Displaying All Posts tagged with productivity tips

5 Tips to Find Time in Your Day

find time

My company recently surveyed our software users about their workday behaviors.

The results confirmed what many of you probably already suspect:

The 40-hour work week is a thing of the past.

Eighty-eight percent of survey respondents answered that they work more than 40 hours each week, and 21 percent of respondents worked beyond 50 hours each week.

For better or worse, the “always on” capabilities of smartphones, email and cloud productivity apps blur the lines between our personal and professional lives.

While companies reap many benefits from an increasingly plugged-in workforce, long hours take a toll on worker morale and personal well-being.

An exhausted, frustrated workforce ultimately causes negative business results — stopping growth and success in its tracks.

Smart business practices help workers to be more productive. Here are five productivity tips to help you reclaim personal time every day. Click Here to Read Article …

6 Tips to Add Time to Your 24/7 Work Schedule

“I don’t have time for this!”

How many times do you say that every day? Likely too many. Many of us keep wondering how we can squeeze in some extra time during our 24/7 work schedule to help reduce the long list of pending tasks.

Well, the number of hours in the day are not going to increase. So, it’s up to you to create that extra time you need. The following six tips will get you started on making the most of the time you do have.

1. Stop Multitasking

If you think multitasking will get things done faster, think again. Focusing on one thing at a time is a more productive thing to do. You’ll end up finishing tasks faster.

2. Outsource Your Non-Core Tasks

Learning how to delegate work is something I’ve already recommended. Don’t try to do everything yourself. Get help.

3. Outsource Chores

Outsourcing chores and errands would be a good idea as well. There are services like DoMyStuff that help you with it.

4. Simplify

Try to simplify all the areas of your life – be it your home, your office, the tools you use everyday, things you consume…everything. Focus on eliminating non-essential items that suck up your time.

5. Focus On Quality

As James Chartrand mentioned in a previous WorkAwesome post, being productive in the real sense means focusing on quality instead of quantity.

6. Work from Home

If your commute time is significant, you could ask your boss to let you work from home. If you can convince her that you’ll be more productive, she might agree. Click Here to Read Article …

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16 Tips for Being Productive While Working From Home

I work from home. My friends think I am the luckiest. I have all the time in the world. I don’t need to commute everyday. My work’s easy. I can go out whenever I want. Great life, right?

I wish all of that was true.

Despite the benefits of working from home, it is no less challenging than an office job. In fact, I’d argue that working from home is more difficult because it’s not always easy to alienate your family from your work. Also, since there’s no boss screaming all the time, you could easily fall into the procrastination trap. Haven’t you experienced that? I bet, you have. Being productive while getting things done from home isn’t as easy as it looks. In this article, I explore 16 ways that could help you work smartly if you are one of us. Most of the tips come from my personal experience of working from home for over two years. Hope you find them useful. Click Here to Read Article …

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