Displaying All Posts tagged with Networking

7 Ways to Network on LinkedIn

7 Ways to Network on LinkedIn

Getting to know people in real life may be easy, but connecting with complete strangers online in hopes of gaining something from the exchange can be quite challenging.

It’s funny how every other advice-giver seems to love saying, “Make sure you network,” or “Try building connections,” without offering other pieces of crucial information concerning how on earth to do that!

The advice, it seems, is usually incomplete.

Every other Bob and Barbara knows that the networking game plays a major role when it comes to professions or career advancement.

What they can’t seem to figure out is how to approach a random stranger online and actually get them to trust what they have to say. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Get Headhunted Online: 5 Ways

How to Get Headhunted Online: 5 Ways

Perhaps you are looking towards a future career move but are unsure how to start the process, because chances are that your future career opportunities lie in the hands of ‘headhunters‘ aka executive search specialists.

There are in fact many similarities between marketing yourself and that of a company, yet even marketing professionals do not do as they will advise all clients.

Instead of falling into the masses, how do you stand-out and differentiate yourself from ‘normal‘. Even though the initial contact and availability is out of your hands, what can you do to increase your chances of someone recruiting you online? Click Here to Read Article …

Top Three Mistakes that Keep You Unemployed

Top Three Mistakes that Keep You Unemployed

Technically, there are hundreds of ways to sabotage (literally) a job search campaign, but for the purpose of this discussion, I will restrict myself to three common mistakes most job seekers make that keep them unemployed.

Over the past few months, I have observed a steady and measurable increase in the number of candidates finding “meaningful” employment opportunities. This is certainly a refreshing change from the horrendous unemployment stories we have heard since the 2008 Financial Debacle. Though positive, the outlook for the economy is still volatile and everything that goes into a job search campaign must be perfected to the nth degree. Click Here to Read Article …

3 Lessons My Horse Taught Me about Networking

3 Lessons My Horse Taught Me about Networking

They gave me the most stubborn horse in the whole ranch. His name was Ben. And Ben was a big, beautiful, brown and white horse. At the time, I never thought Ben would teach me so much about networking.

After we set off into the foothills of the Rocky Mountains for a two-hour trail ride, I quickly realized that Ben was more than a handful for a novice rider like me. And so I learned a few new things about riding a horse. . . Click Here to Read Article …

Popular search terms for this article:

stubborn horse

Networking Tips for Freelancers

Networking Tips for Freelancers

The idea of working at home is a dream for a lot of people and for good reason. Let’s face it: Who doesn’t like the idea of staying indoors in a nice warm house on a cold snowy winter day when everyone else is scraping ice off their windows so they can make a long slow commute during rush hour?

Problem is, there are some downsides to working at home, and I’m not talking about the obvious ones such as getting distracted or trying to constantly get away from home and work. I’m talking about something that can seriously hurt your professional career if you let it.

In business, it’s all about who you know and who you can call when you need a favor; you can’t put a price on having a good friend in your industry who will help you out in a jam. Networking is not hard if you work in a large office building with lots of people around who you talk to daily or at least occasionally. Working at home however is another story. Click Here to Read Article …

Popular search terms for this article:

networking tips

How to Network Like a Law Student

How to Network Like a Law Student

Law students have their work cut out for them. The economy doesn’t have jobs for them, the public refers to them as “ambulance chasers” (at least the personal injury ones) and law school only teaches them theoretical topics that will be useless to the firms hiring them.

You’re pretty much useless straight out of law school, since the firm that hires you (if you’re lucky) will spend most of its time training you to do the tasks that they need you for. And that’s just if you’re in the top percentile of your class. If you’re an extraordinary extra-curricular law student that is involved in every aspect of the social scene but do not have straight A’s…well, you’re pretty much passed over in the job hunt.

So what’s someone going to do to make some contacts?

Network. Network like crazy. Because people like friendly, out-going people that are easy to communicate with.
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Popular search terms for this article:

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Awesome Links #7: Defeating Distractions, Blog Boosting, Freelancing Fees

The 7 Secrets of Running a Wildly Popular Blog
A top direct marketing copywriter shares his tips on using personality and likeability to build your blog’s popularity.

20 Strategies to Defeat the Urge to Do Useless Tasks
Ever find yourself refreshing Facebook or cleaning out your desk instead of doing what’s really important? Read this post!

Three Reasons You’re Not Charging What You’re Worth
Many freelancers and other self-employed folks sell themselves short, but this post shows them how to break this habit and start charging more.

5 Ways To Boost Your Best Business Relationship
These days, finding a job or getting promoted is all about relationships, and this post shows you simple ways to strengthen those contacts.

Freelance Decor: 6 Motivational Posters from the Movies
Lastly, we bring you a fun, light-hearted post from our sister site, FreelanceSwitch, with humorous motivational posters. Click Here to Read Article …

8 Tips For Creating Cool Business Cards

“Have we met? I’m sorry that I don’t remember. I meet a lot of people at these things. When I get home, I review the business cards I collect and try to remember who everyone is.”

(pregnant pause)

“Oh…you didn’t have a card? That’s probably why I don’t remember you. Sorry…my mind isn’t what it used to be. I need all the help I can get.”

Cool business cards matter. In this golden age of online social networks and contact-filled cell phone, business cards still are proof you’re serious about business. They’re badges of authenticity and extensions of your brand.

Yeah, that’s a lot pressure to put on a sliver of paper. But there are some basic things you can do to make sure your cards can carry all that weight.

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Popular search terms for this article:

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