling employment gaps is considered to be one of the most difficult tasks for job seekers around the world.

They can feel the pressure of competition against those who have perfect employment history adorning their resumes.

Why is it essential to remove employment gaps in your resume? Employers perceive those gaps as an inconsistent employment record.

By working on your employment gaps, you’re taking some productive measures to change that perception of prospective recruiters. Here are a few ways to do just that: Click Here to Read Article …

What You Need to Know About Workplace Injuries

What You Need to Know About Workplace Injuries

Although you might think “it won’t ever happen to me,” workplace accidents and injuries are an all too common occurrence.

Indeed, according to 2013-2014 statistics released by the Health and Safety Executive body, over that year 1.2 million working people suffered from a work-related illness in Great Britain.

Some 28.2 million working days were lost due to work-related illness and workplace injury.

From lacerations, burns and soft tissue damage to spinal injuries, electrocutions and broken bones, the list of injuries that can be caused by accidents or other issues in the workplace are long.

If you were to suffer from an illness or injury caused through your job, it’s important that you know the next steps to take, and what your rights and responsibilities are when it comes to seeking a personal injury claim.

Read on for the lowdown on what qualifies as a workplace injury and how you can go about seeking compensation if required. Click Here to Read Article …

Why Students and Professionals Should Choose a Coding Diploma Program

Why Students and Professionals Should Choose a Coding Diploma Program

In the 2012-2020 Employment Projections released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on December 19, 2013, an expected annual growth rate of 2.6 percent was recorded for the health care and social assistance sector.

From 2012 to 2022, demand for five million more jobs would follow.

In terms of occupations, four groups were expected to see growth of more than 20 percent, which was twice the overall rate.

The groups were 28.1 percent for healthcare support occupations, 21.5 percent for healthcare practitioners and technical occupations, 21.4 percent for construction and extraction occupations and 20.9 percent for personal care and service occupations.

With more than half of the occupational groups belonging to the healthcare and personal care industry, it’s clear that demand for a workforce that’s technically skilled and proficient will dominate the job market for the next ten years. Click Here to Read Article …

7 Job Search Tips for Introverts

7 Job Search Tips for Introverts

The question that bothers many, if not all, introverts, is this:

How can you maximize your chances of lucrative employment with the hurdles caused by your personality?

While some may feel discouraged, many realize that instead of losing hope they can create success.

You are wrong if you think that you will be left behind in the race for success just because you are an introvert.

There are millions like you enjoying the job they’ve always dreamed of. Click Here to Read Article …