It seems like every day there are hundreds of new web apps telling you how to be more productive. With so many choices, how are you ever expected to find one that actually works for you? That is the question Scott Purcell asked himself, spurring the creation of Productivewebapps.com.
He emphasizes this point on the website, saying, “Until now there has been no one place where you could go to search, compare, rate and comment on hundreds of web apps like Productive Web Apps does.” So, the question is, will this make your life easier?
The Good
From layout to ease of use, this site does very well for itself. As anyone who frequently surfs the web will know, there are more bad sites out there than good. Whether it’s confusing, slow or just plain un-informative, a bad website is annoying and a waste of time. Productive Web Apps, however, is none of these things.
Before you even begin to compare and sort through the apps, you are already a little more in the know.
- The front page has a scrolling featurette of the newest and best applications.
- The Highest Rated Apps widget is a great glimpse and go aspect. The simple star system tells you right away that the apps are a go.
- The recent listings are great for the frequent user. Without delving into the depths of the site you can see what is new, and what’s good. Small snippets of description allow you to go no further, if you just don’t have the time.
From fitness to business, games to organization, you will know about it all.
- With more than 10 categories to choose from, the site does a great job of helping you separate play from work.
- Sorting inside each category makes the process that much easier. Sort by date, rating, popularity and alphabetical. If you want to see the most popular first, sort appropriately.
The most important part; learn which application isn’t a waste of your over-booked time.
- All of the apps proudly boast their rating with the simple star system. One star = no good, 5 stars = you gotta to have it.
- Whether you agree or disagree, it’s simple to give your opinion. Hover over the rating, and click. Simple as that.
You can easily read about the rating thanks to a small clip of description. You also have the option to get more details.
The Bad
While the site presents itself as a valuable service to anyone with a smart phone, from the application addict to the casual user, there is just one thing missing. This, in my opinion, is the most important piece of the puzzle. While it is a missing piece you can move past, it is somewhat of a hindrance.
Although the site effectively rates, sorts and presents a variety of applications in an efficient and easy to use way, price remains a mystery.
- You cannot sort the apps by price, which can be a deciding factor between two other-wise identical applications.
- Nowhere in the description is a price given. I think this is deserving of its own spot, similar to the features list.
The only pricing you’ll find on the site is for application entrepreneurs. For $50, app developers can submit their site for review, and be featured on the home page for a month. Purcell sees this as the best way to get your app noticed in a crowded room.
While the site has already proved to be a very complete listing of what is available on the application market now, Purcell has the website’s future in his sights. In an interview with Shoestringventure.com, he explained, “Our main goal for the future (2-3 years) is that we can become the ‘go-to’ place for people searching for web applications.”
Between the good and the bad, the site is certainly satisfying a growing need. Without having to sign up, sign in or link to your Facebook, you can read browse all the listings you want. With very few services at such quick disposal these days, I’d say Productive Web Apps get an A-.